"Mire of atheism..."

by Julie 93 Replies latest jw friends

  • Scorpion


    What you assume you know about my skeptism is only your opinion and nothing more. You mentioned that you did not want to spoon-feed me easily digestible lumps of "EVOLUTIONARY THEORY", I am glad you understand, evolution is exactly what you claim it to be, a theory. Now chill out.

  • Norm


    In the scientific community the term "theory" has a different meaning than we lay people usually give it. Something as common and observable as gravity is called a theory in science. So don't make the common mistake that just because evolution or gravity is termed a "theory" it isn't reality. It is not JUST a theory in your sense of the word. Ok?


  • Scorpion


    Note taken. I understand that a theory can be a fact. This can apply to many things, including those that believe creation to be a theory. Just because they may not believe that there is a creator and may refer to creation as a theory, does not discount that creation can be a fact.


  • Norm


    You said:

    Just because they may not believe that there is a creator and may refer to creation as a theory, does not discount that creation can be a fact.


    Creation doesn't qualify as a theory, it is a myth and therefore it belong in the realm of sheer faith.


  • Abaddon

    Scorp; "What you assume you know about my skeptism (sic.) is only your opinion and nothing more." It's called a reasonable deduction on the basis of observable facts. I could be wrong, but in the face of there being no evidence of you having a high level of scientific knowledge, my theory about your skepticism is quite reasonable. I might be wrong. You might be a graduate in evolutionary biology. But, if you are, you have covered up for it very very well! Your skepticism might not be, conciously, a reason not to investigate the subject with vigour.

    It's like that theory of evolution; it's a reasonable deduction on the basis of observable facts. It's like why I don't believe in god; it's a reasonable deduction based upon the lack of observable facts.

    Theories are great, aren't they?

    Oh, any response to the comments I made about fraud in religion versus fraud in science? Are you a believer in the divine authorship of the Bible? Let's talk about that...

    And you say 'chill out' as though I had to wipe the spittle of my screen. I don't need to scream and get unchilled to make my point matey, you're the one throwing around allegations of fraud!

    What evidence do YOU have? I think it's VERY unchilled to libel people without evidence.

    Love and rockets

    (edited for typos)

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Why should I waste time and effort on you? All you are interested in is proving your own skewed ideas are now the correct course to live by. You keep prattliung on about 'all-loving' God yet deny His valid wrath and anger at SIN. You think that because JWs have sometimes actualy supported a correct Biblical view that this somehow undermines that correct view?
    You also ignore the fact that all will be rectified in the hereafter by your JW inspired anhilationism.
    If you want to judge God, then go right ahead. You accept neither the liberal view NOR the conservative view, and not even anything in-between. So your crowning achievement in figuring out why we are here is nihilistic and useless. You ignore eternity when critisizing the infinite. You want all of the answers, (now!) and to heck with 'faith'.
    So be it. Think about the legacy you've left your offspring and the darkness of death. you don't really want any answers, except your own you already have.

  • Rex B13
    Rex B13

    Yes Julie, that's a good question:

    Why do you and A.F. your heads against a wall like this?

    I think that I can answer that. You both have an agenda. Your agenda is to drag down any JW who spins out of the WT Borg and enlighten them as to your 'reasoanble and logical' nihilistic, atheistic view of life. Your agenda is to deny the spiritual aspects of life and to teach people that they have no hope at all of anything better than this physical existence. You both think that you somehow can 'get back' at God for not being what YOU think He should be. You are both mired in arrogance and a holier than thou attitude toward others. NO accontablity to anything or anyone....but SELF.

  • Abaddon

    Dear Rex,

    I pity your hate-filled apology for a life. I am glad I know some Christians who actually try to imitate Jesus. You make a PARODY of your master.

    Why should I waste time and effort on you? All you are interested in is proving your own skewed ideas are now the correct course to live by. You keep prattliung on about 'all-loving' God yet deny His valid wrath and anger at SIN.

    Er, no, I say that the unprovability of god indicates that god, whatever he is like, if he exists, is not the god depicted in the Bible. If god is love we would not have a lack of proof. I don't actually believe in god AT ALL, just use the all-loving stuff to high-light the inherant contradictions of Christian belief.

    You think that because JWs have sometimes actualy supported a correct Biblical view that this somehow undermines that correct view?
    You also ignore the fact that all will be rectified in the hereafter by your JW inspired anhilationism.

    Whatever... the Bible is just a book mate, read it and Shakespeare back-to-back, there is no more inspiration or prophecy in one than the other (although Shakespeare is better at the intentional humour)

    If you want to judge God, then go right ahead. You accept neither the liberal view NOR the conservative view, and not even anything in-between. So your crowning achievement in figuring out why we are here is nihilistic and useless.

    Life in a godless Univesrse is only nihilistic and useless if you let it be. I'm stronger than that.

    You ignore eternity when critisizing the infinite. You want all of the answers, (now!) and to heck with 'faith'.
    So be it. Think about the legacy you've left your offspring and the darkness of death.

    Mene mene tekel parsin... 'faith' is just another word for 'hope'. My hopes aren't based on myths or ghosts.

    you don't really want any answers, except your own you already have.

    Oh, I'd believe in god if I had proof, it would be great, live forever, go to heaven, whee! You however would not stop believing in god, even if one could prove there was no god.

    Draw from that what you will, and thanks for showing yourself to be a nasty piece of work for all your Christian posturing.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

  • Scorpion


    You said I am the one throwing around allegations of fraud. Where?

    When has skeptism become fraud. Look the words up in your dictionary. The words do not mean the same.


    When did creation become a myth? PLease do not refer to the Bible, I would like your opinion without refering to the Bible.
    Do you have faith of any kind and in whom or what?

  • Abaddon

    Ah, Scorpion, is there no begining to your powers of language?

    If one indicates scepticism (not skeptism) over the authenticity of something, one is saying one isn't sure if it is genuine. If it isn't genuine it is a fake. If it is a fake then fraud has taken place.

    So, it is impossible to be sceptical about the authenticity of a skeleton without alleging fraud.

    Very simple.

    Keep on rocking in the free world...

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