No Absolute Truth

by Shining One 69 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • jstalin

    Bravo Abaddon.

    I'm an atheist and I believe in the moral code put forth by the idea of natural rights. In many ways, I think a secular view of natural rights is superior to the Christian view because those rights are absolute and apply equally to everyone. In short, my view is that it is immoral to infringe on anyone else's right to life, liberty, and property and that initiation of force is the root of moral corruption.

    The Christian view is that god promulgates what is right and what is wrong and in fact, he can change his mind.

    Christianity's god decides that it is immoral to kill, yet he engaged in killing quite a few times. God has told us not to steal, but he stole everything from Job. One would expect those who promulgate laws to abide by those laws themselves.

  • Shazard

    jwfacts, sorry I don't know how to quote so I will use stupid e-mail method

    >Very true Shazard. The question has always been "what is truth?" It was always my big disappointment that Jesus did not
    >make a comeback reply.

    He did! He himself is truth. As he is God, and God defines reality, so you can say that God is source of this reality, he tells what is truth. Or better... what he says is truth. His words creates reality. By his Word (which is Jesus) world was created. So God spoke truth and it became. Reality! Reality is truth as only Reality is full reflection of reality

    >The truth always was that aeroplanes can fly, but how do you test that truth without the correct tools to do so? The
    >average person had to believe the earth was flat because they did not have the means to know otherwise.

    This is other case. Imagine man who goes from 21 century to 11 century and says that things can fly. You can choose to believe it or you can choose to burn him alive. Truth does not changes wether you can test it or not. But if the man demonstrates tremendous powers over disases, hunger, nature... then I tend to believe that things which I can't test still holds true if he says so. Christ didn't just spoke empty words, he demonstradet that he has power to say so. More... with his ressurection God put his approval on Christ and disaprooval on men's judgement and interpretation about truth. Ressurection is most strong claim of truth from Jesus Christ. So ressurection is corner stone of christianty, make it go away and christianity goes along with it.

    >That is why the simple truth about love is most important because it does not change. Many other incorrect beliefs affect
    >our thinking, such as length of creative days, or shape of the earth, or if these are or are not the last days, but they
    >really matter little in the scheme of things. It is how we live our lives day to day that matters, and whether it is
    >guided by love.

    I agree. God's reflective laws are everywhere... one who is honest to himself will find God's Word - that is Jesus Christ. And Jesus Christ will tell you, that it's ok that you make mistakes, he can fix them and forgive you and take you into his protection. Only thing changes is - your attitude to God, and everything else just happens... without enforcement.

    >This is why fundamental religions are so dangerous.

    This is way it is so important to get to know Jesus Christ personally. When you know truth (Jesus Christ) it is eazy to distinguish lies. Bank workers does not learn to recognize false money, they are trained to recognize true money.

    >They make out that their beliefs are absolute truth, and control peoples behaviour around what is regularly proven not to
    >be correct. As soon as a person thinks with their heart they know that the WTS is not truth. By the yardstick of love it >is quite simple to see that a religion that says "do exactly what we say or we will shun you, family included" does not
    >have truth. Love also refutes the concept of the WTS that any person that does not believe 'todays' version of their
    >truth is not acceptable to God.

    This is one and only law of Jesus Christ - "Love". As one saint churhc father sayed (don't remember which one) "Love and then you can do whatever you like"! It is not possible to LOVE and still reject God. To love is to know God. Everyone who loves and who knows what love is recognizes it in Jesus Christ, he is perfect example of what it means to love till end. We love coz God first loved. You ar right... all the Christianity is all about love and faith in the love. If it is not love and faith in love, then it is not Christianity.
    And we have power to love coz God loved us so much so he gave his Son for us to live forever. That is love... to die for you own creatures. There is no more love then one when one gives his life for another. Actually I allways cry when I see some news when ppl are saved from fire, quakes, disasses... and I see that this love still resides in this terrible life. Know Love and you will know truth!

    Sorry for long post...

