The word "worship"

by Matt_fs 13 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Narkissos

    Just to correct a wrong impression that my former post may have made, I do believe that several segments of "early Christianity" could be aptly described as a form of "Christ/Jesus worship". But this results from broader evidence (including the ascription of titles like "Lord," "God," "Son of God" to Jesus), not from the mere use of proskuneô which of itself is unconclusive (imo).

  • TD

    In addition to what Narkissos said, it can also be pointed out that using modern English to judge the word choice of translators in past centuries is a mistake. In Jamesian English the word "Worship" had a broader range of meaning than it does today. For example, "Your worship" was a common honorific prefix for civil magistrates in the Commonwealth. This did not mean that a Justice of the Peace either demanded or was given "Worship" in the sense of reverence towards a diety; it meant deference over and above what you would give one of your peers.

  • jwfacts

    Welcome and thanks for your question.

    It was not doctrine but the history of the JWs that convinced you it was wrong. Likewise doctrine is not going to convince your friend. Once he knows the GB can not be trusted, then he will be open to honestly evaluating doctrine.

    What you friend said is wrong. Proskuneo can mean either worship and obeisance. In fact the NWT almost consistently translates the word as Worship whenever it refers to anyone except for Jesus.

    Proskuneo is also almost always translated as worship in the New Testament by the New World Translation, whether it is discussing the Father, people or angels. Yet it is never translated as worship when discussing Jesus. At Matthew 4:9-10 it uses the word worship in regards to Jehovah;

    “(Satan) said to him: “All these things I will give you if you fall down and do an act of worship to me.” 10 Then Jesus said to him: “Go away, Satan! For it is written, ‘It is Jehovah your God you must worship (proskuneo), and it is to him alone you must render sacred service.’”.

    Hebrews 1:6 when referring to Jesus is says “… He (the Father) says: “And let all God’s angels do obeisance (proskuneo ) to him (Jesus).””

    Because the word can mean obeisance you will get nowhere with your friend on that tack. However his response introduces a great approach for you to take. Show him that until the 1950's JWs used to worship Jesus, and the Watchtower CHARTER still says that Watchtower Societies mission is to bring people to WORSHIP JESUS. How can it be the truth if they were worshipping the wrong God for the first two thirds of their history? There is full details about this at

  • elatwra

    There is no english equivelant for the greek word "proskineo" so translators tend to apply their doctrinal views when they translate it. When Jesus said 'You shall worship the Lord your God and him only you shall serve" In Mathew 4:10 the greek word translated as "worship" is the word "proskineo".But of course as your friend pointed out it is also the same word in the parable of the unforgiving servant in Mathew 18: 23-35 where the servant prostrates himself in front of the ruler and then in front of the other servant who he owed money to. ( i personally believe that in the new testament people bow down either to worship or to beg for mercy but I m not a scholar so my opinion is irrelevant).

    But look at what the "Kingdom interlinear translation of the greek scriptures " says in the foreword pg 10: To each major (greek) word we have assigned one meaning and have held to that meaning as far as the context permited" . If that was the case and since there is no english equivilant for that word they should have used maybe the word "prostrate themselves" or "bowed down" or something like that both for God, Jesus and whoever else it happened to and they would let the reader draw their own conclusion.

    So if you want to go back to that argument with your friend bring up Revelation 5:13, 14

    "And every creature that is in heaven and on earth and underneath the earth and on the sea and all the things in them, I heard them saying:"to the one sitting on the throne and to the lamb be the blessing and the honor and the glory and the might forever and ever"And the four living creatures went saying:"Amen!"and the elders fell down and worshipped. (New world translation) Sound like worship to me.

    Also when several women fell down and wept or poured myrh on jesus' feet and wiped with their hair... that sound kind of like worship too...

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