Most ridiculous Kingdom Melody Lyrics

by Fleshybirdfodder 45 Replies latest jw friends

  • cognizant dissident
    cognizant dissident

    When the new songbook first came out and my friend and I were singing that song with the rhyme "vivacious and efficacious" we both burst out laughing at the same time because we thought it was so funny how they were stretching so hard for a rhyme. The more we tried to stop, the harder we laughed. Soon we had everyone around us giggling and laughing at us! Then we started getting dirty looks from the elder on the platform. We giggled all through the closing prayer too. Then we got a "talking too" after the meeting. We were not kids either. We were in our 20's.

    Still don't know what the hell efficacious means!

    Cog (of the vivacious class)

  • 5thGeneration



  • under_believer



    Well, I've definitely "mastered" them. Does that count?

  • Joe Grundy
    Joe Grundy

    This thread gives me the opportunity to ask (yet) another question.

    I have only ever attended two services and one memorial (more than enough, thanks very much). Is it true that everywhere in the world on the same day, they sing the same songs/hymns? And that the (pretty crap) musical accompaniment (sp?) comes on tape from WTBTS HQ? If so, why? Why no live music (even if it is some crappo organist?)

  • Ozner

    When we were in our younger days, we were singing in song 128:

    Nasi-eaters instead of Nazirites

    (Nasi=Indonesian Food)

  • TresHappy

    That man who sings "life without end at last." I have heard that man sing that song at more JW funerals that I care to remember. I want to rip the CD out of the player.

  • Nosferatu
    May we preach from door to door,
    Comfort spread the whole world o'er.

    WTF is "o'er"? Someone was desperate to remove a syllable. The sad thing is they used in MANY times. It's obvious that the person who used "o'er" wrote all the songs with that bastardized word in it.

    O'er the world we are victorious
    Through our faith in Christ our Lord.
    Come, you Christians, hail God's Kingdom,
    Now established with his Son
    In the heavens where, as Michael,
    He o'er Satan vict'ry won.

    Ah shit, there's another one - "Vict'ry". WTF?

    Man, this song is crappy:

    Puffed up with pride, men God deride
    With blasphemous slander, in sin's ways meander.
    Satan holds sway o'er earth today;

    Sounds like something a cheerleader would sing.

    May your attention cause joy to abound;
    O'er all the earth let your worship be found.
    O'er all the earth, he will rule as King
    And cause all mankind his praises to sing.

    Man, what the hell were they smoking when they came up with that last line?

    Proud hearts that know no pity for the meek
    To hold their pow'r o'er all mankind do seek.

    LOL! That's golden! "Pow'r O'er" sounds like something a drunk would say.

    O listen to the news of the Kingdom today
    And hear Jesus say: 'O'er earth I hold sway.

    I never knew Jesus was a drunk.

    Preach the good news of the Kingdom on the streets, from door to door;
    Preach this good news with the printed page all nations o'er.

    Whoever rhymed "o'er" with "door" should be shot.

    Wonderful things we see today,
    Since o'er the earth your Son holds sway.

    Jesus is still a drunk

    His pow'r he'll display through his incoming Kingdom,
    O'er earth his wide dominion extending once again.

    LMAO!!! Someone was on a "Pow'r O'er" trip!

    With this new song, we advertise the Kingdom.
    Christ Jesus rules; the earth is his domain.
    And as foretold there is a newborn nation,
    A land o'er which Jehovah's Son does reign.

    Oh yeah, I forgot about "The New song". That new song is 22 years old!

    We thank you, Jehovah, for your faithful Son,
    Who o'er death and Hades the vict'ry won.

    Slashing two syllables in one line. They should've tried to fit "Pow'r" in there too!

    Now, someone had mentioned the word "e'en".....

    As a Giver, he's matchless; e'en his Son for us he gave,
    For all sorts of mankind he most truly wants to save.

    I never knew god's son's was named Ian.

    E'en though we had faith and knowledge,
    Gifts of tongues and prophecy,
    Yet if love itself were lacking,
    We would simply nothing be.

    That is such a horrible bastardization. Let's type a sentence the way the Watchtower would sing it:

    The Quick Fox Jumped O'er The La'y Hound

    God's loving care is heartwarming.
    It comforts us when we're upset.
    And e'en the hairs of our head he's numbered.
    Why should we worry or fret?

    "E'en the hairs"? sounds like a modern Epilady.

    With the Kingdom message,
    We go forth to spread
    Comfort for the mourners,
    Hope for e'en their dead.

    When did Ian die?

    He was so patient with Israel of old,
    E'en as with all humankind.
    So, too, the sheep who now rest in his fold,
    God to be long-suff'ring find.

    Okay, I think I'm done with this shit. Long-suff'ring takes the cake. Why didn't they just write

    "L'ng-s'ff'r'ng". Hell, I can't even pronounce that! Sounds like a speech impediment.

  • jambon1

    Hail the hypocrisy, ever increasing,

    Wondrous expulsion is now taking place.

  • J28


    song 144 'We Must Have Faith'

    The last line of the chorus.. This Kind of Faith preserves OUR Souls alive.

    With our english accent this song sounded very rude!! .. we would always emphasize the our souls part, said fast it sounded like ARSEHOLES! (ASSHOLES) ... immature I know but it made me laugh.

  • luna2

    Joe, I'll take a stab at answering your questions. Not sure I'll be totally right as I'm finding myself remarkably foggy on some of this stuff.

    Same songs worldwide - Possible. At least for the songs sung before and after the Watchtower study. They're published somewhere...probably in the magazine. Yep, just the front of each Watchtower is the study article to be used and the songs before and after. Don't know if the speaker for the public talk beforehand gets to choose his own or if the songs are dictated by the WTS based on the topic of his talk, but that one would vary from congregation to congregation depending on the talk.

    Live music - When I first started going to the meetings in the mid-80's there was a piano up on the platform at the KH. Nobody ever played it to my knowledge but they kept it around anyway, a remnant from days gone by when they had an actual person playing the accompaniment. I'm sure that the WTS wanted to control how uniform the music sounded so that's why they moved to the recorded stuff. The explanation I was given was a convoluted mish mash of not wanting to encourage the accompianist to have a position of prominance in the congregation, the variance of musical quality between Halls, the time spent practicing, rivalries between "friends" for the job....what the real explanation is, I don't know....probably just the fact that Brooklyn is anal about controlling everything they possibly can.

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