  • Shazard

    jstalin... Atheism dies against one simple question (you can apply it to any of your claims) - "Sez Who?"
    Is it my duty to accept secular definition of rights? Or do I have rights to define my rights just like you have rights to define your rights? Have I rights to judge you by my standart as you have rights to judge me by your standarts? Or you have rights but I have obligations? Do I discriminate gays when claim I don't like them or they discriminate me calling me homophobic? Do I have rights of opinion different then yours or I have obligations to accept your opinion which you have rigthts to have even if it is not acceptable to me?
    So... Sez Who - Grad Question for Atheists! What I hear... democracy... majority? What is majority you speak about 2 billion Christians and 1 Billion Muslim majority or 17% "minority" is one who defines "rights" and "bases"? Why minority is given rights and majority only obligations? Majority has similar rights to rule as minority! Why anaflabets are not allowed for ministers and presidents... it is discrimination on Intelekt basis. Why phisically disabled are discriminated in rescque service work? May be there are reasons why gays are not allowed to create family similar like why analfabets are not allowed to teach grammatics! To have some rights you have to have some prerequiremetns. To have rights of man you have to be man! And if you like to apply rights of animals to man, then be animal and don't ask for rights of human! Why you can have rigts to ask for rights and I don't have rights to deny you rights which you don't have prerequirements for?

  • Balsam

    I hear you Rex. A JW lady who drops by to see me once in a while said almost the same thing when she was here to visit me.

    I told her that though Howard and I have no religion by which we direct our life, I still live by standards of basic moral codes, but I do not believe in imposing them on others. People who clearly see that there is no such thing as absolute truth have no problem living productive lives, happy lives, and making up our minds. I feel for you and the JW lady who comes around. She despritely needs to believe she has absolute truth to guild her life. Then who am I to interfer with that. I can see cleary that if her faith in her religion ever was crushed she would be broken hearted to the point of hating life. I would never want that for her, so our converstations are very limited to just current events and asking her how she is doing. I hope she continues to find comfort in her religion. I hope you continue to find comfort in your religion too. But you really need to get off the internet and draw closer to your brothers & sisters and not read here. I can see you are feeling conflicted by what we say here and what you believe. Protect your faith, follow the Societies directions. They tell followers to stay off here for a reason. They know that it will cause you to question what you have been taught, if not all of it at least some of it.


  • kid-A

    jstalin... Atheism dies against one simple question (you can apply it to any of your claims) - "Sez Who?"

    And the exact same argument can be even more effectively levelled against your fundamentalist jesus-is-saviour "belief system". All you are describing in your posts is your OWN subjective interpretation of the universe and reality and your own "personal truth". You have absolutely no evidence, no proof, no quantifiable or reproducible shred of empirical evidence that 1) god exists, 2) if there is a god, he is the "god of christianity" rather than allah, buddah, krishna, thor, zeus, etc etc. 3) that jesus was a messiah, 4) that jesus was divine 5) that there is ANY supernatural force in the universe. You cannot prove any of these postulates nor can you even test them empirically. So I ask, what is the purpose of your reply to jstalin?

    Atheism is merely the refutation of the "social construction" known as "god". You yourself only have these beliefs because of your particular historical and cultural context and the fact that these ideas were implanted in your mind by your culture and society or other fallible human beings you chose to believe in. The indians living in the rain forests in the amazon could not give a rats ass about your perception of god, your belief in jesus, your view of "truth" and morality. You are one tiny little being in a vast sea of separate sentient beings, whose perception and reality is no more valid or "true" than that of the next.

    If there was a god (and in the absence of any evidence for one I will maintain that there is none), this god is either mute, impotent or completely indifferent to the events transpiring on this planet called earth. Look around you my friend. Observe the symphony of horrors that take place on a second by second basis within human society. This "god of love" you claim is running the show sits back and does nothing while the innocent die in the millions.

    Even if it was ever empirically proven that your god existed, he would be worthy only of mockery, derision and judgement by the creatures he supposedly created "in his image". This tiny god you worship is apparently morally inferior to the majority of human beings on this planet. You may continue to "ignore the truth" to paraphrase your own veiled threat and it will make no difference whatsoever. Like all of us, you will eventually die, your physiological and biological being will cease to be, your molecules will dissipate into the vast nothingness of the universe and that will simply be the end. Your brains conception of "god and jesus" and the neurons that encode this information will die right along with you, and that will be the end. Exeunt.

