Ritchie, I'm so sorry!
Saw My Mother!!!
by RichieRich 43 Replies latest jw friends
Hang in there Richie
Dear Richie,
I was very hurt when my parents disowned me over this religion. I did self destructive things. I was very angry. I hated that cult and the main reason I left at the time was because of my parents even though I loved them very much. As some may know here, I have not seen my dad since October 1992, and my mom and I did not see each other from 1992-2000 when we reunited in Arizona. She eventually was disfellowshipped and is no longer a JW. It was a dream come true. I know 100% how you feel. I understand that it hurts very much. All I can say is, it takes time. I don't feel angry anymore, I just feel sorry for my dad now, he's the one losing out on so much and wasting his life.
troubledmind said:
Listen to Sherri , it's very good advice . It is a positive approach and a healthy way to extend your inner love you have for your mom. Rich do you still have your Grandparents ? Can you talk with them ? If you can get as much family love from them as you can it just may help you deal with missing your mom so much . Becareful and don't allow yourself to fall into the quagmire of resentfulness and bitterness. When these feelings come up replace them by doing something postive and uplifting for yourself or someoe close to you.
I too agree w/some of Sherri's advice. As Granny Grace said flowers do cost a lot (not that that in itself is an issue here), but I think a note/card would test the waters so to speak. Go from there. You don't want to come groveling to her. You want her respecting that you have the right to make your own choices just as she has made hers. And now you would like to have an adult to adult relationship.
I'm sure your mom is also in a lot of pain like you, but perhaps is afraid to show it because of the "rules" of this damn religion. You have been very brave and made the break. I know that you can be strong in this next "phase".
I thought that also was good advice about talking w/grandpa who you went with on the Alaskan cruise. Try to stay positive and reach out to others who will help you remain positive. Also perhaps volunteer to help other young people who are having similar issues w/their family though not JWs.
You have a lot inside of you to share w/others. Helping others does help ourselves.
I wish you the best Rich. Thanks for turning to us for some help.
I know what you mean.
I too can't believe how much my memories of my mom can cause such sadness. Did you ever acknowledge her message she left you the other day?
hang in there Richie.
-freedomlover -
If you could get together with a counselor once a week. I know it helps, and it’s always good to be reminded that we are the sane ones.
To live ones life in a dream only becomes tragic upon the awakening.
Sorry Richie! I know what its like! I guess alot of us have been through the same thing. Hang in there kid!
Richie..Your reliving my life..Same story,different generation..How many times has this story been repeated...OUTLAW
Good Girl or Bad Girl?
Oh Richie! I know how you feel too! I'm so sorry, honey!!! Hang in there; you are a good person. I hope our mamas come around someday. Mine broke my heart this weekend. She's never been so cold before. I'm here for you, Richie.
An added note to my post....back in 1992 to earlier this year, I did not know about this site, so I really did not have a common bond with people that were or who went through the same thing, the people that I knew were so wonderful but they did not understand, but you have many people here to give you encourgement. I am not saying that the hurt or the anger goes away because of JWD, I guess I am just saying, I wish I would have discovered it earlier.
My parents broke my heart many times while I was in the org and out, they were so cold. But they were and are (Dad only now) are so fricken brainwashed, they lived in a bubble, such a waste.