Changes that will come in Jehovah's witnesses organization

by PeLe, ThE Soccer King 46 Replies latest jw friends

  • PeLe, ThE Soccer King
    PeLe, ThE Soccer King

    Hello all,

    I have a strong reason to believe that the change that will be announced in next few days among Jehovah's witnesses will bring a major "refining" work among its members.

    Take a note of this:

    If are not regular in meetings and service of field than you're signalling that you're no longer a Jehovah's witness.

    My only doubt regards this announcement has to do with deadlines to implement this change or if it will bring an offense for disfellowshippment or dissociation, but everybody know that it will have the same effect for witnesses (but not for liabilities).

    I will explain latter others reasons why I believe so.

    Best regards,

    Pele (better than Maradona and Zidane together)

  • Dave_T

    Hi, Where did you get the info?

  • TweetieBird

    Am I reading correctly? Are they actually making a change to state that if you are not attending meetings you will no longer be considered a dub? Or is this just speculation.
    Just trying to get the facts before I get my panties in a bunch.

  • kls

    That is not really a big surprise since the wt is announcing The End is upon us again, and scaring the weak ones that if they don't get their butts back to jah they will die with everyone else . The horrible death the the wt uses to keep their flock in line.

    It's another ploy by the wt to scare and get their numbers up.

    You are with us ,or die.

  • sspo
  • sspo

    No way

    Too many irregular ones, inactive ones, and older ones that don't want to publish or cannot publish due to age.

    Elders would have to pass judgement on too many witness of why they are not active and whether they have a good reason.

    The numbers of the rank and file would dip like crazy, the society could not handle the humiliation of seeing their reports going down the drain.

    Maybe, the new policy is to report even 10 minutes of service every month and that would inflate the numbers of publishers

  • karen96

    I don't think they will enforce this. My old cong had a number of elderly that couldn't make it to the meetings, it had nothing to do with their desire to be there. I agree also, that the borg wouldn't be able to handle the decline in numbers from such a move. They would need to offset this by some other means, like the Mormons: baptizing the dead or something!


  • MikeMusto

    umm no.. as a current dubber..there is no way in hell they would think about a rule like this.. this would go agains seeking out the spiritually weak...

  • GermanXJW

    In Germany they made their numbers bigger actually counting everyone and getting to a number of 220,000 JW (publishers are 163,000). You have to have a certain size to get the public body status. I doubt they will make such a change.

  • Qcmbr

    If we counted our baptisms for the dead we'd be the fastest growing religion by a dazzling mile...

    but we don't as we assume most people who get baptised would say 'No, I do not like Jello, nor do I want to buy Osmonds records.'

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