Something strange about "Christs invisible presence"...

by Hellrider 54 Replies latest watchtower bible

  • Hellrider

    Something just occured to me:

    We all know that "parousia" doesn`t mean "invisble presence" at all, it just means "presence", but think about the inlogical...ness about the whole jw-doctrine on 1914. My question is: What is Jesus` job really, up there in heaven?

    - He "took reign" and was "given the throne" in 1914. But what does that mean, really? What is it he "commands" over? He is not the commander in chief over when "Armageddon" is about to happen, his dad decides that. So what does he do all day? Command over the angels? Do they really need someone to hold them in check? I don`t think so, as they are all "good" angels, and obey God. Does he "rule over the earth"? Nope, Satan was given the right to do whatever he wanted to on the earth, so Jesus stays away, I guess. What "practical" tasks is it that Christ really has as the boss (and not even the boss, he is just the under-boss) in heaven? And does he really have the power? Isn`t Jehovah still the supreme boss? Isn`t he the one that decides when Armageddon is gonna break loose? So what does it mean, really, when jws believe that "Christ took the throne in 1914"? And one more thing: If Christ was given the throne in 1914, does that mean that his dad "stepped down"? If so, then why are the jws not worshipping Christ? Why do they only sing about, pray to and talk about his dad? And if big papa stepped down, why does he still have the right to decide everything important? (Like when A is coming, etc)...

    JWs are welcome to respond.

  • Jerry1
    So what does he do all day?

    Hi Hr, I think you have asked some excellent questions and this really should be the kind of approach anyone should take in talking to a

    witness....common sense. I was never a JW, never even to a meeting and made the mistake of arguing doctrines with my JW relative.

    So what does he do all day?

    And more importantly How would we know if he did something like say uummm appoint someone to be in charge ???

  • jstalin

    Hellrider - stop it. You're being logical and asking logical questions.

  • unique1

    This has always been an issue for me. Jesus is only given 1000 years to reign. And we know 1000 years isn't nearly as long in the spirit realm as it is down here. So if he is ruling for such a short time, why is he wasting the first hundred years of it doing nothing? Won't he need all thousand years to fight armageddon, turn the earth into a paradise and resurrect the dead? Apparently not, according to the JW's anyway. There will be new light in the next hundred years that they were wrong on that as well.

  • Elsewhere
    He "took reign" and was "given the throne" in 1914. But what does that mean, really? What is it he "commands" over?

    His G.I. Joe Action Figure collection!

  • JH

    Throughout the day, Jesus helps the Jehovah Witnesses in the field service. He also takes a break with them in the morning at Tim Hortons.

  • JH

    Before 1914....Jesus was visibly present in Heaven

    After 1914......Jesus is invisibly presnent in Heaven

    Makes sense

  • Narkissos

    "Invisible presence" might be an acceptable description of Jesus' situation before the parousia according to Matthew:

    I am with you always, to the end of the age (eôs tès sunteleias tou aiônos). -- 28:20.

    what will be the sign of your coming (parousia) and of the end of the age (sunteleias tou aiônos)? -- 24:3.

  • Mary

    The whole "invisible presence" never made any sense to me whatsoever. The bible clearly says "every eye will see him". Of course, the GB tries getting around that by saying it means "with the eye of understanding" not the literal eye. I remember shortly before I got baptized years ago, the sister I was studying with asked me if I had any questions about the doctrines. Even at the age of 14, I knew there was something not right about the whole invisibility thing so I (foolishly) told her that I had a hard time believing that Jesus' Return would be invisible based on what the scriptures said. She replied that if Jesus appeared visibly over North America, how would people in South America see him? I replied that the sun that we see in the sky over North America is also visible to the people living in South America. That was it.

    She looked at me with a mixture of anger and horror and declared that perhaps I needed a threatening visit shepperding call to scare the shit out of me readjust my thinking. She also added that if I didn't believe this doctrine, perhaps I shouldn't be getting baptized (god, why didn't I listen to her?) I faked my attitude (hey, I was only 14 and believed this was The Truth) but whenever I read the scriptures that spoke about the Second Coming, it irritated me.

  • Hellrider

    Thanks for the replies, all. No jws showed up to defend the doctrine yet, I wonder why...

    I guess what puzzles me is: If Jesus was invisble in heaven for 1900 years before 1914, and he was, you know, Gods favorite angel, the first one he created (according to the jw-view), along with his rebel-brother Lucifer, then what is the difference between Jesus status before and after 1914? He was invisble both before and after, and he was Gods favorite both before and after, and he wasn`t the top dog, neither before nor after (Jehovah is, as he decides when to send the angel-armies to kill us all). So, what`s the difference?

    I guess Jesus`status (according to the jw-view) is best compared with some of the puppet-dictators in South-America in the 70s and 80s. Yes, they were the "boss" in their countries, but not really, the U.S. were the ones that really made the decisions. Actually, I don`t think Jesus can be considered to be even that high on the ladder, in the JW-view.

    She looked at me with a mixture of anger and horror and declared that perhaps I needed a threatening visit shepperding call to scare the ;shit out of me readjust my thinking
    LoL. Yes, the horror-look. I used to get that a lot. Ah, those were the days...

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