My Mini Van was stolen last night!! (long)

by ButtLight 65 Replies latest jw friends

  • bebu
    Sue 'em until the school has to shut down.

    Great. Make the school shut down, and make the WHOLE COMMUNITY PAY for what a few people did.

    No one should have told you that you cannot access the information. I'd risk the ticket, and then challenge it in court.

    Most likely, it was a prank. An abject apology would be sufficient, I think, if you let them know you'd accept one. And tell them you would appreciate NOT being threatened with a ticket for just asking for information the cops said you should be able to receive.


  • bikerchic

    Well Buttlight I raised three boys and the rule about using the family vehicle was that they could use it as long as they were responsible as soon as we saw otherwise that privilege was gone, period. Then the only driving they did was with one of us in the car with them and or until they saved their own money and bought a car for themselves and was able to also pay the insurance on it. None of them had to resort to the latter.

    Well, we did blame him, we told him strait out that it wouldnt happen if he didnt leave the key in the vehical. But that staff member had to search though that van to find the key. There is no way he could have known Chris kept it hidden in the center console!

    Also, Chris walked out this morning into the area he had the van parked, he told me that there is NO signs saying staff parking.

    Not that I am defending my son on this, but we live in a very small town. We never lock our car doors. Should we? Probably, especially now!

    Besides under the seat the console or ash tray would be first on my list to look for a key!

    I still say you have a case of illegal entry and stolen vehicle and I would pursue that, get a lawyer!

    I lived in a small town for over 30 years and NEVER left my car unlocked even in my driveway! I lock everything all the time! Thief's are opportunistic and an unlocked vehicle, house, garage, or whatever is just asking for trouble. Most insurances will not cover for damage if you've left your home or car unlocked or left the keys in it. It's for your protection, why pay for insurance and then be the cause of it not covering your loss?

    LOL, have you noticed North Americans (apart from Bikerchic) seem to have a different opinion on this to us Brits?



  • Dansk



    Just promise me one thing. If you do decide to sue take it before Judge Judy. We get the programme over here!


  • ButtLight

    What a bunch of crap. My son is home now. The place where he parked, he has had no problem parking "in that area", and even had the auto shop teacher's permission to park there. The kids who take auto class, park their cars back there all the time, to work on them in class!

    My son said he told the Principal that he would be back later with me, thats when the principal said "ok, then we will be giving you a ticket!"

    First off, doesnt that ticket have to be issued at the time its in the parking space? Or not. The staff member is not a teacher, he wouldnt give him his name, but told him that the comes to the school at 2:00 pm everyday. Chris is in LD classes, and his teacher is very protective of him, and always helps him in everything. He was extremely mad, according to chris, and told chris to leave the school for a while, go to mcdonalds and come back! And he stormed down to the office.

    Another teacher there said that she has had problems with this same person that moved my van also!

    Of course its really not worth it to pursue this. I think that will just cause future problems for Chris in school, and with the police. I will get all the documents, and pictures, for backup. If we get a parking ticket, that wont be the end of it, it will be the beginning! I will take the 10 dollar parking ticket! Then they will be in for a surprize!

  • bikerchic
    Of course its really not worth it to pursue this.

    Of course it's worth pursuing, bigger picture is what it will teach your boy! That lesson is huge! Besides you do have a case, laws were broken, get a lawyer!

  • blondie

    Well, Buttlight, I have no children, but raised my younger half siblings...2 boys. Your son showed bad judgment to park in a spot he shouldn't park in, leave it unlocked, with the keys in it. The "hiding" place is the first place I would have looked.

    The teacher and administration should have called the police and it did waste the police's valuable time thinking it was a theft but I don't think it removes your son's responsibility in this matter. If my half-brothers had done this, their driving privileges would have been removed until they could buy their own vehicle and pay the insurance.

    I hope he has learned not to park in a teacher's parking spot at school and not to leave the car unlocked with the keys in it, "hidden" or not. My experience is that parking spots at schools are a premium item.

    As to any legal action, I think it would be more cost-effective to try to find a way to work it out without that. Your son could apologize for parking in the teacher's spot and perhaps they will realize that they should have called the police and may apologize. Is there someone in the police department or school system that could act as a mediator.


    (BTW, if you are judging 300,000,000 million people in the US by the people on JWD, I'm surprised)

  • JH

    The school is giving a BAD example to the kids.

    A school is a place to TEACH youngsters how to do things legally and righfully, not take the law into your hands like they did by moving the car illegally.

    I would even add that they are BULLYING your son by doing this to him.

    And with the cops blessings !!!

  • mouthy

    I would pursue it-no questions asked. How DARE they think they can get away with that??????????????

    The only thing about that is. If your son has been in trouble with the Police before -They will not give him a minuits rest, I knew a U.S.A cop who became a JW (.Harold Boa.)... The stories he told us when he left the force would blow your mind. I am not saying ALL cops are like this but if it is a small town & they didnt help in this instance why wouldnt they try to"do him" again????Just my 2 cents. ...I have a Grand-daughter Bi-polar. ----they can become quite a "cover over ' of what they did. Maybe he left the key in veiw. Not that excuses the thief.. because that is what the mover of the car was. But you want your son to be kept safe .my advice is to pray about what you should do,( you asked I gave my opinion)

  • JH

    If the van had an alarm system and it would have went off, I wonder if the one who moved the van would have stead there and kept on trying to move it away while the alarm was going off.

    He moved it because he knows no one was looking....

  • ButtLight

    I appreciate all the advice!

    I will post the pictures when I get back from the school, so you can all see what I mean by where he was parked. In the front of the school, there are two parking lots. The one closest to the school, is for staff and guests. And each spot is marked with a sign. The big one further away is for students. The one in the back, as far as I can remember, and from what both my teens told me, is not marked one way or the other!

    This whole issue isnt anything more to me than the fact that I dont feel this person in anyway shape or form, had the right to move it. Even if it were a staff parking spot, there is an officer at the school at all times to dish out tickets!

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