"Maybe this was the part where the "no rain" teachng was "clarified" per the 1998 material that many rank and file "missed."
Nope. It was specificaly in the mid-morning announcement period just after the song. I remember that talk, noting that it was mainly a bunch of crap about how to look topics up in the CDROM or Index. The "odd announcement" was a letterread directly by the chairman, during the announcements. When he was done, there was a low hum - i suppose people whispering how it seemed out of place, since all the other "announcements" are the usual stuff about Bethel and Gilead meetings, donations, etc.
I'm sorry no one else can verify this... I'm beginging to think it was along the lines of what Auldsoul suggested.
Odd Announcement at District Convention
by daniel-p 30 Replies latest jw friends