The JWs still blind to the implications of the 1995 generation change

by greendawn 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • betterdaze

    ***Do you have any comments, personal experiences or those of others on this issue?*** I was LAUGHED AT in my Knowledge Book study by a pioneer sister who was baptized shortly after this change. She told me "SOME" people wanted to believe this, but they were clearly wrong in THEIR understanding, and she kindly went about "re-adjusting" me. Like I was crazy and clinging to some false belief the Society never taught. Or worse: making it up. People, I was "inculcated" with the 1914 Generation teaching since I was a small child in the early '70s. It was drummed into me all my life and gave me hope that Armageddon was coming any day now. It was one of the reasons, in my 30s, why I started studying again. I had lost my grandparents, who lived into their 90s, and they were in that age group "that would never die." I should have booted her butt to the doorstep then. Imagine, I grew up in the Truth and accepted all the teachings... then this newbie comes in years later and basically tells me I am either a fool or a liar or both. Yet, she is a pioneer married to an 18-year Bethelite elder, now an MS in the local congregation. They are untouchable JW Royalty. I am scum for not getting baptized in my youth. What the heck could I possibly know anyway? Jehovah's chariot was moving forward all along and I was not with it. Sorry if I belay bitterness... it was so difficult to keep a mild spirit at the time because I literally had the rug torn out from underneath me with this change. Today, I realize we WERE BOTH DUPED and forgive her as a both a sincere teacher and spiritual sister. Her husband, 3rd generation JW, is a questionable fellow since I know she went to him about it and it was quickly swept back "under the rug" for me as we kept re-weaving WT tales according to "present" knowledge. Thanks to all at JWD for clarifying this very serious, yet clearly wrong, teaching. I am no longer stumbled by it, but hope to use it to stumble others as I go forward. It is a weapon in my hands that Jah himself handed me, and I intend to wield it as such. ~Sue

  • LongHairGal

    Yes most of them are in denial about the whole thing and those that came in after wouldn't know the difference. Back then I was not surprised that it happened because they were running out of time with their 1914 teaching so something had to give. But, I still felt like I was sucker-punched when this article came out.

    What really got me was the fact that they didn't make any special announcement, etc. They just slipped it in really sneaky which is typical. They are masters at insulting people's intelligence. They must imagine people have no long term memory and wouldn't notice.

    Weeks and months afterwards there were discussions here and there and some people tried to put a positive spin on the whole thing by saying "the end could come at any time". People were still shell-shocked soon after but there was a delayed reaction. And never mind the nonsense about saying people were serving only for a date. That is not true. They simply would have made better plans.

    Now, what I see eleven years down the line are many people GONE. I am sure it is because of this disappointment coupled with the anti-climax of the Y2K/millennium excitement. People just woke up and decided they couldn't take any more of this. Sitting on the edge of your seat is one thing, but finding out you were doing it for nothing is something else entirely.


  • Morocco

    LongHairGal, you said something I was actually going to say, but didn't. They snuck it in. No big announcement. I figured out why. It's because if they made an announcement, there would be a big stink. People will remember stink. If people fuss over a published announcement, and it gets out of control like 1975, then they will have to devote more PRINTED words to calm them down in their new explanation. More printed words means more ways to catch them. To get the job done, quietly, with as few words and articles as possible, is their goal. This is done so that the damage is minimum. It makes me so angry – not for myself but for my friends and family who believe.

  • LongHairGal


    Yes, they just sneaked it in. I couldn't believe it!

    By the way, I think this topic is under the wrong category.


  • Morocco

    sorry :O did I hijack the post? -- if I did then I offer my apologies

  • choosing life
    choosing life

    When I saw the change in the Watchtower, i was stunned. I was having doubts when I came into the organization and was looking them up in encyclopedias. One of them said that one of the Witnesses beliefs was the generation that saw 1914 would see the end of the world as we know it. I told myself then, if this doesn't happen, then I will know they are wrong.

    It still took me 10 years to totally leave the organization. But I never really trusted them after that. I have tried to find that publication, but was never able to. I don't know if they updated their info or what, but I know I read it.

  • LongHairGal


    No, I didn't mean you I meant the first poster. This forum is the child abuse forum. This topic of the 1995 generation change should be in another area IMO.


  • Zico

    According to the anointed 1935 doctrine, the end should still be very close. Especially seeing that Jehovah doesn't use predestination, and couldn't have known that replacements would have occured, he should have planned to end this System before the 1935 anointed ran out and couldn't look after his Organisation anymore.

    When they change this doctrine though (Which I expect them to do eventually) then there is absolutely NOTHING that can put a time limit on how close the end is, according to their timelines.

  • OnTheWayOut

    Zico, that's funny. I would not expect any doctrinal change on the 1935 thing. Doctrine that's not constantly repeated is forgotten.
    Except the ex-JW's, nobody really remembers the 1935 stuff. I cannot even explain it without looking it up, I doubt there's much
    written about it, if anything.

  • Zico


    That's true, it is rarely mentioned now, I have spoken to several JW's about 1935 and few of the younger ones know about it. Though in less than 10 years every member of the GB will be a post -35 anointed. I'd find it strange for them to let it continue as official doctrine, but perhaps they'll just not mention it anymore.

    I don't think it's in the Bible Teach book, so they already seem to be fading it out.

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