Dangerous Stuff!

by chappy 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • chappy

    I'm including a partial quote of an article posted by Tallyman on Kents website. Now most of you who know me are aware that I don't have a great deal of regard for the Watchtower corporation. But this kind of extremism SCARES me.

    "I am in need of references to Watchtower Publications that contain images of United States Government buildings, especially The White House- depicted as being Violently Destroyed by the Watchtower Society.

    I have MUCH of the WT Literature pre-1992, and a bit of the post-1992 stuff, but it is such a tremendous task to sift through all this literature to find these Watchtower-generated images of destruction of U. S. Government property and buildings, as well as the text or captions accompanying such.
    Please send me the name of the Watchtower publication and page number and I will scan it and am in the process of making a Webpage which will contain all the Seditious Material I can compile on the Watchtower. I have the megabytes of space to do it. I just need help from others to point me to the locations in the WTLiterature.

    I am presently drafting an "Open Letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation" to warn them of this Extremely Dangerous Network of Fundamentalist Fanatics who have a Global Network in place and whose intent is the Violent Overthrow of America, as well as all other governments in opposition to their Theocracy.

    Of course, this Terror Organization we know as: The Watchtower Bible & Tract Society of New York, Inc."

    Can the rest of you see the kind of conequences this kind of thing can create for innocent JW's?; and there ARE many innocent people in the WT organization. This is fanatisism.

    Comments please!


    Sorry for the repeat. I just noticed that Tallyman had already posted the article.


  • DannyBear


    Dangerous and irresponsible is mild imo.

    Someone commented that the FBI/CIA are fully aware of jw's. That may be true, but only in the context of 1941-1973...when so many jw's including myself, were subjected to governmental scrutiny. I remember one of the agents exspressing that he had attended meetings, that they knew very much about jw's.

    What Tally is overlooking, is the fact that jw's have been out of the lime light for the last 30yrs. The agents assigned to review his accusations may not know (even if files exsist) so much about jw's.

    How anyone would want to waste the governments time and resources, to come to a reasonable conclusion....jw's have screwy beliefs, but are simply harmless, as respects the charge of being 'terrorists bent on overthrowing governments' is to me ridiculous, to say the least.

    Talk about hate mongering, this is the epitome of it. Yeah they are bad, evil, wrong for ruining so many lives...but this effort is way over the edge.



    I see it as just a bit of Black humour, dobbing them into the FBI.

  • Tallyman

    chappy and dannybear, what a couple of Weenies y'all are!

    chappy wrote:
    Can the rest of you see the kind of conequences this kind of thing can create for innocent JW's?; and there ARE many innocent people in the WT organization.

    "innocent jWs"... but wait a minute, I thought that with the SilentLambs 'Harboring Pedophiles' that the one sheltering and supporting the molesters are just as guilty...

    jWs support this Evil Watchtower Organization, they harbor their criminal leaders, they financially support this Theocracy.
    They are "innocent"?
    I certainly realized I was Guilty As Hell before I exited this Evil Kult. THEY are Extremely Dangerous. If you haven't learned that by now chappy, you are extremely Naive.

    And NAIVE people can be Dangerous, too.
    I hope we don't enter this New War Against Terrorism with people fighting it who are as NAIVE as you and dannybear are, chappy.

    The Watchtower Organization has a doctrine itself called "Community Responsibility". Of course they applied it to the supporter of "false religion". They, in this doctrine, say that those who give assistance and support and follow the churches they belong to, they are just as Evil and Guilty as the Church Leaders and will be DESTROYED at WTArmageddon!

    NOW, is Prime Time for your "innocent" jWs to get the hell OUT of their Evil Kult Watchtower!

    And Watchtower leaders have been jailed in the past for SEDITION, because of what the U.S.Government found they wrote in their printed literature. It could well happen again. I hope it does.

    This is a post I just sent to noidea:


    I'm fail to understand why you and a few others feel it is not wise to show as many people - ordinary people, lurkers, government
    officals, younger jWs who don't know the history of their Kult - these images of jehovah's Witnesses reveling in the Destruction of
    their fellow man.

    This needs to be told. This needs to be shown. Now, more than ever.

    And WHAT IN THE WORLD is the Problem?
    These images are Watchtower-produced and created. The artwork/photos/drawings are theirs. They hawked this stuff. They studied
    this stuff. They distributed this stuff as much as they could to the general public in times past...
    and the last I heard - The Watchtower was PROUD of it!

