What charitable works have you done?

by anewme 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • anewme

    You are a Good Girl, there is no doubt! Wow, a rape crisis center. There must be extensive training before one can help there. Just any old yahoo off the street cannot be of help there. You will be truly "a friend in need" Good Girl. Just imagine the poor girl at the other end of the phone! With your calm and confident tone you can assure her everything will be alright. Poor baby!!!!!

  • Gretchen956
    I once gave a slimfast bar to a man begging on the street.

    I try to give them food instead of money. Lots of times they are only after drug/alcohol money. Not all, mind you, but a very high percentage. I won't support that. Feed them, yes, be codependent, no.


  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    You are a Good Girl, there is no doubt! Wow, a rape crisis center. There must be extensive training before one can help there. Just any old yahoo off the street cannot be of help there. -anewme

    Thanks, anewme. I had to interview for it last week; not just anyone is accepted. Training is two-three times a week for a month. I just know that all of us either have been affected by rape and assault either directly (we've been assaulted), or indirectly (we know someone who has been assaulted). And like Fleur said the little things add up, so whatever each of us can do to help will add up to make a difference. I've learned here how much words at the right time help me, so I want to help others in a way that I can - the main purpose of the center is to provide information and options to callers so they know they are not powerless, that they are not alone, that there is help for them and to guide them to know the right thing for them to do. There are never enough volunteers either. (It's to my sister's credit that I'm volunteering here. She started volunteering first and I kept saying how I wanted to volunteer and I spent time Googling local opportunities and then she told me about the RCC and how much help they need.) My sister's boyfriend used to say to me (when I was a JW) "What are you doing to help and make a difference? Nothing!" He was totally right. Well, not anymore. anewme, you are doing wonderful things too. You all are. What a great bunch of people you all are! (My sister and I were talking about it a few weeks ago. Our mom says that our energy should be spent on the door-to-door work and not on helping people temporarily which doesn't last. But isn't that exactly what Jesus did when he healed people, when he ressurrected people? He knew it wasn't permanent. So he taught the importance of alleviating each others' pain now to what extent possible.)

  • anewme

    Gretchen, YES AIDS!!!! I wonder how many xjws are likewise involved in helping the AIDS victims?

    (Side point: I visited an old church recently. It is an antique building, one of the first churches in our town built around 1880s. It has a living breathing congregation of loving people worshipping there on Sundays. Upon glancing at the activiies bulletin board I was impressed by the large amount of money and time going to the AIDS FOUNDATION! What do you think of that Watchtower!!!!)

    Also getting a dog or cat like you did Gretchen from a shelter certainly qualifies as a charity.

    Anytime we see a need, is a time we could be charitable.

    Elsewhere has a thread going about holding the door for others. Very good example.
    Or simply saying thankyou for that kindness by others.

    Have you ever thought how being gracious is a charity?

    How many people make a mistake and break hearts when they refuse the kindness of others? A gift, a gesture, a kind word. Do you know people who have a hard time accepting sincerely given compliments? Are you one of them? A simple "Thankyou" is all that is required. It is a charitable thing to accept kind words and small gestures from others with graciousness.

  • serendipity
  • IP_SEC

    I gave this little stray kitty rat some milk. Which is quite charitable since I dont drink milk and had to go buy some for it.


  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre


    Actually I spent a month in Florida, I felt good inside doing the work, but it was so hot, I am proud of what I did, and might do it again someday if I am able to. I think it was more hard on my wife, she stayed behind but she knew what I was doing was good work, but she was worried about me, but she was ok and just stayed with her family. I went through 2 hurricanes while there, it was surreal but in the end all the moldy buildings got me really sick, so I had to come home, took me about 2 months to recover,

    no I was not in the org, been out since I was 15.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    Sorry Everyone I had my Hurricanes wrong I meant to write Francis Not Katrina, don't know why I wrote Katrina, I arrived just after Charlie and stayed during Francis and Ivan.

  • anewme

    Thanks Worldly Andre for the answer to my question about your volunteer work in the hurricanes.
    Your words are the behind the scenes sacrifices those volunteers make.
    How can the Watchtower disregard all the wonderful people and all their love and sacrifice for humanity and turn and tell us the creator does not have that same kind of love for the people??? Huh????

    And IP-SEC Yes feeding little stray kitties qualifies as charity! Charity is towards man and beast and trees and bugs too I guess.

    Have you ever set a bug free?? My hubby just cringes like Homer Simpson (Dhhuuu!!!) when I spare a bug.

    Charity towards the earth is the recycling programs. Recycling can become a very fun little hobby. Just how much can I recycle? In our town we have a very good recycler. Just about everything is recyclable. Anything else like egg shells, corn husks, that sort gets burned in the fireplace and banana peels get flung out in the field behind the cabin. (That is one of the perks of living in a remote canyon. You can fling alot out into the field! (foodwise) Again that is charity for the poor little critters who come a sniffin and snortin and tastin at night around here.

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