Dangerous Stuff!

by chappy 21 Replies latest jw friends

  • Tallyman
    I also suppose you're all for rooting out and killing ALL the Arabs and Muslims since they're ALL guilty of detroying the WTC, huh Tally?


    Uhh, no chappy, I suppose I'm not for doing that.

    WoW! these Extremist Suppositions of yours are Dangerous Stuff!

    Looks like my "Open Letter to the Federal Bureau of Investigation"
    has really "Chapped Your Ass" a bit.
    'Course, since this is still a Free Country (so far), you know, that you and Dannyboo are free to write your own letters to the FBI and warn them about me... 'course that will only draw more attention onto the Watchtower Kultists.

    I'm guessing, just guessing, you don't like this idea because you've still got relatives inside the Watchtower. And you don't want to see them "persecuted"... as in, more that a door slammed in their face.

    Well, NOW is the time, hoss, to URGE them to Get the Hell Out of that Evil Cult. Dannyboo sounds like he's got folks still in the Evil too.

    Well, that is a tragedy. I'm sorry. I've had my share of family tragedies, but Thank God! I never was able to convert a family member to the Watchtowerkult.

    If your jW relatives continue to give "comfort to, and aid and abet the enemy"... well, sorry, they can expect to suffer any "consequences".

    And to siegswife,
    when I said earlier:
    "I certainly realized I was Guilty As Hell before I exited this Evil Kult."

    You asked:

    What were you guilty of?

    Why, I was and still am Guilty of helping to convert innocent people into joining the Evil WTKult, and even tho I'm long out, many of those are STILL in... and that haunts me. Yes, I'm guilty.
    I'm Guilty of THOUSANDS of Rude Intrusions into peoples' homes, banging on their door, ringing their bell, disturbing their peace...
    shall I go on about "My Guilt"?

    Do you savvy?


  • DannyBear


    First of all if you gather all the religious artwork throughout the world, from all faiths and denominations, you would have a compilation of mostly disgusting, sometime hideous, blood and gore filled representations. If Tally is so upset about Jw pictures showing people happy at escaping the destruction of buildings, then we better not show any happy people who escaped the WTC. Simplistic yes, but it is what I believed as a JW.

    I can only go from my own memory, having been thouroghly indoctrinated, I can honestly say, I viewed those pictures as representitive of being happy to have survived. Who wouldn't? To make the extension that Jw's somehow are encouraging their member's to foment, organize, or even abet in the outright terrorist attack on governments and buildings is assinine. Any more than a Catholic that proudly displays a copy of 'Dante's Inferno'...with fire and demons torturing people for eternity, would go out and torture some real live people, at the suggestion of some artwork. Rediculous premise.

    How often do you hear defender's of free speech/music pointing to outright filth, pictures of child porn, torture, songs of suicide, gang warfare, with the vigorous defense that it is only ART. They have won their arguments in congress, and before the courts. The government still funding, many of these radical artists.

    Now because jw's believe what they see the Bible(holy book, even to some FBI guys) depicting such world wide events, CARRIED OUT BY GOD!!!not man, you want them (FBI) to consider jw's dangerous? They know more about what Rutherford and Franz wrote, than a whole of jw's do. They know that there has never been even a hint, of any jw ever taking this sort of stance or even threatening to.

    It is an unbalanced and unjustified attack on the 6 million jw's, yes even those poor misguided sods on the GB, to try and conjure up a vision of 6 million evil, murderous terrorists bent on destroying the world governments by their own hand. It is a lie, and it will not fly.

    Tally can do whatever he see's fit. But having worked closely with FBI agents, security professionals for many years, I know exactly how they will perceive this unfounded and spurious accusation. They will have a hearty laugh, and throw it in the trash. Because that is exactly what it is, trash.


  • chappy

    Well said Danny. I guess I can understand Toms anger, those images were imprinted on my mind for years. I just don't want those of us who have gotten out of that nightmare to stoop to that kind of percieved hate mongering. Don't get me wrong Tom, If the WTS were terrorists and presented that kind of threat to national security, I would be the first to point the finger; family or no family. But the truth is, they're not.


  • DannyBear

    Amen to every word, Chappy.

  • sf

    "If your jW relatives continue to give "comfort to, and aid and abet the enemy"... well, sorry, they can expect to suffer any "consequences"."

    "Amen" to every word Tom. And thensome!

    sKally, www klass

  • msil

    Silent Lambs is tackling a legitmate issue.

    Tallyman just looks like a conspiracy theory buff...something has blinded him. I have an easier time believeing that other posters hear voices from God than I do believing the WTS is guilty of what you are accusing them of Tallyman.

    Your cause will do more to hurt the legitimacy of the work of a Silent Lambs - I hope you are ignored. It almost seems as if the WTS themselves have put you up to this.....

