Most ridiculous Kingdom Melody Lyrics

by Fleshybirdfodder 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • daystar

    Hmmm... bridegroom... anyone else ever hear that word used outside of JW context? I mean, I know it's a real word, but still... people either say "bride" or "groom". Think about how confusing that word "bridegroom" must be to most people... "Well, which are they talking about! The bride or the groom?!"

  • Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Good Girl or Bad Girl?
    Speaking of rhymes.... efficacious and vivacious? WTF?

    At my hall nobody could pronounce efficacious so the song faltered and trailed off at that part. How about "Trumpets are sounding, Joy is abounding"

  • M.J.

    mind numbing.

  • mkr32208

    I started reading these 'Lyrics' and actually stated getting nauseous! I had blocked them from my MIND! NO NO now they are back! Loyal love.... ugg urk barf barf barf!

    Thank you so much! Ruined my whole day!

  • under_believer

    *** Ssb song 128 Do More—As the Nazirites Did ***

    2. Nazirites—their life-style was simple.
    Self-denial was their role.
    Close to God it surely did bring them.
    Could we too have such a goal?
    They accepted certain restrictions;
    That was part of their sacred vow.
    Many of our Christian brothers
    Lead such a life right now.

  • Fleshybirdfodder

    but... but... but... they had long hair! And beards!

  • Scully

    I was just looking at some of the lyrics on the WT CD ROM... and almost threw up my dinner.

    countdown to 10K: 5 more posts!

  • under_believer

    Every time we would hit "sacred vow" I would always sing "sacred cow" under my breath. "That was part of their sacred cow...."

  • tijkmo

    there is one that ends one verse with something like...'pour out blessings on them - a shower'

    always raised a grin round our way..

    nice tune though

  • kazar

    Hey Daystar,

    Your posts are so funny I am still laughing. In fact, I'm sure when I go to bed tonight I will be laughing (and singing the songs).

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