Did you think that you knew more ?

by A Paduan 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Sherwood

    AND MOST JW kids are wiser to the pope's understanding of Ecclesiastes. A Moulin Rouge. don't be (so-called) wiser in your own eyes.... Love Ya, Sherwood

  • collegegirl21

    I didn't really think I knew anything except how cute the boy was that sat two aisles over. I would make comments just to impress him. Turns out, he's DF'ed now.

  • tan

    They teach you that you know more and what a blessing it is that Jehovah has taught the governing body this information so that they can share it with you--therefore you can teach it to those who do not know. It makes me so disgusted that they really don't know anything. It makes it real difficult to trust anything else you read from religions period.

    Some of the pioneers were so arrogant with "their" bible knowledge that no one else knew. What got my attention was that during one of my studies before I ended them, I asked a sister a thought provoking question and she could not answer it without referring me to the Revelation book (which after reading made no sense). She didn't even understand it and then commented that it was so wonderful that Jehovah has provided this accurate knowledge to us. How stupid!

  • kid-A

    Yes, and by and large, it was true. Being "born in" to the JWs means you are surrounded by biblical rhetoric for hours on end, week after week, year after year. You do absorb the info whether you are interested in it or not. I certainly knew infinitely more of the bible than my other non-JW friends (catholics, baptists, presbterians, orthodox, jews, etc) simply because it was pounded into my brain at the king-dumb hall.

    While I now consider the bible to be simply a collection of inaccurate history and mythology, I can still hold my own in "bible" debate.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I thought I knew the bible a lot better than anyone in another religion, I read it regularly enough, and I certainly knew more than the majority of others in my kh, including elders, not that that would be much of an achievement. Having said that, I only ever read the NWT, apart from the occasional passage look - up in other translations, so I didn't know as much as I thought after all.

  • undercover

    Good question.

    I guess at times, in my most indoctrinated state, I thought that I knew more than people outside of the JW world. I know that I knew more about the Bible than most people I went to school with or knew outside of the "truth" growing up. But later, I ran into old-timers that knew their Bible pretty well. Even then though, I reasoned that even though they could recite verses or debate scripture, they didn't have the "truth" so no matter what their argument was, it couldn't be right. Turns out I was wrong the entire time.

  • daystar

    I think the vast majority of us all shared this. I was no different.

    I can recall two Christian boys "challenging" me and another Witness boy to an after school bible discussion. I didn't really see the point then, but I agreed to it. We were so smug. They debated straight from the bible. We debated straight from the Reasoning book. I'm sure we irritated them to no end.

  • Warlock

    I will honestly say that I never, not even one time, met anyone at the door, knew anyone at work who knew the Bible better than me.

    I say that, not with arrogance, but as a fact.


  • james_woods

    Good quote to remember this little bit of bible pride:

    Sure, had the books of the Bible memorized, the order I mean. Was a Bible expert.

    I remember how this was almost a stated requirement for all the young kids before baptizm. Also, how there was a sort of foolish race to see who could look up the scripture the fastest when the conductor asked for someone to read a verse. We got a lot of practise, what with the way they loved to jump all around and just read one verse, or even a part, and then jump somewhere else.

    Got the Bible Pride wind taken out of my sails when a Church of Christ college professor told me how I pronounced and applied "parousia" was probably wrong. Also when he challenged me to research up the reasons for sticking "Jehovah" all through the Greek testament.


  • itsallgoodnow

    no, I truly didn't think I knew very much. Everything I understood was so simplified and repetitive. If I read scriptures I hadn't seen much info on I knew there was a lot to it that I didn't understand and the WT didn't care to write about.

    Anything that seemed much harder than the basics was just a bunch of hooey -- always centered around trying to validate their authority. Did that seem confusing and stupid? yes, because it was all crap, freshly pulled out of their asses!

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