The Judicial Committee Has Been Formed

by LennyinBluemont 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • IP_SEC

    The Judicial Committee Has Been Formed

    All thoughts welcome.
    Congrats!!! Freedom is soon to come.
  • serendipity

    HI Lenny

    I hope Doc Bob's letter will help you.

    I understand why you wouldn't want to sue the sister. However, elsewhere presents an interesting scenario and it seems that such a lawsuit would be a great legal precedent, and an aid to JWs & exJWs everywhere. I have to wonder if the WTS lawyers would defend her. I wonder if there was a lawyer willing to pursue this for you pro bono.

  • Alpheta

    "Last Wednesday, the 9th, I got a phone call at work, after my wife had told them I was very busy on an important job."

    Ummm, since I'm new here, I don't know what your history. It is not my intention to insult you, and I suppose I should tred lightly, but then, if I had tred lightly in the past I'd probably still be IN. So, I do have to ask you - since you stated in your last post that your wife "left" in 2005, how is it that she would know on August 9, 2006 that you were busy on an important job?

  • LennyinBluemont

    Sorry. To clarify, when I say my wife "left", I meant left the org, not me.

    Yes, I was an elder and I understand, having been on many Judicial Committees, exactly how it works, and I'm not afraid of these guys at all. They're lightweights. I can walk all over them with facts and questions and scriptures that they can't begin to answer. It's really tempting to go into the "lion's den" and show them what paper tigers they really are. Then I could copy the meeting to a CD and mail it out with the letter to all our JW friends. But part of me keeps saying, "Just don't bother."

    Thanks again, ya'll


  • okie46

    Good one Elsewhere!!!!

  • Carmel

    Why is your "freedom" contingent up the actions of the elders? Do you need to be DF'd to be free? Sounds to me you are enslaved beyond the obvious.


  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    It is too bad that others don't see the suble brilliance of Elsewhere's suggestion.

    Right now, the WTB&TS is trying to hide their child abuse behind the skirts of "Clergy priviledge." A suit such as Elsewhere is suggesting would force the WTB&TS to either waeken their own case or leave Sister Beeotch twisting in the wind. What a fine recompense for her loyally exposing an apostate.

    I'm in favor of not "playing nice" with evil. It is so easy to do nothing but complain.

  • JWdaughter

    Elsewhere is right. Sue her. The world needs a precedent that doesn't favor their rights to religion,free speech, and confidentiality blah blah blah, because along with those rights come RESPONSIBILITY, and they can't have it both ways.

    I am a person who has been in a position to sue at times and have refrained, but in this case, I would not refrain.

  • DocBob
    Right now, the WTB&TS is trying to hide their child abuse behind the skirts of "Clergy priviledge." A suit such as Elsewhere is suggesting would force the WTB&TS to either waeken their own case or leave Sister Beeotch twisting in the wind. What a fine recompense for her loyally exposing an apostate.

    Suing over breach of clergy privilege may or not be possible depending on what state you are in:

    In twenty-five states, the clergyman-communicant statutory privilege does not clearly indicate who holds the privilege.27 In seventeen states, the penitent's right to hold the privilege is clearly stated.28 In only six states, both a penitent and a member of the clergy are expressly allowed by the statute to hold the privilege.29

    That was from:

    Also check out for a story of how a New York woman's lawsuit against two rabbis for breach of clergy privilege was unsuccessfull. It seems that in some states CLERGY privilege is well named. The privilege is the clergy's, not yours.

  • LittleToe


    I like your style.

    If enough of these cases were brought to court the ensuing outcry would probably cause the WTS to print something (or more likely send instructions through the COs). Hopefully it might make folks think twice about it, else they will set up a genuine clergy/laity distinction between the Elders and Publishers.

    Either way it might cause enough disturbance to promote some change.

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