Remember the Panorama programme on JWs a few years ago? Question

by evergreen 36 Replies latest jw friends

  • Fe2O3Girl

    All the original programme information is still on the BBC website.

    I can't see any apologies, retractions or corrections there. Did you actually see this "apology", Kero-kero?


  • Fe2O3Girl

    Bugger. Double post. Still, one post nearer Jedi, then I'll get a congratulations thread and everything.............oh, never mind..............

  • Fe2O3Girl
    If you don't can alwyas write to the BBC nad ask for a copy of the apology...which you can do...because when the make an apology they always leave information and contact details so you can ask for a copy of the apology made.

    Already done, Kero-kero. But since you are claiming this apology happened, it isn't unreasonable for us to ask YOU to provide the evidence.

  • Kero-kero

    Yes...I did see the apology...when it was boardcasted a few weeks after the actually Panorama program.

  • Kero-kero

    Ok...fine...I have no worries about writing to the BBC for a copy of the apology...I will do so.

  • brutusmaximus

    Write on Kero-Kero

    There are always two sides but the girls father in that case was convicted in court for his actions so not sure an apology would be needed and who should be saying sorry.


  • slimboyfat

    I don't remember an apology being "boardcasted" either.

    The lady who made the program does not seem very anti-JW to me:

  • candidlynuts

    kero, i know thats the original transcript, i posted the link for informational purposes and also, if there were an apology ( this was before my time on the board so i do not know if there was or not).......if there were an apology, it would be big news on the board and that link is from that time period and may help those who might be researching thru the boards to find it............i agree with (whoever above) said that if there is an apology it would have been big news on this board ..

    sorry to have induced a " duh" out of you.

  • Jourles

    And in case Panorama decides to blow you off, I emailed Bill Bowen to ask him if such an apology was ever given. I'll let you know what he says.

  • Kero-kero

    Are you aware that the truth is that the elders were never told of sexual abuse by Paul Berry at this time by the mother, Sara Poisson. How do we know this to be the truth. Note the testimony of the mother herself in the sentencing phase of Paul Berry.

    Sara Poisson testified:

    "A social worker visited me and informed me that I needed to have Paul removed from the home by 5 o'clock that day, or that she would take my children away from me. Before me now was the decision--the very real decision--to choose God, as I perceived him to be at that time, or to choose my children. And I chose mychildren. This decision resulted in years of extreme poverty. The entire congregation turned their back on us."

    Then notice what happened much later after her daughter had grown to maturity. Sara Poisson continues her testimony:

    "I did not hear from Holly for 18 months. She called one day from Indianaand sa1d she wanted to come home. I sent her a bus ticket and picked her up in (Ascutney), Vermont. She was thin, she was sick, and she had parasites. When she dismounted from that bus, she asked me, "Why did you let that happen?" And I said, "Why did I let what happen?" And this was the first time that I heard about the sexual abuse that had happened to her.""

    According to Sara Poisson's on testimony at the sentencing of Paul Berry, she found out about the sexual abuse for the first time at a much later date than her conversation with the elders. No, she could not have possibly told the elders about any sexual abuse by Paul Berry.

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