you think you are being shunned or.......

by Snoozy 37 Replies latest jw friends

  • wednesday

    It's shunnig snozy. We are here to recover from the abuse most of us have had to endure at he hands of jws. If we sound hurt and mad-well we hare. but I don't go on with my relatives about this, they dont' want to know. We were shunned before we stopped attending, and now that we have stopped, it continues.

  • Snoozy

    Yes I am fully aware of the JW teaching..I was one for 15 years. Raised my kids to be a JW..Hubby was from a JW family and went back to being one after the kids left the nest so to speak..

    I left the religion because I didn't believe their took me a long time to admit that to myself.

    The only point I am trying to make is that some may come across as obnoxious when trying to speak to JW's..maybe that could be one reason they "shun".

    Catholics used to excommunicate..I don't think they do any more..the Witnesses are hanging on to their old teachings..I bet someday they will do away with the "Shunning process"..they can't afford not to!

    I know the witnesses have hurt a lot of people. But seriously all religions have in one way or another done the same thing.

    It just depends on how we handle it ..depends on how secure you are.

    Snoozy Q...

  • fjtoth


    I have to tell you that you come across as somebody who is accusing the innocent. We are not the ones who made up the shunning rule. Most of us are not the shunning sort. Just because you've had a bad experience, don't think that what you experienced or observed is something that identifies with most of us.

    If you know JWs as well as you claim, why not speak the truth about them? Why suggest or insinuate that we on this board are the ones in the wrong and that most JWs nowadays don't REALLY want to shun and are being wrongly accused?

    I have relatives and former friends who are deathly afraid to speak to me for fear they will die at Armageddon for doing so. They don't even dare to respond to my friendly "hello." In their eyes I'm like the devil's right-hand man, even though I daily mind my own business and go about my life by being as kind and helpful to people as I know how.

    What the WT organization does to people's lives by its cruel and demonic shunning policy is something they will have to answer to before God and Christ. Why put yourself in the hot seat by defending the guilty and pointing an accusing finger at the innocent?


  • candidlynuts

    if it wouldnt identify me i'd post a letter from my adult child.

    i will share one line " Until you show your loyalty to the organization by attending meetings and becoming active, I will not associate with you as associating with you would be a threat to MY spirituality. "

    (note, i do not speak against the religion , i'm simply inactive)

    i know i'm being shunned and why.

  • serendipity

    Hi snoozy,

    Or finds you not too much fun to be around?

    I don't think people want to be THAT introspective.

    I've been inactive or irregular for years. While I'm not shunned, my JW family doesn't reach out to me or to my daughter very often. I have asked myself those questions in the past, and it's true they are very busy. In the little bit of free time they have, they want to enjoy it with lively, entertaining people who will keep the conversation light and superficial. Well, the type of personality they like to socialize with doesn't describe me. By nature I'm more serious and don't care for superficial conversations regarding the latest acquisitions of material possessions, clothing, various pop culture stuff and WT life oneupmanship. To add to that, I'm an exhausted single mother who's hurt by the lack of attention from her family. I know I'm definitely not the life of their parties. It's ok, because its caused me to 'cut the apron strings' and distance myself. That will benefit me one of these days.

  • MidwichCuckoo

    Thanks for post Snoozy -innocenttly, don't know what MY standing is - love to know (after strange Elder call)- and why haven't I been told/informed

  • sammielee24
    The only point I am trying to make is that some may come across as obnoxious when trying to speak to JW's..maybe that could be one reason they "shun".

    Huh? what did I miss? mean there are actually JW's out there that speak to disfellowshipped ones????? Where? Can I have their address? I've never run into any JW that would speak to a disfellowshipped person. Shunning is abuse and it happens all the time. Now if JR Brown is correct in his figures that 50,000 or so are df'd each year...that's a whole heck of a lot of shunning. Funny, I feel like I'm being put on the defensive for an abusive act being committed by someone I'm to blame. Kind of like the thinking you know - I got slapped upside the head by my husband because I didn't clean the house...I'm imagining it or it's my attitude - hmmmmm. swife

  • Honesty

    Being shunned.... me?

    How about co-workers who are in my old congregation that tell me in front of other co-workers to "Get out of my face" when I say "Hi" in passing.

    Or JW co-workers who will not come on the property when I am there.

    I am glad they do it. It's a great witness to people at work.

    Proof positive that the JW's are anything but Christian.

  • riverofdeceit

    This is such an ignorant question. Of course people are being shunned. It is the policy. Sure there are those who do not always shun relatives, but they are breaking one of the JW 10 billion commandments. If you do not shun df'd or da'd people then you yourself may be next on the list.

    My guess would be that if people didn't want to hang out because they "didn't think you were fun" it was going on before you were df'd.

    What was the purpose of this question? Oh yeah, blame the victim. Maybe you deserved it because of how you were dressed, dear rape victim!

    added* Oh yeah, and IT IS THE RELIGION THAT IS THE REASON! not just some stupid excuse. There is really not any debate about it. riverofdeceit of the got reinstated class so I could visit my mother (who didn't shun me) before she died of cancer without freaking out my other relatives (JW aunts uncles cousins) because I was df'd.

  • Snoozy
    Snoozy you regret what you did? Getting reinstated to be with your loved one?

    I am certainly not saying ANYTHING good about the JW religion. I am just trying to say that sometimes our anger gets the best of us and we hurt our cause more than help it.

    I am also saying they are NOT the only religion that does this. They all have little clicks where you may feel shunned and yet it isn't always so official like in the JW religion.

    Each church you may go to has their own set of rules..if they don't like the car you may not be "In the group"..

    If you have children that have aren't invited to functions..

    Just some of the things I have observed in my years..

    And yes, I have been talked to and socialized with even though I disassociated myself in 1975.

    My JW MIL even asked her "Elders" if it was allright and they said yes. Believe it or not. We even got into religious discussions occasionally which was NOT recommended.

    Just like other churches..each congregation acts upon the "Rules" differently. Some go overboard on the "Shunning process" and others just say..Oh well of course you can talk to them.

    Age sees a lot of things...and as I said important is being right?

    Snoozy Q..

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