  • Tallyman

    Dannyboo, you say in your most recent post:

    Tally can do whatever he see's fit. But having worked closely with FBI agents, security professionals for many years, I know exactly how they will perceive this unfounded and spurious accusation. They will have a hearty laugh, and throw it in the trash. Because that is exactly what it is, trash.

    But at the top, replying to Chapped-Ass, you ditto him with:


    Dangerous and irresponsible is mild imo.

    Well, which is it, Dannyboo?
    I'm just a joker sending trash to the FBI which will give them all
    a hearty laugh... or what I'll send is "dangerous and irresponsible"?

    Neither you nor Chappy realize the danger of print propaganda which
    precedes an insurrection. Tell me, is the Watchtower society a
    "Death To America" group, or not?

    Do they preach "Death To America"?
    Do they pray for "Death To America"?
    Do they print literature that reinforces "Death To America"?

    Now, more than ever, the FBI will want to take a closer look at ANY
    "Death To America", or "We Hate America" group.

    I've read some intelligent posts of yours in the past,
    but on this one, you have "Gone Stupid!"


  • Tallyman


    Silent Lambs is tackling a legitmate issue.

    Also, a legitimate issue is to show to the public what kind of images
    and text have appeared in past Watchtower publications that appear
    to be VERY Anti-American, especially in the times now, we live in.

    SilentLambs issue is one of child abuse, mostly about sexual molestation, but do you deny that these horrific pictures in Watchtower literature, when shown to young children, is also a form of Child Abuse, and can cause lasting, even permanent psychological damage?

    A mother (formerly jW, wrote me yesterday) and told me that her two young sons died and she expressed - it will be aired in a documentary - that her two young sons were greatly mentally harmed by looking at horror pictures in Watchtower literature, especially about the WT-Fantasy of their Version of The End of the World.

    (some believe they committed suicide as a reason for this because of the hopelessness they felt for the future... and others think they were murdered)

    Tallyman just looks like a conspiracy theory buff...something has blinded him.

    And these images I've been posting straight out of Watchtower literature which the jehovah's Witnesses are Very Proud of, and images that they have NOT Renounced... is THAT a "conspiracy" or a Reality?

    I have an easier time believeing that other posters hear voices from God than I do believing the WTS is guilty of what you are accusing them of Tallyman.

    I accuse them of being "America Haters".

    Please give a reasonable explanation as to why you would object to this accusation that jehovah's Witnesses have been taught to be "America Haters" in the Kult Training Manuals.

    Your cause will do more to hurt the legitimacy of the work of a Silent Lambs

    How so? It brings attention to one more form of Child Abuse, not sexual, but pyschological abuse of the tender minds of adolescents.

    It will serve to enhance SilentLambs work.

    I hope you are ignored.

    Then why don't you be the first one to get that trend started?

    It almost seems as if the WTS themselves have put you up to this.....

    Now, THAT charge/accusation IS a First!

    It appears you've joined with chappy and dannyboo and have,
    (to use an Air Force military term) "Got Stupid!"



    SilentLambs issue is one of child abuse, mostly about sexual molestation, but do you deny that these horrific pictures in Watchtower literature, when shown to young children, is also a form of Child Abuse, and can cause lasting, even permanent psychological damage?

    A mother (formerly jW, wrote me yesterday) and told me that her two young sons died and she expressed - it will be aired in a documentary - that her two young sons were greatly mentally harmed by looking at horror pictures in Watchtower literature, especially about the WT-Fantasy of their Version of The End of the World.

    This is true. It can be scarey even to a teenager or older person too.

    I know of one incident, long time ago in the 50's, a JW ran up to a family member of mine when she was a kid and told her (she was by herself BTW) that the 'world was going to end'. She went screaming home to her parents. Never forget the incident.

  • siegswife

    (((Why, I was and still am Guilty of helping to convert innocent people into joining the Evil WTKult, and even tho I'm long out, many of those are STILL in... and that haunts me. Yes, I'm guilty.
    I'm Guilty of THOUSANDS of Rude Intrusions into peoples' homes, banging on their door, ringing their bell, disturbing their peace...
    shall I go on about "My Guilt"?

    Do you savvy?)))

    Yes, I guess I do understand. If you knew that it was a lie and still preached it, you were wrong. I stopped preaching as soon as I realized they were lying about some things, so I don't consider myself to be guilty. When I did it, I was in error true, but I didn't realize my error at the time.
    If you've done what you could to reach those that you misled to the point of baptism (which I tried to do, to no avail) then don't you think you are free from the guilt? You confessed you 'sins' and left them...I wish you wouldn't feel so guilty...guilt isn't a good thing.

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