New Urban Legend! Anyone heard about Hormel?

by gaiagirl 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • ballistic
    ballistic they are worried about this particular variety...

    I wonder if the will come out of the closet about their secret recipe?

  • El Kabong
    El Kabong

    he he he .. meat in a can....

  • joe_black

    I always wondered why the Hormel sausage smelled and tasted odd, lol.

  • cyd0099

    mmmm.... jiggling, gelatenous meat substance. Cyd, of the "Hormelsexual and proud of it" class

  • Jeffro
    I would hate to pop open a can of spam, look inside, and find that I was a woman trapped in a man's body.

    This comment ignores the distinction between 'gender confusion' and 'sexual attraction', which are separate concepts.

  • Jeffro


    Hormel, the makers of canned chili and other foods, is run by homosexuals Phew ... that explains it. At least now I know. I always thought that the "sauce" stuck to the top of the cans had a particularly odd taste.

    Do homosexuals produce some kind of substance that heterosexuals do not?

  • katiekitten
    faith in a God Who's bigger than their groceries


    Surely we should conduct a clinical trial. I suggest 60 volunteers from the site agree to be divided randomly into 3 groups. One group will eat Hormel spam, one group will eat another leading brand spam and a control group will eat, oh I dunno, pizzas. Each product will be eaten daily for a month, then we will have an apostofest and a team of psychologists will assess whether each person displays homosexual tendencies or not.

    This is clearly a very important issue that I thnk the queens at Hormel will be willing to fund.

  • fullofdoubtnow
    everything gives off something" and that the food would be tainted by some kind of deviant unnatural vibes because the owners/employees were deviant and following an unnatural lifestyle.

    The guy that runs our local chinese takeaway is gay, so we'll have to find another one I guess, can't be too careful. It's a pity that, I've always enjoyed having his balls. (chicken ones, that is)

  • katiekitten

    Yeah youd better be careful, specially as you are getting married soon. You wouldnt want a no 73 with fried rice to turn you queeh at this late stage!

  • rebel8

    Happy birthday, KatieKitten!!! (I volunteer to be in the control group.)

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