X - JW or Apostate?

by In Between 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Synergy

    Certainly an Apostate. However, that "hatred" you mentioned is not there. I hate what has happened to me but I continue to pray daily for them, the ones left in, that they will find the truth about it and come into God's loving grace. I do feel the call to expose the false doctrine and at the same time show the truth from the Bible. God does call us to witness Matt. 24:14;28:19,20 but I bear witness to Jesus, NOT the Watchtower.


  • Stealth453

    "My own opinion, they are one in the same. I used to fear the word apostate, now it's a badge of honor. Shows I can think, and learn, and be spiritual WITHOUT their help."


    Apostate and proud of it!!!

  • thecarpenter

    I view myself as a ex-jw. I view the JW's as christian apostates for manipulating the blble. And like the others, if the JW topic lands on my lap, I will expose them.

  • Carmel

    Welcome to the board Inbetween. I define myself by what I AM, not what I'm not! So neither definition fits for me. For some, their sexual preferences define who they are, even have marches about it, others define themselves by what tribe or ethnic minority they belong to. For me, none of those limited perspectives are adequate. I consider myself a "world citizen" a happy human with past experiances in common with many and future friends I'm looking forward to make.


  • Fleshybirdfodder

    Hi In Between,

    I agree with Carmel... I'm just a guy who started to think for himself. Whatever others call me is their own choice. I prefer "sexy genius"... but I don't hear that too much.


  • Poztate
    An apostate to me is more active against the faith, GB, teachings, etc. I think of those that spend more time exposing the falsehoods.

    I chose the nic of POZTATEā„¢ not because of being more actively against them but a way of poking fun at them.They live in fear of anyone who pick holes in their silly little religion. I have NO respect for them or for their teachings but I don't spent my time actively exposing them.

    My Wife unfortunately is still a "true believer"

    If you keep your opinions to yourself you are an Ex-JW.

    If you speak your opinion you are APOSTATE.

    Terry nailed it.....

  • restrangled

    The original defination of an apostate was someone who disregarded the teaching of the trinity. That would make all JW's apostates.

    The JW's have turned it into anyone who disregard their teachings.

    This in turn would be considered AGITPROP....a term I have used in many posts, which has the meaning; Propaganda that incites Agitation against a political force. Since the JWs consider themselves representative of a govt., this term, in my opinion applies.

    They use AGITPROP to futher their cause.

    Apostate to me does not apply to anyone in this forum.. It is a term applied by political propaganda.

    The people here a are free thinking, individuals with the god given option of an opinion. A difference of opinion does not equal apostasy.


  • AuldSoul

    I think anyone who leaves any religion or belief system or former loyalty is an apostate, whether or not they ever adopt another one or speak out against the former one. It is not really a scary word.

    Every single JW that used to be a different religion or married to a different person or a subscriber to certain magazine is an apostate. Okay, maybe the magazine subscription is a stretch . I used to be a JW, so I am an apostate. JWs view the word with some sort of paranormal superstition that the word simply does not denote or connote. Every ex-JW is an apostate. Only the JW usage of the word would carry some connotation of vengeance against the formerly held loyalty.

    I am definitely an ex-JW and I am working toward becoming an EX-ex-JW. But if I can help hit the reset button that will free my wife and family to choose again on my way toward that goal, so much the better.


  • esw1966

    I am an ex-JW who feels embarrassed to have been taken in by the whole JW thing for 30 years without understanding all the harm it was doing to me as a person.

    I think being a JW is damaging and takes people AWAY from God. I view it as Satanic.

    So, I pray for those who are stuck in it and I educate others as to the harm it causes when the conversation goes that way.

    My friends and family would call me apostate. I view myself as an ex JW who cares for others.

  • lonelysheep

    I'd say I'm both. I don't care that I didn't get baptized, my thinking was transformed from their brainwashing. Now, I welcome the opportunity to speak out against them.

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