I never did it, did you?

by Outaservice 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • Outaservice

    In the past whenever you went on vacation (holiday) did you try and find a Kingdom Hall to attend and also try and put in some service time?


  • hambeak

    Yes I attended a Kingdom Hall when I was on vacation and even went out in service and I had to work alone. door to door that is! Since they didn't know me I was left alone so I went out and had a beer hahaha

  • HadEnuf

    We tried this exactly one time...whilst camping no less! Arghhhhhhhhhh!! Forever after that we just waved as we passed the KH's we saw while on vacation. Oh that felt so good!!

  • serendipity

    I visited JW friends out of state for a week and went to their meetings and also went in service. I was trying to impress them so they'd introduce me to single JWs. Several years later, I met a JW who contacted me on jwconnections.com. I went to a meeting to check out how he interacted with others and also to see if anyone would spill the beans on him. He stood me up for the meeting, but did meet me later on.

  • DanTheMan

    Yep, went to the Kingdom Hall in Maryville Missouri one summer Sunday when I was visiting my stepsister and fam. I was nerdy like that. Cong was weird, aren't they all though.

  • Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit
    Pioneer Spit...oh, i mean Spirit

    My parents were into that when I was young, in every state we ever visited the KH, it was horrible--we always met people with connections in AZ. It just cut a chunk out of a vacation.

  • blondie

    We did occasionally if it fit into our schedule. Actually, it was educational in seeing that certain behaviors were exhibited at many congregations. We visited one where several were glad to meet us until that found out that we were visiting JWs and not non-JWs and potential converts. Some we were totally ignored at...F for hospitality; some took us out for lunch after the meeting. It reminded us of how when having problems in one congregation JWs will switch to a new one and after the honeymoon period, find out that the new congregation just has new problems.


  • collegegirl21

    My parents would find one and then they would pawn me off on them for the whole week we would be on vacation. I would go out in service and I would go to the meetings with them... but I did meet a cute boy while we were down there.

  • JK666

    Of course I did! What better way to find girls when you are from a small congregation. I liked the bigger cities where the women were wilder. I partied more than went in service on these trips. JK

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre


    of course by the time I was able to take a vacation as an adult I had been out of the ORG. for 6 years.

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