Overheard at the Book Study

by under_believer 43 Replies latest jw friends

  • blondie

    That's right, Mary, many JWs feel that their comfortable lives today will continue in the New System.

    There will be batteries, but no one will no how to make them; knowledge will drop down into their little heads or they will enjoy the "spoils" not realizing that batteries do not last forever.

    That there will be flush toilets without anyone working at the water plant or the waste treatment plant; that the lights will still work though no one is at the energy plant (nor knows how it works); there will be gasoline without people to pump the oil or refine or truck it. People in Michigan will still be able to get bananas although there is no one with time to truck them from Mexico..........

    Paradise with JWs would actually be hell on earth.

    BTW, I switched book studies twice in my life because the conductor was a complete dork...I was afraid I would bite off my tongue.


  • juni

    It seems that there were more wierd off the subject answers at the book study. Maybe people felt more relaxed in a smaller group or maybe they were just tired. Or maybe they were wierd.

    We had a brother in our b. study group who was diagnosed schizophrenic (that one I had to look up)anyway - he would be called on too often to say the prayer. The conductor knew his problem. This brother meant well, but because of his mental problem he would go on forever. He would ramble - did you know that we are 92% or ? made of water? He would get off on a tangent and 10 minutes + would be used up of the hour.


  • Darth Yhwh
    Darth Yhwh
    Me: Yeah that is amazing. Considering that a snake a) physically can't chew anything, b) is essentially a well-designed poison delivery system in many cases, and c) has a metabolism completely and totally adapted to breaking down animal proteins, what will it be eating in the New Order? Whole cobs of corn? Will we have to manufacture soy-based bacon bits for snakes? And WTF is a light aperture?

    HaHaHaHeHeHe!!!!! Thanks for the laugh! Here's to more under_believer's book study revelations! Thanks for the laugh and this drinks for you.

  • anewme

    Juni, that was too funny!

  • anewme

    But seriously, it makes me kind of sad. It was not long ago that I too sat there and gave my heartfelt comments about paradise at the book study.

    I feel so bad. I have so many relatives still in who believe with their whole hearts this paradise will come and bring with it unbelievable blessings for the earth and mankind.

    Other religions have their dreams too. The Bahai's Im told have their paradise earth dreams of a unified earth in restored conditions.

    I think it is only natural to want happiness and peaceful conditions.
    I dont blame them for wanting to wish this or dream for this.
    So many people are in misery and physical pain. Who am I to campaign against their dream of relief?

    I would probably still be there adding my two cents about this paradise if I wasnt kicked out.
    Thats the truth. I know it.

    I liked the story, make believe though it might be.
    Whats really ridiculous is being kicked out and still hoping it all turns out for them.
    Good grief.

  • uninformed

    Rumor was that a cobra was blind.

    The 'light aperture' was a Bible statement indicating that the cobra was not blind. Our eyes are 'light apertures'.

    This may not be true, but it is what I thought I studied and came up with.

    any agreement out there in dizzyland?


  • jeanniebeanz

    I'm reading this thread listening to the theme music from Sponge Bob Square Pants... It seems to fit... lol

  • luna2

    For some reason the theme song from Gilligan's Island was running through my head, jeannie. Spongebob does work, however. lol

  • jeanniebeanz

    lol... yes.

    Actually, I believe that a light appeture is what one hopes to make out of their rear-end when they are dieting... Just a guess...

  • Makena1

    See, you thought I was going to say it was a heavy aperture that had been to Jenny Craig." LOL - James that was funny!

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