Interesting developments

by SickofLies 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • VM44

    How can SoL be banned from ALL Kingdom Halls?

    The local congregation cannot issue injunctions for other KHs.


  • VM44

    "police notice was enfocred on me"

    Wouldn't a judge have to issue such an injuction?"

    Not doubting you SoL, just want to know what is going on, and also if someone is exceeding their authority.


  • JH
    I have been barred from ever entering a kingdom hall again

    For this reason alone, you could sue the sh*t out of them.

    This means that they decided that you should die, and stay dead forever, since they preach that you can't be saved unless you're a JW and go to the Kingdom Hall.

    This also means that they sent you straight to Gehenna. They committed spiritual homicide against you.

  • SickofLies

    Techincally its not harassment until I tell them not to call anymore. But that besides the point, I can't get over the fact they would be calling me at all, expecially after the police showed up and told me I'm not to step foot into their kingdom hall again (a bit extreme don't you think?) apparent the elders were afraid I might go back in and make more recordings. Anyway, my parents told me that the CO's have been talking to elders in the congregrations around them telling them NOT to talk to my parents about what happened in Canada and told my parents to talk to anyone about it. Apparently they don't want people looking at my website.

    BTW, try googling 'disfellowshiping documentary', the frist three hits are all about me!

  • Dismembered

    Greetings SOL

    Nice to see you're still alive and kicking. Your project raised the bar on Watchower exposure. I doub't I'll ever forget it.

    You tell those low life yellow sacks of shi.....


  • SickofLies
    For this reason alone, you could sue the sh*t out of them.

    This means that they decided that you should die, and stay dead forever, since they preach that you can't be saved unless you're a JW and go to the Kingdom Hall.

    This also means that they sent you straight to Gehenna. ; ; They committed spiritual ;homicide against you.

    Here here! What if I repent of my evil ways and want to come back??

  • blondie

    So they bar you, SOL, but not a confessed, convicted pedophile. Do they have your picture posted on the door of 98,000 plus KHs?


  • fullofdoubtnow

    Hi SOL, good to hear from you again.

    I'll bet being banned from the kh is causing you sleepless nights, not! It does seem to be an unenforceable ban though. If you went to another part of the country, where no one knows you, I can't see how you'd be prevented from entering a kh, unless the jws have taken to circulating photographs of "undesirables", like some of the pubs do in the UK.

  • Tuesday

    I'm jealous, I wish I could be so bad they ban me from all Kingdom Halls. I guess I'm going to have to try harder then.

  • SickofLies

    I totally agree that it's BS, the police can ban me from the KH I did my documentary from because apparaently I caused a 'disturbance' but they can't ban me from all KH's. But apparaently my parents were told that I was banned. It could be that my ugly mug is in all new elder manuals along with richie's perhaps. lol

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