Need Your Opinions.. To have dinner with inquiring minds or not??

by Lady Liberty 38 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Hello dear friends..

    Well, many of you are aware of my on going daily saga. My husband and I left the organization about a year and a half ago. We have not been disfellowshipped, nor have we disassociated ourselves. Although we are being shunned by most, very few JWs will even acknowlege us anymore. Since we have been in this area for years and years,and were very visible and active, we know most of the Witnesses in the many surrounding areas. Many rumors are circulating and have been for some time. However, they have gotten worse recently. I guess the news is we are "printing literature", have "started a new religon", and have developed a "website called 'The True Jehovahs Witnesses'." These are all out and out LIES, and have abosolutely NO basis! I understand that at the convention, my active Grandmother was pulled into the D.O., C.O./ Elder meeting to see if she knew anything about these accusations. A active couple who have been about the only ones not to believe these lies called me to tell me of the rumors, and that her husband was approached by the P.O. inquiring their association with us at the convention as well. This P.O. was one of the elders who came to our home over 7 months ago promising to return with answers regarding the 607 issue we posed. They have NEVER returned with anything. So....

    Last night another couple who are very good friends with the P.O. and were good friends with us, called out of the blue last night. The wife told me that they miss us, and that they wanted to know what we were doing for dinner. Fortunately we had a anniversary party to go to. But then they quickly said, "How about tomorow night?" I was not expecting that and said..," Uhh.. well let me talk with-----(my husband) and I will call you. We breifly exchanged how our families were, then before we hung up, I told her that I was sure she probably had heard many rumors about us. And that they were all lies. She said that was good to hear and that she would keep that in mind. And that was about it. Her husband again in the background, reiterated their desire to have dinner. So...

    My question to all who want to give their advise is.. should we meet for dinner tonight?? I truely feel this is a set up. Although I have NOTHING to hide. Still I cannot help but feel the P.O. may have put them up to a dinner/inquisition to see if we will tell them of our findings. She had called me only one other time and left a message to call her she had something very important to ask me. Her tone was not pleasant, but I called back and left a message. I never heard back from her. Anyway, if we meet with them I can see them going straight to the elders with whatever we say. I can see the P.O. coming to us and giving us the axe because of promoting our beliefs. But we have done nothing wrong! Wehave ligitamate questions. We will never return now. We know far too much. Still.. I am torn because inside I want to show them what we have found. They never knew why we pulled away, and it would be nice to finally tell them. They both had left the organization for 10 years and then returned about a year before we left. So our relationship was not very old. What do you guys think? Should we meet? Should we answer any questions? Or rather should we not give them what they are looking for and simply say we do not wish to discuss religion? I think I know the answer, I just want your opinions if you want to give them.

    Thanks to all of you..


    Lady Liberty

  • freedomlover

    Hey LL -

    I do think it is a setup. I've been shocked to disbelief at the extent these people will go to get info. to use against you.

    If you and hubby don't really care what happens to you then I would say go to dinner and give them some things to think about. You never know - you may help them out also.

    let us know what happens!

  • Wasanelder Once
    Wasanelder Once

    If they are truly your friends and you want to spend time with them, go to dinner. If not, stay home. If they want to talk about religion and you don't, don't. Tell them its off the table. If you want to be DF'd, then go and spill your guts. If you want to help them more than you want to remain faded, spill your guts. If you want to hit your head against the wall, have a miserable dinner and get your ass DF'd, go to dinner. If you want to go have a farewell dinner and sincerely help these people hear what you've learned regardless of the consequences, go have dinner.

    Remember, it only takes two witnesses to an accuasation.... You're right, the big boys might be setting you up with the husband and wife as two witnesses to your new found faith.

    You know of course that its up to you. Choose wisely grasshopper.


  • mrsjones5

    I would not go to dinner with them.

  • inbyathread

    If they are supplying the meal, go, eat and enjoy. If they ask about your thoughts on a sensitive subject just answer.

    "I do have some concerns but thankfully I can express these to Jehovah who will in his timeframe correct all matters. I'm waiting on him. This is such a wonderful meal. Can I get the recipe?"

  • juni

    Agree with the rest - it's a set up. If you choose to go w/them be sure and take along some Tums for the tummy.


  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Dear Freedomlover,

    I think the elders are desperately trying to find something to "get us on", so they don't have to come back and address our questions.The Circuit Overseer has also come by my active Grandmothers house, and my active brothers home to inquire of us and my parents. Yet nothing is happening. It is common knowlege that we didn't go to the elders with our initial question of 607 because we were worried we would gt DF'D for having questions. Or rather questioning the Societies answers. So.. I think the whole circuit would raise their brows if they DF'D us for questions. So I think they are going to see if they can catch us "promoting" any new thinking that is contrary to the organization. I want out! Yet I know as long as I am not oficially out, some may still listen and I can help others. I will say though that after my 4 hour hollaring episode from my very active Aunt a couple of weeks ago, I refuse now to go through such abuse again! I we were called "apostates", "voices of strangers" (after that assembly talk on apostates a few years ago). I was so mentally drained after that that I decided that was the end of my rope! I am not willing to meet with ANY elders now. Beofre that, I would have met with them. But now I refuse to put myself through another INTEROGATION and ABUSE! I have decided I do not need to argue with anyone, anymore regarding my findings. I know they are based on facts because I have spent the last year and a half "making sure"I have the facts! When and if the elders ever try to come back around, I will let them have it! A dollar short and 7 months + too late! If they truely cared about us, they would have stopped the slander months ago when I begged them to address these ones that were promoting the lies against us. And they would have returned with answers long before now! Instead they have allowed it continue. And never returned! And I think they have deliberatley done so in order to at some point have to step in and bring peace back to the congregation because of all the talk, by expelling us. But like I said, I am NOT going back. It has been clear the friendship and love is only conditional. I will not support lies and deciept promoted by this organization ever again! Anyhow.. thank you for your thoughts. I will keep you all posted.


    Lady Liberty

  • The wanderer
    The wanderer

    I do not necessarily think it would be a bad thing to have dinner with this couple. However, prepare yourself for an evening of probing and questioning.

    Chances are good that these "friends" might have an ulterior motivation so do not drop your guard on them.

    Regarding telling them about your findings? I would say, never in a million years.

    Why? Because these people are trained to go after individuals such as you and your husband--free thinkers


    The Wanderer

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Thank you, all of you who are taking the time to reply. I agree with all of you!


    Lady Liberty

  • stillajwexelder

    go to dinner

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