First Annual Irish Apost O'Fest

by funkyderek 46 Replies latest members meetups

  • Dansk
    we can do the 30th if sirona stops being sooo busy and gets her passport sorted!!

    Do we actually need passports to Ireland?

    Who's going now?


  • funkyderek


    Do we actually need passports to Ireland?

    No, you Englanders can get in with any form of photo ID, but you should check with your transport provider to see what they accept.

    Who's going now?

    I don't know. How about a quick count? Hands up those who are definitely or probably coming. (By hands up, I mean post on this thread...)

  • lowden


    My life's a bit topsy-turvy at the moment but i'm still hoping it can happen.

    Just one pint of the 'ruby' in John Mulligans with all those crazy dudes is worth a long trek. Is Jonny Fox's worth the journey? I've been told it's a brilliant night out?



  • katiekitten
    My life's a bit topsy-turvy at the moment but i'm still hoping it can happen.

    Yea, pull yourself together man, you were up til 1am drinking last night! Youre not built for this kind of candle burning! Dr Katie says you need a cocoa and an early night tonight.

  • Cordelia

    hi so whos coming, is it defo on??

    anyone traveling on their own??

  • funkyderek


    Yes, it's definitely on, at least inasmuch as I'll be around. So far nobody's confirmed but I guarantee anyone who comes will have a good time, even if it's a small group. Cheap flights are still available (from as little as 1p). I'll be around the whole weekend so anybody who wants to come on Friday can start drinking sooner.

    (We have curry here too, you know.)

  • Cordelia

    sounds goods i just feel lost without sirona we were gonna make a weekend of it but shes been er kind of busy recently!! so i'm not sure whats going on

    is gadget still going

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