Most ridiculous Kingdom Melody Lyrics

by Fleshybirdfodder 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Thanks, Luna. It was something that intrigued me. There was certainly not much enthusiasm ('hwyl' we would say in Welsh) to the singing on the couple of occasions I went.

  • south african beef
    south african beef

    You are right, Luna2, the elder giving the publi talk would choose the 'appropriate' song to go with his uplifting discourse!

  • under_believer

    Nosferatu, you put a lot of effort into that and it made me lol. Especially about Ian, God's other son, poor bastard. Jesus was always the favorite.
    Just wanted you to know.

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    Of course, as JWs you missed out on one of the 'mainstream' church favourites: 'Gladly the cross I'd bear'.

  • Highlander

    Okay, I think I'm done with this shit. Long-suff'ring takes the cake. Why didn't they just write

    "L'ng-s'ff'r'ng". Hell, I can't even pronounce that! Sounds like a speech impediment.

    Hey, it's sh't not shit! haven't you learned anything from this thread? Maybe we should start posting in this perverted shorthand writing style they have in the s'ng b'ks.

    Wh't d' y'u th'nk?

  • dimitri

    You should hear how some of these songs sound translated into other languages. I remember reading Shakespear translated and I thought," This is their greatest poet?!". Well, later when I learned to speak 'canadian' I thought Shakespear didn't make sense at all (Pushkin is the best poet there ever was, but to really appreciate him you'd have to learn Russian). Ok if many of the Kingdom songs sound so bad in English (I mean, the official language of the WTBTS is the official language of the Anglo-American empire,right?), imagine them translated into my native Russian? The lyrics baffled me, I remember, when I sang them. I know it's hard to translate, and the interpreters have probably done their best, but they sound crappy in English to start with. Certain things are impossible to translate. Certain words/concepts/ideas just don't exist in other languages.

  • Highlander

    I totally agree dimitri,

    I've visited many foreign language kingdom halls when traveling abroad. I wish that I could have understood the lyrics in the various languages I heard to know if it was more

    baffling than the english version we have here.

  • moomanchu

    Looking through song book found song 111 "The Light Gets Brighter"

    It's a must read best done while in the bathroom.

  • Ténébreux
    Why no live music (even if it is some crappo organist?)

    Two or three congregations I've been in had a piano or electric keyboard that was used to provide music - but there were only a couple of people who could play well enough so the tapes were always on standby in case they didn't show up. One congregation even had a violinist to accompany the piano. Also in the hall I attended when I was very young, I distinctly remember seeing a drum kit standing next to the piano for a couple of years but I don't recall hearing anyone actually play it.

  • MsShockJock

    I think the song was Hail Jehovah's First Born with the lyrics.......let's stim-u-late our hail's God's first born too, or something like that. Always had to hold back a grin on that one with the emphasize being placed on stimulate in the song. Just thought it was funny.

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