My baby boy is 3 today

by mrsjones5 16 Replies latest jw friends

  • mrsjones5

    I had not planned on having a fouth child. I had an IUD and I got pregnant with my boy while it was still inserted. Luckily that IUD was nowhere near my baby. After enduring ungodly morning sickness (I was reduced to Ensure, saltine crackers, and yogurt), headaches that would leave me all day on the couch, and high blood pressure which led me to be induce 2 weeks early (I thought my heart would brust - literally, I don't like prostaglandin medications), I got my beautiful son who the nurses dubbed "Doll Baby". One of the nurses told me they called him that cuz he was the most beautiful baby born that day. He was the only boy born that day you get what I'm saying.

    My baby boy doesn't speak much and when he does it's mostly babble. He also has some sensory issues. But he amazes me everyday. he's very independent, if he wants something most times he will try to get it himself (we have latch locks on a few of our doors - the pantry, the front door, a closet). He haa an amazing eye for detail and is an expert at legos, lincoIn logs, and now puzzzles. We don't let him stay in our office alone because he is that good with a mouse. He even seems to know how to type. This kid even locked my husband out of his Mac. I could go on and on about him and what he can do vs what he can't (which ain't much).

    Because of his delayed speech and sensory issues, we will be able to send him to Early Childhood Development (School sponsored preschool). We're happy about it and we know that he will love it. He loves anything associated with school, he even loves Sunday school at church.

    Three years has flown by and they will only go faster.

    I love my baby boy.

    Happy Birthday, Joshua


  • blondie

    mrsjones5, your son is a very blessed little boy with all the love he has in his life.

    Love, Blondie

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Awe... Mrs Jones...

    Give him a big hug and a "Happy Birthday" for us!!

    What a wonderful gift children are!!


    Lady Liberty

  • luna2

    Happy Birthday to little Joshua!

  • hemp lover
    hemp lover

    Happy birthday, Joshua! May we see a picture, please?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Happy birthday to Joshua

  • Dansk

    Happy third birthday, Joshua!


  • MsMcDucket

    H A P P Y B IR T H D AY JO SH UA!!!

    Your mommy says that you like to work puzzles and play on the computer , so I found you a site online with puzzles!

  • bubble



  • xjwms


    my little $00.02

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