JW facts...I don't know if there is a way to get them looking before they're ready. I think that there is so much fear instilled in them of "apostates" that they have to be willing to make the first step or at least curious if others have gone through what they have.
When I had my old website, which was up originally for about two years, I got more than 10,000 emails in that time. Yes, that is the correct number, not a typo. So many people, so many stories, it got to be so overwhelming for me that I had to step back. So many abused women especially contacted me after reading my story and said that they saw themselves in it.
I think, at risk of repeating myself here, that the best thing we can show them is the fact that we are in a much better place now. We do lose people sometimes...I have found myself thinking a lot about Puternut lately :( but a lot of us make it out alive. We form new ties, have families of our own. The idea that our children can be free of the pain we suffered...that motivated me and I hope it motivates a lot of JW's who don't want their kids to carry the same baggage that we do.
I think that making ourselves available, being honest and trying not to sugarcoat the journey but tell what positives we've discovered since leaving (and I don't mean stuff like freedom to drink as much as we want or party or whatever, but showing that most of us read very 'normal' lives with our families on a daily basis) does more to help those on the brink of leaving than trying to drag them out.
Too much of a frontal assault and they go running back to Mother. You have to wait for them to take the first step. It can be incredibly frustrating. I had a dear old friend who made huge strides in leaving...then ran back in because of her family. She didn't talk to me for almost two years, and it really hurt. But I made sure that she knew I was there for her anyway, anytime.
She's out now, and we saw each other recently and it was bliss. We're survivors. People just have to be ready or you can't pull them out with all your might.