When are ex-jws/Apostates going to get on with their lives?

by booker-t 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • RR

    Yeah, you people need to get a life!!!!


  • chiddy

    Dont be like that , we are doing a life saving work as well , saving people from this dangerous , murderous cult, we need all the strength and energy we can get .And by venting at certain times this can only help

  • Sunspot

    I can't speak for anyone else (well....I could but I won't) but I left the WTS seven years ago this month....

    ...and when the ripple effect of WTS shunning and the pain it STILL causes by friends and relatives that I have to deal with....who feel compelled to be cruel and hateful towards me....


    ...then maybe I will find things much easier to put behind me once and for all.

    Annie......who heartily agrees with what AlanF posted.....

  • inbyathread

    I didn't go to the First ABC fest held here in WI last year because like you I didn't want to spend a day with disgruntled, angry, people who didn't have anything else in their miserable lives to do other than rant and vent about how The Society™ ruined their lives.

    I did go to the second fest held this last summer and I had a wonderful time. We did have a short (40 minutes maybe) period that 'experiences' were mentioned. No one was angry, the comments were said now in a way that we could chuckle about them. "Boy were we ever stupid for believing that one, Har Har" It was also informational to new ones that never really dedicated themselves but came for some knowledge about the truth™.

    My personal thought is that someone who leaves the cult and drowns him or herself with work or school or activities to shut out the painful memories of the cult is just living in denial. It is just as bad as those still in, believing that they live in a spiritual paradise, just waiting for Jehovah to sweep Satan and the worlds masses away and leave the world peaceful and clean for his chosen few.

    You can't fix what you don't acknowledge.

  • exwitless

    I can understand the viewpoints from both directions, and I agree with most of what's been said about everyone needing to deal with his/her loss in his/her own way. I find it an interesting phenomenon that the WTS continues to have this much power over some former JWs. It shows me how horribly the WTS entangles itself in each person's mind and thought processes, so that when we try to tear the WTS away, a little part of us goes with it. I don't know of any other world-wide religions that have created such a negative impact on its former members as the WTS has. (Just FYI, I DA'd myself 3 weeks ago)

  • Finally-Free
    But what I don't understand is when a person has been out for over 10 years why do they still bash the WTS?

    Yeah, I'm sure 10 years is more than enough to forget the beloved family members who have been torn away from us, to grieve for our unlived wasted lives, get over the abuses, and just start over again as though nothing had happened.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    I was out for 10 years before I discovered the real truth about the WTS. In that time I went to college, then university, established a non-profit organization tio hekp survivors of abuse and raised two children. I got on with life but mostly I hid my WT past.

    Then I got the internet and a simple question from a friend opened Pandora's box and I got angry.

    But where do you go with that anger? No one really understands. The only person I knew who was DFed was an alcoholic so he wasn't exactly the person to help me understand and process what happened to me for 22 years.

    People will be angry. Not only for the lost years but also for lost family, lost opportunities, lost youth. I think when they get together that it is perfectly normal that many wiull be releasing that anger with the only people they meet who might understand and even share those feelings.

    Walking into a meeting with what seems to be a lot of angry people doesn't mean these people haven't moved on with their lives. All it means is they have found a place where they can let it out. More power to them.

    If it isn't what you are looking for then sure, leave and find another group or create one.

    We all have different needs and we all go through various stages of recovery. And depending on how many family members we have left behind we may go back and forth through the stages for a very long time. But those meetings are simply one moment in a month where these people get to unload. Don't hold it against them

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff

    I find it interesting BookerT, that you spent 2 hours with negative people, and now find it necessary to 'bash' them. I spent 43 years believing them, and you expect me not to bash them for stealing my education, years of my life, my entire life-view molded around a LIE! I will heal in my own due time, dammit!

    I am glad you healed so well. But I know persons who lost children due to the blood policy, lost thier mates when they rejected the religion, lost their self-respect due to a pedophile hiding in the religion, lost children and grandchildren and uncles and aunts to the 'shunning rules', some who have lost their lives due to depression and feeling that they could never 'please Jehovah' so committed suicide.

    I am sure that most are here with the hope of having a life free of this baggage someday - but shedding decades of lies and misrepresentation is not like dropping a cloak for most of us, mate!


  • chiddy

    excellent point finally free

  • sf
    the main reason that makes it hard to get over being upset with the JW's {THAT ENDORSE AND PREACH WATCHTOWERS LETHAL DOCTRINES/ POLICIES} is the effects that are still are going on in a-lot of people's lives


    CARLA!!! Exactly. What is he doing NOW to help others and their children from ever entering into this lethal organization?

    I'd say if he were truly 'over it' there would have been no NEED to even post on this forum, ever again. Especially if it was a negative experience.

    Why preach about negativity with negativity? Doesn't make sense. "Bashing" exjws about exjws "bashing" the lethal organization known as JEHOVAHS WITNESSES.

    Booker-t, I don't think you really got rid of your baggage. You just gave it away. It's still out there. Somewhere.


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