My New Job

by chuckie77 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • jwfacts

    Hi Chuckie, you have been very active on the board since joining, good to see. Congratulations on the job offer, it would be a fantastic experience, I hope you can get the six weeks. It seems sensible, 3 months stuck out there would be a bit much.

  • bikerchic



  • fullofdoubtnow

    Congrats on the new job chuckie, it sounds great.

  • Sailor Ripley
    Sailor Ripley

    Good for you! Fingers are crossed.

    I'm assuming you'll be working when they're actually shooting all the contestants' adventures? If so, I'm sure they'll have you sworn to secracy; but afterward maybe you can keep up to date on what really happened...?

    Voted Best Thread of '07, Chuckie's "Inside Survivor, Reality of Reality!"

    Take care of yourself out/down there.

  • morty
    If so, I'm sure they'll have you sworn to secracy

    Christ on a cracker!!!!! I can see old Chuckie's inbox full to the max in no time flat and Simon having to give him extra space for pm's coming in....

    Chuckie: can we all have your private e-mail address in advance before ya become Mr Popular? I also need to get some picks started..I see some good $$$$ to be made here.....

    Voted Best Thread of '07, Chuckie's "Inside Survivor, Reality of Reality!"

    Thats a big 10-4 driver!

  • chuckie77

    Sure I'll be your 'insider' with all the goss! Will have to keep my mouth shut until after the shows been aired though!

    I worked on another reality tv show late last year and early this year, for 3 months, and found out from that there is nothing real about reality tv - its all so hyped up and manipulated, that said it was the most fun ive had working in a long time!

  • earthtone

    Congrad's to you, sounds like a cool job. What will you be doing there?

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