  • parakeet

    Do you really need a Bible thunked on your head to know murder, hate, and violence are wrong? Four of the seven Christian cardinal virtues (prudence, temperance, fortitude, and justice) are derived from the ethics of the pagan Greeks, as are many current laws and judicial systems of the Western world.

    "What you do not want others to do to you, do not do to others." - Chinese sage Confucius [a pagan].

  • Abaddon


    ... Atheism dies against one simple question (you can apply it to any of your claims) - "Sez Who?"

    I can't believe you think that is an argument. Right back at you; "sez who"? Please prove your beliefs in a demonstrable and repeatable fashion. And do yourself a favour and look up 'Presuppositionalist', and see how the description fits you.

    Of course, you can't; you might have an INTERNAL proof, but then there are (for example) people wearing penis gourds and body-paint who claim they have an INTERNAL proof of things which contradict your beliefs and neither you or these hypothetical witch-doctors can prove who is right.

    Is it my duty to accept secular definition of rights?

    As a human being? Yes, I believe so IF you are tolerant of others beliefs AND can see the wisdom in a non-sectarian basis of society. If you are intolerant of other's beliefs and want society to be sectarian, you might not regard it as your duty.

    Or do I have rights to define my rights just like you have rights to define your rights?

    Rights are defined by facts, not opinions. You are entitled to your own opinion, under which you might consider that you have some different or superior set of rights. However, we all share the same facts, so if facts are used to determine rights they should be applicable to you, me, everybody. Even if you don't like some rights people have as a result of a factual determination of rights.

    Have I rights to judge you by my standart as you have rights to judge me by your standarts?

    Look, you're supposedly a Christian; why do I have to remind you that you shouldn't judge others? By your own beliefs you do NOT have the right to judge others.

    Do I discriminate gays when claim I don't like them or they discriminate me calling me homophobic?

    YOU discriminate ("to make a difference in treatment or favour on a basis other than individual merit"). THEY describe; homophones practise homophobia ("irrational fear of, aversion to, or discrimination against homosexuality or homosexuals"). If you don't like being a bigot ("a person obstinately or intolerantly devoted to his or her own opinions and prejudices"), don't try to change the meaning of words, change your opinions.

    Do I have rights of opinion different then yours or I have obligations to accept your opinion which you have rigthts to have even if it is not acceptable to me?

    Why are you trying so hard to make it look like you are hard done by? Is anyone obliging you to marry a man? Is anyone obliging you to have sex before marriage? Of course you have the right to a different opinion. You just don't have the right to force people to comply with your opinion.

    Provided someone leads their lives peacefully and does not harm others or otherwise infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others by their actions, what right has ANYONE to stop them from doing what they want to do just because such actions are (in another person's opinion) 'unacceptable'?

    Being black or Jewish has been 'unacceptable' to various people in the past; normally they quote the Bible to support their hate. How do we know you are not just another hate-monger twisting Scripture to your own ends as anti-Semites and racists have in the past? I'm not saying that to be rude, I really want you to show that, unlike the many Christian denominations who have retracted racist or anti-Semite doctrines after centuries of hate, you won't turn around in the future week and say 'oh, sorry, being nasty to gay people is wrong, I've changed my mind, sorry'; this is effectively what the anti-Semites and racists using the Bible to justify themselves had to do, and as apologies go it stank.

    So... Sez Who - Grad Question for Atheists! What I hear... democracy... majority? What is majority you speak about 2 billion Christians and 1 Billion Muslim majority or 17% "minority" is one who defines "rights" and "bases"? Why minority is given rights and majority only obligations? Majority has similar rights to rule as minority!

    Who appointed you the spokesmen for the 2.1 billion Christians on this planet?

