Sex before marriage = a miserable marriage according to WTBTS!

by Gill 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Amazing

    Hi Gill,

    Good post, thanks. Pre-marital sex has about the same effect on the future marriage as does no-sex before marriage ... no real impact. The problem with pre-marital sex has more to do with committment, and potential for disease. However, many marriages where there was no-sex beford hand have fallen apart, been filled with agnst and hurt every bit as much as any other marriage. What makes a last marriage is not the sex, but the personal committment that "both" husband and wife have toward one another. The strength a couple has to stay together is not because they resisted wrong acts, (although such resistence is good) but because they so deeply love one another, and are willing to forgive and forget ... something that the Watchtower Society does not understand how to do. No, the Society even keeps DFing records long after a person has died.

    Jim Whitney

  • done4good

    In my experience, the whole no premarital sex thing the WT advocates CAUSES more problems in a marriage than it solves.


  • earthtone

    Then if a girl understandingly takes care of herself while the ovum is at large and is causing sex disturbance and cravings within her, she will be able to act like a true lady of irreproachable morals at all times.

    Sounds like they are advocating masturbation to me...........

  • lilybird

    I know that back in the 1970's when all the young ones like ourselves were getting marrried, it was usually just because they wanted to have sex. Not because they necessarily loved the person. After the excitement of new sex wore off, they had to actually live a life with the person. Many of the marriages ended in divorce or ones leaving the org. I remember one young brother who discovered that there is life after sex, actually told his young sister to get a hotel room instead of getting married. She didn't listen and her marriage ended in divorce several years later.Seems to me that waiting to have sex until after you are married almost guarantees a failed or at least miserable marriage..

  • Highlander

    So let's say you do wait until marriage. What then do you do when you find out you are sexually incompatible with your mate? Are you expected to spend the next 60 years together

    being miserable? I think it would be much better to have a trial run or numerous 'test drives' prior to marriage to make sure both mates will get what they need.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    This silly article won't stop young jws trying sex before they get married, it will just make them more secretive about it. I know a few couples who later privately admitted that they hadn't waited, and got reproved by the elders because someone turned them in.

  • jaguarbass

    It seems that what this article is saying to young couples, probably in love, is that if they do have sex before marriage then the whole marriage will be miserable and doomed to arguments and unhappiness. Instead, it is the WTBTS total brow beating, and guilt imposing that causes the REAL unhappiness.

    Your statement rings true to me.

  • LongHairGal

    Sex before marriage = miserable???

    How about no sex or petting before marriage and you find out your partner is impotent??? Don't think for one minute that some "brother" wouldn't keep that secret. But I would never STAY stuck with such a guy.

    I heard of people who would rather be reproved for sexual misconduct rather than not know what they are getting into. In other words, they want to know that their partner's parts are in working order and I don't blame them.


  • diamondblue1974

    What the WTBTS fail to observe for their own controlling purposes is that the laws written back then were written without being mindful of a modern society we now live in.

    In my view a couple are better set when they get to know each other in every way possible before even considering marriage.


  • Jerohobobonadad

    I'm afraid I have to agree with the WTBTS.

    Sex before marriage is CERTAIN to cause an unhappy marriage.

    Consider a young witness who has premarital sex with a nubile sex kitten/ adonis (delete as appropriate) from the world then enters into the divine marital arrangement (TM) with a clueless spazzo from the hall. The couple of minutes thrusting under the covers after reading the Awake!, will always remind the young witness of what is being missed out on.

    Conclusion: pre-marital sex = unhappy marriage.

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