The JWs still blind to the implications of the 1995 generation change

by greendawn 44 Replies latest watchtower child-abuse

  • parakeet

    ***Their R&F do not seem to be very intelligent ... ***

    Intelligence has nothing to do with it. The JWs' emotional need to believe is so great that it shuts down their intelligence. I've known some otherwise very intelligent JWs.

  • blondie

    The last convention my hubby and I attended a few years ago - there was a brother on the platform who was talking about the 1995 change. This is his exact words "It was at first hard for me to change MY wrong view of the meaning of this generation. But upon prayer to Jehovah and direction from the faithful slave, I eventually let go of MY long held view and accepted the truth of what this generation means. Thank Jehovah!"

    I immediately looked to my hubby and he looked back at me. Then I said with the loudest voice "what does he mean HIS wrong view? The society taught that in all their publications and told us to teach it too". We all know this was not a personal view.

    I wish someone has said something stupid like that at a convention I was at. I would have left 5 years earlier.


  • lovelylil


    we almost didn't go to that convention but I believe we got really lucky. That statement helped us exit a lot faster. My hubby compares it to what friends were saying about the 1975 and how the society blamed the r&f themselves. It just clicked that here they were doing it again. We could not believe it - you should have seen the look on our faces. Lilly

  • enlightenedcynic

    Another factor is that most dubs don't thoroughly read through wt literature and do research into old printings. I have had friends tell me that they cannot keep up with all the literature and barely are able to skim through the wt study article and book study lessons. That is exactly what the society is counting on by them publishing so much literature. They know that the majority of the r&f have no time to read all of their bull***t and no time to go back and compare older literature. The start of my exit from this cult came when I started to look back through older publications and saw the utter nonsense that God's "channel" was printing. Maybe it is simplistic thinking, but to me, the key to reaching our family and friends still in bondage is to get them to look at and examine the org's literary history.


    P.S. I know that going through really old literature is discouraged by the brothers....I was once chastized by an elder for looking at wt literature from the 20's that was in the KINGDOM HALL LIBRARY....
    but as I reasoned with my wife..why have it available if it is not to be read and discussed?

  • greendawn

    What a mind numbing stupidity the JW talks as if he had himself independantly arrived at the wrong belief whereas it was the FDS that instilled it in him after having in earlier days (1878-1914) claimed that 1914 was going to be the end of all human governments.

    It's like when they say that those refusing blood do so on their own accord as if it weren't the WTS that persuaded/compelled them to do so.

  • Warlock

    It took me about 10 years to fully realize the implications of that generation change. When I think about it now, maybe it was just the way the whole change was introduced to the R&F. It was really not a big deal when we studied it in the W.T.

    I really don't get how it was just accepted basically without question, and I am included in that group.


  • OnTheWayOut
    It was really not a big deal when we studied it in the W.T.

    I have to agree. It is my major issue, but it took me a long time to do anything about it. Many people did not even notice its importance at the time, nor really cared about the implications, later.

  • daystar

    Greendawn, I don't think it has anything to do with intelligence. Iannacconne has observed that otherwise perfectly rational, intelligent people can fall victim to such cognitive dissonance relatively easily when it comes to matters of faith.

    I was utterly floored by the "generation change" when I found out about it around 2000. Then again, I'd been out for 9 years. If I'd still been in, I may very well have towed the line just like the rest, bending my logic to allow for this irrationality.

  • JH

    I truly believed what the watchtower taught about the last days and this generation, UNTIL They changted their definition of what a generation is.......back in 1995


    The younger JW`s know nothing about any of this.It dosen`t exist for them...OUTLAW

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