Adam and Eve Real or Fiction?

by plmkrzy 27 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • plmkrzy

    What do you think? Did mankind start with a single set of parents?


  • acadian

    Hi Plmkrzy, How can we really know? I don't, I wasn't there. We only have someone elses word. A thought came to me when thinking on this. If we came from some primordial goo, wouldn't two creatures have to emerge? A man and a Woman, if only one emerged wouldn't there be a problem? And what would be the odds of these two new creatures (man & woman) emerging at the same time? I really don't know myself, maybe one day I will. Peace

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I used to believe we did, illogical though it seems now.

    Having said that,I found the genesis account of creation and mankinds' fall from grace one of the hardest jw teachings to accept, and one of the first I doubted.

  • daniel-p

    The Genesis account is so abstract is was always hard for me to accept as literally as the WT taught. I think that a lot of JW's feel the same - that it is so mythological in nature and abstract that its hard to actually realize it and accept it as actual history.

  • lowden

    For me it's ancient Jewish FICTION.

    The original sin scenario is sick beyond comprehension.

    If it was true, then god's handiwork is a poor effort. Then Cain, who's almost perfect goes and smashes his brothers skull in?!?!? Bloody Hell Fire!! God!! Yer SACKED!!

    I may do things wrong but i'm NOT this 'constantly failing sinner'.



  • poppers

    "Then Cain, who's almost perfect goes and smashes his brothers skull in?!?!?"
    Anyone hear of Dr. Arnold Murray? He's the guy who does the show "Shepherd's Chapel" on TV. According to him Abel was fathered by Adam but Cain was fathered by satan and that's why he was such a bad-ass. Does anyone else teach this?

  • plmkrzy

    Hi folks...brothers and sisters

    The stories about the Garden of Eden and Cain and Able are pretty sad/pathetic I have to agree. The reason I ask this is because I was watching the discovery channel not long ago and the topic was tracing our ancestry all the way back to our original parents. The narrator said there was now scientific evidence/DNA pointing to us originating from one original mother and father and they were now finding evidence that points to approx 10,000 years ago when they existed. I wish I could remember exactly what channel that was on so I could request a transcript.


  • RubaDub

    I'm not sure but I have always wondered what a perfect pair of boobs would look like ... ?

    I mean, how did they look before she had kids .... then afterwards ... ?

    Did they start sagging after a few hundred years or stay perky through 600 or 700 years .. ?

    Did she have streach marks ... ?

    Maybe a tatoo or two ... ? (one of those snakes)

    Rub a Dub

  • plmkrzy

    lol! tisk tisk

  • outoftheorg

    I am not sure but if I had to guess, I would say that Rubadub is a BOOB man.

    whata you think?

    Actually the garden of Eden is thought to be in the area now known as Iraq.

    There has been some recent information that is stirring the religious sector.

    There were two bodies discovered in one grave such a long time ago that they

    have turned into a soft stone throughout the bodies. The experts believe these are

    the bodies of Adom and Eve. They are firmly convinced since there are no,


    Gotcha huh? Outoftheorg

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