Do you think a nuclear weapon will be used in war or terrorism in our time?

by free2beme 55 Replies latest jw friends

  • free2beme

    Nothing subtle about it. People in glass houses should not throw stones. I don't think the use of nuclear weapons on civilians is anything to be proud of. Just because it helped prevent the death of our own service men, does not mean it did not break the rules of war. People died there, instead of here, does one life mean more or less then another? Personally, I am proud to be an American. Yet I am not proud of everything we did. Even President Truman had second thoughts on what he did, and even regrets. I am always amazed though, that when ever you say anything against something America, people assume your are some insane Michael Moore wannabe. I am very conservative, but I don't agree with things just because conservatives say you have too. I remember a great quote once that said, "to the victors belong the history books." Which says a lot. Oh, and to be fair, Pearl Harbor was a dishonorable attack too.

  • Nathan Natas
    Nathan Natas

    I hope that nukes wil not be used, but if they are I hope they are ours, and that they are as effective at changing the terrorist mindset as the bombs at Hiroshima nad Nagasaki were at reversing the Japanese resolve to continue fighting.

    Ours have a fresh clean scent and are less filling.

  • shar212

    It is possible at anytime or anywhere. They never should have made nukes. Eventually like everything else, it gets around.

  • proplog2

    The King of the South (United States) is actively pushing the King of the North (Russia). The US broke their promise about not expanding NATO if the USSR allowed East & West Germany re-unify. Currently the US is courting Ukraine and Georgia to be members of NATO. The US is also trying to get control of the oil in the Black Sea. This infuriates the King of the North.

    Very shortly Putin (Stern faced king described in Daniel 8) will set off a nuclear weapon in New York City. They will do this without any fear of retalliation because they can simply blame it on terrorists. The purpose will be to break the US monopoly on world power and it will be an excuse for Putin to rebuild the Russian Empire.

    The US would be seriously damaged economically when this happens. It will distract the US from Russian activities in its former Republics. It most likely will happen before 2008 so that Putin will also have an excuse to remain in power.

  • Robdar

    Free2B. If this was a stab at some kind of subtle, cheap shot, anti US statement about use of the A bomb in WWII, keep in mind there are a lot of us out here with an honest perspective, in historical context, of that event who consider your view as nothing more than feel good psuedo intellectual horsepucky.

    Free2beme, This is still a free country. Think what you want to think and say what you want to say. Pay absolutely no attention to the psuedo-intellectual hot air being spouted by that self-important horses ass.

  • metatron

    Proplog, you've really lost it, this time.

    Putin is negotiating for free trade with Europe - and, no, can't ever be sure that the US wouldn't blame him for a nuclear strike.

    Russia is a dying nation- literally! They are losing 700, 000 to a million people per year in population because of their low birth rate.

    Currently, the life expectancy of adult Russian males is about the same as Bangladesh. Their armed forces are an utter mess,

    with leaky subs, rusting ships, Muslim insurgents, hazing issues that sap discipline and desertion.

    Give us a date on your nuclear strike. We'll all watch for it to happen.


  • Gregor

    Even President Truman had second thoughts on what he did, and even regrets.

    This is just flat not true. Another example of someone making use of that old internet chat room luxury of saying whatever you like with absolutly no accountability for its truthfulness or accuracy. Just as Robdar, the Brilliant One, told you, feel free to say whatever you want to say, (though I don't see how my reply could be taken as an order to be silent) take her example and lash out at anyone (especially a male) who disagrees with you and don't forget the name calling, the liberal substitute for an argument.

  • proplog2


    I respect the breadth of your knowledge and I too wish the world could continue in relative peace giving science and technology a chance to take us to a higher level of health and happiness.

    Like most Americans you probably need to widen your knowledge of Russia.

    Russia is very interested in trade with Europe that is mutually beneficial. But Europe is NOT the United States. Russia is primarily interested in the World Island ie. Europe, Asia, Africa, Middle East. Do you feel as Bush that you can look into the eyes of Putin and see a noble soul? Putin is deceptive (Daniel 8:25) He most likely was behind the bombing of the apartments outside Moscow in 1999 which were the justification for the 2nd Chechen War. Putin's goal is to make Russia the dominant power in the Eurasian sphere. The US knows that it must prevent that from happening at all costs. Whoever rules Eurasia will rule the world.

    Although I hate war I thoroughly understand the roots of the neo-conservatives desire to tolerate no rivals on the world stage. There is an influential but obscure book titled "The Geography of Peace" by Nicholas John Spykmann (1944) Spykmann was Sterling Professor of International Relations at Yale University.

    Here is a quote from that book:

    "The facts of geography have determined the essential meaning of the relations between these areas by making it clear that the Western Hemisphere center of power could be outweighed by a combined Eurasian power potential, which would possess two and one-half times the area and ten times the population of the Americas. Even though, at the present time, the industrial productivity of the New World would almost balance that of the Old, the United States would still find herself irresistably encircled by a superior force if she should ever be confronted by a united Eurasian rimland. Her main political objective, both in peace and war, must therefore be to prevent the unification of the Old World centers of power in a coalition hostile to her own interests."

    Spykman was the background for Kenans stategy of containment of the USSR after WWII. Another name worth noting in this field was Sir Halford Mackinder. These men were very influential in the formation of strategy for the USA. They are kept in the background though because they carry notions that are offensive to the soverignty of other nations.

    It is no coincidence that the USA and Russia are still rivals - even with the fall of the USSR. Whoever wrote the Bible wouldn't have to be too much more advanced than we are to be able to look at a layout of land masses on the planet and see who the principal players would be.

    The Bible also describes the final empire that emerges from the Roman Iron Legs as being fragmented. Russia is not a melting pot like the USA. Russia is a nation formed by conquering many smaller tribes and nations - approximately 89 states - many with their own languages. It is just such a dying/fragmenting empire that is destroyed by the stone cut out of the mountain.

    I have told you before in similar discussions that a weak dying nation (Weimar Germany) is at its most dangerous stage.

  • Robdar

    Truth hurts doesn't it, Gregor? You're the one that talks down to women, a check of your posting history shows it. BTW, You started the name calling a few posts back. The gloves came off then. If you can't handle it, go cry to your mommy. Thanks for thinking I'm brilliant.

    Have a happy 4th.

  • Gregor

    Robdar, baby! You crack me up! I want my Mommy and my Teddy bear! LOL I didn't say I had not indulged in name calling. It's another pitfall that the internet makes too easy and since I can recall apologizing to a couple of folks here in the past for it I am going to make a sincere effort to avoid it. If you catch me at it again please bring it to my attention. (I've been doing pretty good in cutting back on the F word in my regular conversation, you'd be proud of me) You called me a Horses ass? Hey, I resemble that remark!

    You have a great 4th too.

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