Is there a doctrinal change afoot in the WTBTS?

by Gill 46 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • RachelHall

    The GB must be receiving letters with questions from the R and F about the UN scandal and why so many child molestors are allowed to stay in the Borg. The End being just around the corner etc. The GB feel they must quiet these mumbles.....But the more they try the more they paint themsleves into a corner.

  • Gregor

    Thanks Gill.

    Yes, as has been noted by others above, this is an old tactic of the org. They explain away their 'refinements' as new light. They give themselves the luxury of having it both ways:

    A. "We are the Faithful and Discreet Slave. What we say is TRUTH. It is SPIRITUAL FOOD IN DUE SEASON. If you do not agree with our doctrines or policies and speak out, you will be disfellowshipped (a death sentence if you do not reform and crawl back before Armageddon)."

    B. "Hey, come on, we never said we were perfect, we're going the best we can. Jehoober is gradually getting us dialed in. Please be patient. Even if you figure out we've made a mistake before we can officially correct it you should just bite your tongue and wait."

    BIG problem with A & B is that I have never seen the org. publish an apology to those disfellowshipped for 'apostasy' over past disagreements where the DF'd was CORRECT and the org. was WRONG. Something like- "Please, forgive us. You were right and we were wrong. You should never have been shunned. In fact, we'd like your input on more stuff since you showed how you figured this out before we did."

    That'll be the day

  • sir82

    This is like the 3rd or 4th study article just this year on accepting whatever the Org. says, no questions asked, no complaining, no murmuring, just shut yer trap & take it like a man.

    There must be one heck of a doozy of a change coming up! In 1995, prior to the "generation change" articles, there were just 2 "get ready for new light" articles.

  • daystar
    Pride may play a role, and some fall into the trap of independent thinking.

    Pride?! Way to paint honestly questioning people as being prideful, bastards. "Trap" of independant thinking?! Way to reinforce robotic, hive thinking.

  • proplog2

    Isn't the "usual/normal" way to deal with doubt -getting more accurate knowledge?

    Notice that paragraph didn't say the "slave" WOULD provide more information. It said they MAY.

    Then again they MAY NOT.

    I have received letters in response to questions 25 years ago that said they MAY provide information that would clear up my questions.

    So far - NOTHING.

  • AK - Jeff
    AK - Jeff
    'The Speech Is Shocking' Paragraph 14 under this subheading says;

    'In Modern times, a very small number among God's people have become disgruntled with some aspect of Christian teaching and have mumured against the earthly part of Jehovah's Organization. Why does this happen? Such murmuring is often caused by lack of understanding of God's way of doing things. The Creator progressively reveals the truth to his people. Hence, our understanding of the Scriptures is bound to be refined from time to time. The vast majority of Jehovah's people rejoice over such refinements. A few become 'righteous overmuch' and resent the changes. Pride may play a role, and some fall into the trap of independent thinking. Whatever the reason, such murmuring is hazardous, since it can draw us back into the world and its ways.'

    Paragraph 16, under the same subheading says:

    'What if we are tempted to murmur because of having doubts about certain teachings that jehovah's people hold in common? Then let us not be impatient. The'faithful slave' may eventually publish something that answers our questions and clears up our doubts. It is wise to seek the help of Christian elders. Prayer, personal study and association with spiritually minded fellow believers can also help to remove doubts and can deepten our appreciation for the faith strengthening Bible truths we have learned through Jehovah's channel of communication.'

    They are trying to 'stop the bleeding' is all. They have always said the same things. Now, with tens of thousands shuffling out the doors instead of into them, they are trying to tighten the hasp.


  • Gill

    Maintain a Positive Spirit

    Para 17:

    'Admittedly, imperfect humans have an inherent tendency to sin, and some may have a stron inclination to voice unwarranted complaints. But if we were to become havitual murmurers, we would be putting at risk our relationship with Jehovah God. Hence we need to control any possible inclination to murmur.'

    Seems to me that NO COMPLAINING AT ALL is to be tolerated.

    Para 18:

    Instead of mumuring about things in the congregation, we do well to maintain a positive attitude and follow a routing that keeps us busy, joyful, reverent, balanced, and health in faith. Jehovah is in control of everything within his organization, and Jesus is aware of developments in each congregation, just as he was in the first century.Patiently wait on God and Christ, the Head of the congregation. Responsible shephers may be used to correct matters that may need to be readjuted.

    Para 19:

    Soon this wicked system of things will end and the Messianic Kingdom will take full control if mankinds affairs. Until then, how important it is that each of us maintain a positive spirit! This will help us to recognize the virtues of our fellow believers, instead of focusing on their faults. Focusing on the good aspects of their personality will make us happy. Rather than being emotionally drained by murmuring, we will thus be encouraged and built up spiritually.'

    What! Just ignore all those niggling doubts and big problems in the congregations and it will all go away?!

    And the final piece of arrogance in paragraph 20:

    A positive spirit will also enable us to bear in mind the many blessings we enjoy because of being associated with the earthly part of Jehovah's organization. This is the only organization in the world that is loyal to the Sovereign of the universe.'

    Breath taking arrogance which requires breath taking stupidity to swallow!

  • Finally-Free

    One thing that has always irritated me about the Watchtower Society is their wordiness. Instead of blathering endlessly, why can't they, for once, just come out and clearly say what's on their minds? Something like, "You must eat our shit, and you must like it!"

    It would be a refreshing change to see such honesty in their writings.


  • kid-A

    Sounds like more of the same old warnings against apostate "murmurings".

    What always strikes me is the bizarre vocabulary and phraseology the WTS continues to use. I mean, who the hell still uses the phrase "murmurings"??!

    Funny how they still try to maintain this weird little JW "dialect" as an additional form of psycho-linguistic control.

  • darth frosty
    darth frosty

    Y'no internet smell-o-vision has not been created...yet in still I smell BULLSH!T. Go figure.

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