    What IS the problem?

    I'm helping them SHOW their stuff.
    Why do you think it wiser to Hide these images?

    Persecution? To a jW?
    A door slammed in their face in a Saturday morning door to door
    canvassing of a neighborhood is PERSECUTION to them.
    It don't take much AT ALL to feed their persecution-komplex.
    And they thrive on that.
    It validates them.
    Makes them "martyrs"...
    And shows how Damned Idiotic they are.

    Younger jW pups who have never seen these horrible pictures may make the leap so many others have made on the Internet - Right
    Out of the Kult. GOOD!

    If the FBI and other Government Agencies take a hard look at the "We Hate America and Death To America" Watchtower
    Society... well and good. Maybe charges of sedition will be leveled against them again, as was the case during World War I and the
    Watchtower Leaders Bastards, will be tried and convicted and thrown in jail.
    Again, GOOD!
    Get those Kult Kriminals off the street.

    Do you think convicting them on the 'Harboring Pedophiles' issue would be a bad thing? And putting those responsible in jail, a bad
    thing? Would the jWs see that as Persecution? Some idiots would. It would wise up others, and they could finally make their Exit
    from the Kult.

    I had a mother who two sons died write me today, and fully supported the posting of these Extremely Disturbing Watchtower Images
    to show the public, because her two sons had been psychologically damaged my viewing them.
    Here is a website of a Documentary Maker who is doing a full profile of her family's story:

    I've even had some jWs email me and moan and groan that a list of Watchtower quotes I had put on my website was a terrible thing
    for me to do... that I had "manipulated" the quotes and "altered" them to make the Watchtower look bad, and all I did was format
    word-for-word quotes from Watchtower literature and post them in chronological order.
    Here is that list, The List, which is so disturbing to jWs:

    I wish I could take credit for that compilation of quotes, but someone else, who has an abundance of old WT Literature did it and I
    just acted as this person's messenger.

    I know you've heard the expression:
    A Picture Is Worth A Thousand Words, right?

    I'm letting these Watchtower pictures doing the talking, the "preaching" that jWs wanted them to do...

    These pictures really need no commentary.


  • siegswife

    (((I certainly realized I was Guilty As Hell before I exited this Evil Kult. THEY are Extremely Dangerous. If you haven't learned that by now chappy, you are extremely Naive.)))

    What were you guilty of?

  • DannyBear

    Ok Tally.

    From one Weenie to another, you present some good arguments for doing what your doing. Where you weenied out was defending your false accusations regarding the WTBS fomenting, organizing cells world wide, for the purpose of "overthrowing governments" and preparing for acts of terrorism.

    Ive read all your responses, you have never addressed this issue. You think the FBI will tolerate your 'crying wolf', give me a break. They will be on you like flies on....! Once they see you are a whistle blower with no song to sing.

    I can see them laughing at your letter, along with the tens of thousands of other nutcase accusations they get daily.

    So you can call me a weenie, or any other name Tally, but you are way out in outer space on this one!


  • mustang


    This is intended to be constructive. Send it to the UN. They need to see what their proud NGO is about.

    reference this thread:

    This includes a FAX #.

    As for bothering the FBI, the JW's might applaud terrorists but are only distant spectators. They don’t even classify as ‘soliciting’ the crime. This had been gone through before. It is a waste of their time. I know about this directly; I was investigated by the FBI.

    Regards Tarheel,

    X- 4D Classification

    Added: from MSNBC- “...It has 4,000 agents chasing more than 47,000 leads, said FBI Director Robert Mueller. ...” As the ads say, “Principals Only”; the FBI is really only interested in serious leads.

  • jayhawk1

    I have one big problem with JWs being terrorists. JWs hate guns! Most JWs think guns are evil, and won't even go hunting.

    "Hand me that whiskey, I need to consult the spirit."-J.F. Rutherford

  • chappy

    I also suppose you're all for rooting out and killing ALL the Arabs and Muslims since they're ALL guilty of detroying the WTC, huh Tally?


  • sf

    "false accusations regarding the WTBS fomenting, organizing cells world wide, for the purpose of "overthrowing governments" and preparing for acts of terrorism."

    Only curious Danny...

    What can you (show me) that leads you to this conclusion that these accusations are false or potentially false?


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