    Some of them are gay and consider themselves JUST as much of a Christian as you, if not more so due to your intolerance of peaceful fellow humans. Many Christians think that anyone opposing homosexuality is missing the divine message of love we can read in the Bible and swallowing down the traditional prejudices and hatred of the humans that authored the work. You make it sound as if Christian equates to 'considers homosexuality wrong'. It doesn't. Unless you specifically go against what it says in the Bible and put yourself in god's place by judging others... .... in any case, given 1.1 billion seculars, 0.9 billion Hindus and .38 billion Buddhists, if we add in the Christians and Muslims who DO approve of homosexuality YOU are in the minority, LOL.

    I think you are confused about the rights of individuals as opposed to minority or majority opinions.

    It is not the number of people approving of an action that determines whether it is right or wrong; provided someone leads their lives peacefully and does not harm others or otherwise infringe upon the rights and freedoms of others by their actions, what right has ANYONE to stop them from doing what they want to do?

    Neither a majority or a minority of opinion has the right to infringe the freedom of a peaceful person doing no harm to others, even if that person is the ONLY person exercising that freedom.

    That is what human rights is about. It is about the rights of the INDIVIDUAL. A peaceful individual doing no harm to others should be allowed to do what the hell they please within those confines because that is their right as an individual.

    I don't have to like it. You don't have to like it. But unless we can prove that persons ACTIONS harm or otherwise infringe the freedom of others, we have to let them do it.

    Why anaflabets are not allowed for ministers and presidents... it is discrimination on Intelekt basis.
    Why phisically disabled are discriminated in rescque service work?

    Sorry, anaflabets is not a word in English I recognise. Do you mean some form of mental retardation? I think the gist of your argument is 'why are people who cannot do a job not allowed to do that job?'.

    Competence is a different issue to rights. One might have the right to be an airline pilot or surgeon, but not necessarily the competence.

    May be there are reasons why gays are not allowed to create family similar like why analfabets are not allowed to teach grammatics!

    You would think that as you discriminate against people for reasons OTHER than personal merit. Some heterosexuals are dreadful parents, as are some gay people. Why not base your opinion on the individuals rather than your opposition against an entire sexual orientation? Basing discrimination against a physical trait or behaviour that doesn't harm others - whether that is skin colour or sexuality - is still bigotry of the lowest form.

    To have some rights you have to have some prerequiremetns. To have rights of man you have to be man! And if you like to apply rights of animals to man, then be animal and don't ask for rights of human! Why you can have rigts to ask for rights and I don't have rights to deny you rights which you don't have prerequirements for?

    Ah... please confirm whether you are declaring some people are sub-human on account of their sexual orientation. I want to know what I am dealing with.

    By your spelling I take you to be a German native speaker... is that correct?

  • Shazard

    kid-A so when your base is destroyed, you attack my base? but here is the catch, my base is not based on empirical or observable evidence, so is not dependent on cognitive process of observation and interpretation. my base is written in Bible and I claim - it is my base of my worldview, if you have something against it, attack Jesus Christ not me.. that's why I am asking you who is your authority, who you claim to be source of your worldview... Evidence, Empirical proof - which is what? Your minds attempt to organise reality, your attempt to write your own bible for yourself. Guess what... I don't think you can compare yourself to Jesus Christ's wisdom! Sorry, so you will not be my or anybodys else authority about what is truth!

  • LittleToe
    The Christian view is that god promulgates what is right and what is wrong and in fact, he can change his mind.

    Ermmm, no it isn't.

    While I don't particularly like the way Rex represents his form of "Christianity", neither will I let pass something that is blatantly in error.

    LT, of the "Christian" class.

  • jstalin

    My decidedly atheist individualist view of rights is based on one simple, irreducible, concept - "I own me." No one has a higher claim to me and my life than me. It is not dependent on states or governments or majorities. I suppose I could be described as an anarchist because I believe that all human interaction should be voluntary. 51% of a population's opinion doesn't make something right nor does it make it ok to take action against the losing 49%. Nor does 99% to 1% make an action right.

    The biblical view of rights leans toward an individualist view with a belief in self-determination, but it also is built on a hypocritical god that imposes rules on humanity without observing those rules himself. In addition, victimless "sins" such as homosexuality are condemned with little to no explanation or reasoning. Arbitrary and capricious. No thanks. I prefer a world view that respects the diversity of humanity and recognizes that we all have an equal place in the world, as long as we aren't imposing our will on others.

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