What charitable works have you done?

by anewme 48 Replies latest jw friends

  • Arthur

    Once a month, I used to go into a adolescent hospital for kids who have been diagnosed with psychiatric and substance abuse issues. Along with a couple of others, I would speak to a group of about 20 kids (ages 13 to 17) about recovery from substance abuse. I no longer go to that hospital, but now I go to a dentention center for people who have just been paroled and I speak to them on similar topics. It has been very interesting work to say the least.

  • JWdaughter

    Food bank volunteer

    Election worker

    Freecycler(excellent way to help less fortunate and others get things they really need)

    I liked the reminder of kind words. That is something we can always afford, and always have enough time to offer, and sometimes it goes farther than cash in helping people.

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    I always give to the Salvations army at least 4 times a year.

    Did a CHOC WALK and helped raised money for Childhood Cancer.

    I used to help out at the senior home were my grandfather was.

    have changed at least 10 tires and helped pushed people from the road when stuck, and even went to get gas for a lady.

    the biggest thing that I have to say that I am proud of I saved 3 kids from a house fire back when I was 16.

  • praiseband

    I sponsor 2 children through World Vision. A girl in Mozambique and a boy in Honduras. My husband and I are also volunteer directors of our church middle- and high-school youth group. This was a great inspirational question, because this week, we plan to take them out into town to do kind things (random acts or kindness or pay it forward type) just because we can. People are always so surprised when you do something just because...

  • Ironhead

    We were told during the conventions, not to buy The Big Issue magazine from homeless people. I've always bought one before becoming a jw, and no stupid rule was going to stop me giving to the homeless. There were 4 sellers I used to give money to on a regular basis and I remember the dirty looks brothers gave because I gave these people my money. It made my blood boil. I also gave money to cancer research, British Heart Foundation, and Red Cross via direct debit. So the WTS and the elders didn't know about it.


  • Stealth453

    My wife and I adopted a little girl who lost her parents and most of her family in a rebel masacre in the mountains here. She was 7, malnourished and illiterate. She is 18 now, married and was able to make it through high school.

    Does that count?

  • anewme

    Good morning everybody! Wow am I amazed at the amount of good will from the wonderful people contributing to this forum!!! This information I think should get out to the general witness population. I know it would HIT SOME WHERE THEY LIVE so to speak IN THEIR HEARTS which yearn to help others in a more real way than calling on their doors pushing old religious literature.

    I wish this thread would stay alive so all could contribute and we could read what all are doing. It is so inspiring!!

    The visits to cancer wards, the help at animal centers, adopting a child, buying something from the obvious poor or homeless, offering a kind word, these are all forms of generosity that are life saving and life changing for the person or animal receiving the help.

    Those who are here posting and trying to get their families out of the org are also in a life saving work.
    How many of us mourn over the years spent at endless cult meetings, memorizing and reciting the propoganda of the org.? How many of us gave up marrying, children, education, careers, opportunities all in the name of the Holy Org? So, those who work hard here to learn ways to help the people they love to escape are also doing a charitable work.

    Please take a moment to share with us what you have done as a charitable thing for others.........
    Your story just may be the inspiration for someone else to do the same!

  • anewme

    Is anyone currently a caretaker for someone?

    Are you doing anything in ecology?

    Have you ever helped in disaster relief?

    Do you grow a garden and share your bounty?

    Have you ever donated HAIR to the Cancer Society?

    Do you donate blood?

    Do you go out of your way to help others?

    Do you work with children?

  • Wordly Andre
    Wordly Andre

    (Have you ever helped in disaster relief?) I went to Florida during Katrina to help with clean up efforts.

  • anewme

    Worldly Andre, you did???? Wow! Have you written about your experience here? Were you with the Watchtower then? Or what organization were you working through? Or were you on your own?

    How did it feel to see the smiles and expressions of gratitude from the people you helped?

    Was it exhausting but rewarding?

    Were you ever in danger?

    (for anybody's interest I write double spaced due to vision problems. Please forgive me.)

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