The last tug of trained fear.

by Steve Lowry 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Emma

    I'm surprised no one has mentioned 9/11. It got to my ex-husband so badly that he couldn't work for a couple of weeks. His current wife phoned me to ask me what to do for him! He couldn't stop shaking, and I mean for days. He was literally sick thinking the big A was going to get him. (What does that say about his conscience?)

    I've had my moments, especially thinking of my kids, but am mostly over the fear.

  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    I was too pissed about 911 to be afraid, and looking back on it that was prolly a good thing for me. From the minute I saw the second plane fly into the second tower I knew it was an attack. I wanted to kill those bastards, but they saved me the trouble. Sorry to hear about your ex though. I knew many people who became very afraid that day, and rightfully so.

  • FreeFromWTBS

    Yes it is called Post Traumatic Stress Disorder from Cult Exposure

  • lilybird

    Sometimes when I would still get a pang of fear that Armageddon might really come , but I was more worried that my kids would die rather than myself..I still sometimes had a fear that maybe the Dubs really had it right.. It wasn't until I found this site a few years ago, and started finding out about the many lying deceiful teachings and activities of the borg( like the UN involvement) that I knew I had made the right decision leaving the cult of the JWS. I knew they had no knowledge of God or Christ at all and were not at all spirit directed.

  • itsallgoodnow

    I wasn't really worried about Armageddon. I mean it was in the back of my mind, and I expected it might come in my lifetime, cutting my life short, but I didn't expect it in the near future anymore. I figured I wouldn't live to see my life expectancy but I didn't see it in the next 20 years, so I wasn't as much afraid of that as I was of demons and the devil. I was relieved to find out armageddon was all crap, sure, but I was way more relieved about not having to worry about evil spirits. I don't know why.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I used to fear armageddon when I was a jw, but I don't now. I never think "what if the jws are right?", because I know they are wrong. I don't believe there's going to be an armageddon anyway, so I have no reason to fear it.

  • purplesofa

    I will tell this if you don't laugh or feel terribly sorry for me.

    The first Memorial after I was DF I decided to go. All dressed up, and waited for the proper amount of time before pulling in the parking lot and entering............I was scared ........first meeting since being DF.

    I go to the door and the doorknob won't turn..........I jiggle and jiggle and will not open........I give it a bit of a jiggle more and nothing...........and no one comes to let me in. I never heard of a KH door being locked at a meeting.

    All I could think of is how they said the door would be shut like when the arc was shut. That people would try to get in and could not .....the lord would say I do not know you. I was sure this was my final death sentence.

    I was horrified. It stuck with me for years while I was DF. I was reinstated after 9 years of DF. and told an elder of that congregation about that door on the day of the Memorial.

    He said ........well, we fineally got that door fixed.


  • Steve Lowry
    Steve Lowry

    Thats a funny story, purplesofa. I'm sure most of us can relate.

  • sass_my_frass

    I knew I'd be okay just after the tsunami - a jw friend on her way out said that she'd been praying for a sign and then it happened. I asked if she thought that god would kill 250 000 people to make a point to her. She's doing fine now.

  • kilroy2

    It is not a weird question at all, for those of us who were in the cult, we had or have to get past the brain washing,

    I can remember buying antiques and not sleeping at night for a couple of nights thinking "I wonder is this one is deamonized?"But then slowly I started to look at the big picture, Then history helped me a lot. I thought about how silly it would be if every time something happend in the world on a big scale, that I started to feel that the end of the world was near.

    Slowly I came out of it till I now look at the crap the society spews no different than watching benny hinn. Or jimmy van praug. Just a bunch of huckersters trying to sell crap. telaevangelical markerters,

    My wife went to the beach yesterday to visit her sister, she had not seen her in a year and she came up for a graduation party for their neice. their mother came with them, and my wife said she had a bunch of the dubber crap with her, I asked her if she had noticed that when dubbers get old and things do not turn out like they planed, that they grasp on even harder to the cult teachings?

    I mean this, donna lost her mother last year, and at 65 had never cut the apron strings, he father died several years ago.

    I have an ante that her and my uncle would sit in the living room and hold on to the danial book and pour over it like they would find some speck of gold that they did not find the first several times reading it.

    I have seen this so many times, and it is pathetic, at the graduation party my wife said mr. kruski was talking about how he could not retire and he is in his late 50s, I am seeing so many dubbers that were so confident that the end was near now so unhappy with the life they have that all they have to look forward to is the end of the world.

    I used to get joy from this in the that I mean an I told you so way, but now I dont want to watch.

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