Reasons for not becoming APOSTATE

by slimboyfat 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • slimboyfat


    I thought it would be clear my points were not made in earnest.

    But I still can't help half sympathising with some of the sentiments. It is good to see both points of view.

    At the same time I agree with most of the responses and many good points have been made.

    My "fecal stain" is actually meant to a representation of the divine name!


  • Mary

    1. Apostates are divided among themselves and have nothing better to offer. Only freedom from the druggery of 5 meetings a week, service, assemblies and the chance to actually have a life.

    2. Most left because they can't reach the high moral standards of Jehovah's Witnesses. You mean like protecting pedophiles?

    3. All apostates can do is tear down the truth and offer nothing substantial in its place. Yep. We tear down the obvious lies that the Society has promoted as "truth" for 130 years and offer freedom of expression and freedom of religion in its place.

    4. Jehovah has always worked through an organisation. And, it says that where in the bible?

    5. Some end up with silly signs outside the Convention. You mean like the ones that used to read "Religion Is a Snare and a Racket"?

    6. You get the feeling that some are using the child abuse issue to push a general agenda against the truth rather than simply for the sake of the children. Riiiight. Apostates have absolutely no interest in helping small children who have been raped by people they trusted.

    7. Apostates accept secular chronology over that calculated from the Bible by celebrated Watchtower scholars. You got it!

    8. I think Michael Jackson is an apostate. I'm not even sure he's male.....what's your point?

    9. Jehovah's Witnesses are such nice people they can only have my best interests at heart. Yes, alot of them are nice. But it's only conditional nice. Point out any obvious errors in their doctrines and you'll see that niceness vanish like ice on a New York sidewalk in July.

    10. Apostates have no hope for the future. You mean the hope of living forever under the tyranical reign of the elders on earth and assholes like Freddie Franz and Judge Booze Rutherford that are drunk in heaven?

    I could go on and on. But Armageddon's comin' and you don't have time....I understand.

  • Dr Jekyll
    Dr Jekyll

    Slimboy wrote:

    2. Most left because they can't reach the high moral standards of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Like you you mean? Matt :Edited to fix the link

  • slimboyfat

    The link doesn't work, but I know what you are getting at.

    I am not saying that apostates are bad, or that I am simply better. I am simply saying that people are not always straight-forward when presenting reasons for their actions - including leaving a group like Jehovah's Witnesses.

    Many people may say they left on matters of principle, but actually were thrown out on moral grounds before they formulated a negative view of the religion.

    Similarly, Jehovah's Witnesses are often evasive in giving their reasons for joining the religion. Often the reason was more mundane than the lofty "I realised it was the truth and had to tell others about it" answer usually given.

  • RachelHall
    11. Jehovah's Witnesses begin their apostasy by believing in God, but end up looking to the Watchtower as a higher power.

    That is the God's truth. To bad Slim is brainwashed to think otherwise.

  • Terry
    1. Apostates are divided among themselves and have nothing better to offer.

    2. Most left because they can't reach the high moral standards of Jehovah's Witnesses.

    3. All apostates can do is tear down the truth and offer nothing substantial in its place.

    4. Jehovah has always worked through an organisation.

    5. Some end up with silly signs outside the Convention.

    6. You get the feeling that some are using the child abuse issue to push a general agenda against the truth rather than simply for the sake of the children.

    7. Apostates accept secular chronology over that calculated from the Bible by celebrated Watchtower scholars.

    8. I think Michael Jackson is an apostate.

    9. Jehovah's Witnesses are such nice people they can only have my best interests at heart.

    10. Apostates have no hope for the future.

    11. Some start out apostasy believing the Bible, but most lose faith in God.

    1.JW apostates are 100% united in being happy to be free of the clutches of Brooklyn NY and the phoney FDS. Having escaped a religious cult they find they are no longer able to trust in simply what they are told. Being individuals now rather than clones they think for themselves and display this by differing with each other. It is a badge of mental health.

    2.Jehovah's Witnesses are actually moral cowards. They are intellectual appeasers. They are taught to fear evil and obey Brooklyn. JW's are the product of non-thinking, irrationality. They simply do what they are told to do in a sweaty panic that they will be viewed as individuals. They are unable to set personal standards of behvior because they cease to be able to think as individuals.

    3.All Apostates can do is shine a light on the facts about the wispy, arbitrary false-religous failures of a corrupt group of self-appointed autocrats who retain iron control over willing dupes. What Apostates offer in place of rotting-corpse doctrines of failed prophecy is the hope that each person can actually think for themselves and decide their own destiny.

    4.Jehovah is a mispronunciation parading as a true god. Jehovah is the curtain behind which little old men with hidden agendas micro-manage a weak society of self-important charlatans. No supreme being would ever tie Himself down to a cabal of wrinkled old phonies who print magazines with ludicrous ever-changing viewpoints that come and go like bad weather.

    5.Whistle-blowers offer the only alternate view JW's may ever see in their mind-controlled insular existence. No Loyal Opposition dialogues are permitted by the Governing Body because the facts about their chain of lies would rekindled the dormant consciences of their slave robots.

    6.The Catholic Church and Jehovah's Witnesses have historically proved by their complicit inaction where they stand on human rights vis a vis helpless children who are molested by their own. The heinous immorality of leadership scrambling to cover the filth on its own skirts brands these people as violaters of innocence and purveyors of the lie. Apostates may be the only hope for the abandoned and damaged child who has nowhere else to turn for aid. Publicty from any source is better than cover up.

    7.There has never been any bible chronology apart from a search of secular archeological findings and early astronomical records. What the Watchtower Society has always done is anonymously assert half-truths and outright lies behind a smokescreen of crafty scholarship. No actual scholar on planet Earth will come forward and shake the hand of these Bethel brokers of boondoggles. Watchtower "scholars" have a 100% record of non-success.

    8.It is most spectacularly telling that an extremely wealthy person who brings down reproach upon Jehovah by acting out molestation fantasy can be tolerated and ignored by the same Governing Body who will banish lesser offenders from their Kingdom Halls at the smallest whiff of impropriety. Can we assume the donations of Michael have an assuaging effect?

    9.Jehovah's Witnesses have poor self-esteem. They aren't allowed much of an education. They are doomed to poor-paying jobs. They have no social benefits from their religion such as day-care, preschool, hospitals, psychologists or marriage counselors. They learn to keep quiet and do as they are told. They live double-lives; one public persona vs the private hell they must carry about with them which suffocates all joy and purpose.

    10.Apostates create their own future and don't have to rely on prefabricated mythologies with false promises.

    11.The misrepresentation of both the Bible and God by Jehovah's Witnesses sets up those who are duped by the phoney messege for a great fall. Once the eyes of a misled person are opened they are not likely to return to their own vomit without considerable pause to consider the consequences.

  • Satanus

    12. Cuz aprostates just wanna have sekz.

    13. Cuz apostates just wanna drink booxe and party.

    14. Cuz apostates just wanna do drugs.

    15. Cuz apostates don't wash behind their ears.

    16. Cuz apostates just wanna go to demonized churches.

    17. Cuz apostates just wanna join the army so they can play w guns and legally kill people.

  • The Quiet One

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