Maybe fluff, but not really, HOW BIG WAS YOUR POWER BILL THIS MONTH?

by restrangled 44 Replies latest jw friends

  • restrangled


    $12.50.....WHAT? .......tell your secret, or admit you are not paying for your local power company.


  • daniel-p
    there are 4 computers that go for 24/7. I am told it is hard on them to shut them off and restart them.

    It's not that hard on personal computers to be restarted when need be - i think they are definetely contributing to your electric bill. What is actually harder on computers is to leave them on 24/7 where dust collects on the fan intakes and puts pressure on the bearings and doesn't circulate air well. I think the advantages of turning off your computers and keeping them clean far outweigh any disadvantage of turning them on and off.

    My power bill: $19.27. I live in an apartment in California (~800 sq. ft.), however, heating, water and stove are gas. These make a big difference. If you have a water heater, stove, or HVAC system which is elctric you will get killed. What you can do in these situations is to install "on-demand" hot water systems which heat water seperately from the main tank in order to provide hot water to sinks, tubs, etc. Also, what is more important than buying new appliances by far is to make sure all windows and exterior doors in the house are weather-stripped. Insulation and glazing (windows) are the biggest factors for heating/cooling a house besides the natural environment. Do you have double-paned windows? Are there any trees shading your house on the south side? How much glazing is on the south side? Is your attic properly insulated? A good reason to ask these questions is that not all states have the same energy regulations, and if you own an old home there are no requirements for energy efficiency and conservation that matches today's standards. You can hire someone to come to your home and do an energy audit, which in your case (@$400/month) sounds like it may be a good investment.

  • restrangled

    Dear Daniel P,

    We actually have 6 computers, 2 personal the rest business. The 2 personal are always shut down. The dust is almost uncontrollable around the business computers, I vacuum daily.

    As far as windows, double glazed are unheard of in Florida. I do have huge trees on the North side of the house and small on the south side, but most of the windows are on the north. Last year our bill was about $250.00 a month, and we replaced all the appliances 6 months ago trying to stick to energy star rated.

    My hotwater heater is only 3 years old.

    Yikes, were going to go broke if this keeps up!


  • free2beme

    $220, we have 1700 sq ft and a hot tub

  • cyd0099

    As the manager of the victorian building, my utilities are fixed. I also get free cable and my broadband wireless is 35.00 a month. All together, my fixed expenses are less than 100.00 a month.

  • daniel-p
    As far as windows, double glazed are unheard of in Florida. I do have huge trees on the North side of the house and small on the south side, but most of the windows are on the north. Last year our bill was about $250.00 a month, and we replaced all the appliances 6 months ago trying to stick to energy star rated.

    My hotwater heater is only 3 years old.

    Yikes, were going to go broke if this keeps up!

    Well, I guess it can't be cheap maintaining a habitable temperature in what used to be swampland. I lived in Florida a while - our air conditioner broke down for about three weeks. I was so miserable I couldn't sleep except for about 4am-8am. The heat and other reasons made me vow to never go back.

  • Mulan

    Electric $48.00

    Gas $33.00

    No need for air conditioning in this area. No need for the furnace this time of year either. 2 computers going 24/7

  • gwyneth

    1280 sq. ft. rickety piece of crap built in 1936 (therefore no insulation) in Florida, with three window air conditioning units set on 68 degrees 24/7 to bring it down to 82 inside, $158.30. ($20 more than last month) Propane powers the hot water heater and stove, and furnace in winter.

  • Purza

    1300 sq. ft. house. $49.52. Cheapest it has been in awhile. I didn't use my a/c last month -- just started using it this past week, so we shall see how high that brings it. I do have a teenager that is home most of the day, but my house is only 4 years old and I think it is pretty efficient.


  • Elsewhere

    Just got the bill this morning.

    About $190.00 for an apartment that is about 950 square feet. I've even been keeping my AC at about 80 F during the day, otherwise it will never shut off.

    Today's forecast: 100 F

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