How did the WT art affect you? Did you find subliminal WT art as a JW?

by freetosee 40 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • under_believer

    No, I never saw any of the subliminal images until they were pointed out to me later.

    And even as a kid, I realized the artwork was really bizzare, especially the images of Paradise. My young mind rebelled at the blatant propaganda.

    What really freaks me out, to this day, is how much stock the R&F puts in those pictures. I mean it's the rare "lesson" where the conductor doesn't bring attention to the pictures and invite comment; and it's the rare comment on a picture that doesn't include the commenter inferring something significant from the picture. Like those pictures of paradise where some guy is hoeing his garden in a long sleeved dress shirt and a sweater--someone will always comment "look how nicely we'll be dressed in the New Order."

    I once had an associate of mine tell me that he believed that the Biblical pictures were actually what the Bible characters looked like--the Holy Spirit, he believed, was directing the Society's artists to draw what the Bible characters really actually looked like back then. I wonder if it freaked him out when they switched Jesus models a few years back?

  • Finally-Free
    My young mind rebelled at the blatant propaganda.

    My mind rebelled at the thought of no more burgers, BBQ ribs, breakfast sausages, or roast turkey.


  • freetosee

    As a child sitting through endless boring meeting we spend much time looking at the pictures. We often found funny or ugly faces in the clouds, walls or hair of people. Or when joining bible studies sitting around a small table, seeing your opposite’s book upside down. We often had a laugh after these meetings. Some of them were spooky though, but I never took it serious. One picture I found disturbing as a JW was the one on page 302 “Revelation – Grand Climax!” book. The depiction of New Jerusalem reminded me more of Brooklyn HQ compared with the Jerusalem of John’s day. I felt the picture was very bold and arrogant just as the visiting speakers from Brooklyn! Dismembered, I cant find my Songbook but I’ll look it up.

  • juni


    They made her butt ugly to get their point across. Maybe Blondie has something in her collection to show the difference.

    Also, remember the people in the Paradise pics and how they were dressed. Men minus ties, women in dresses/skirts, and kids for the most part in dresses (except boys in shorts. That is little boys) Everyone's hair in place with big smiles plastered on their faces.


  • Finally-Free
    If I'm not mistaken - didn't they change her facial expression that looked like Cruela Deville? of 101 Dalmations movie?

    They made her butt ugly to get their point across. Maybe Blondie has something in her collection to show the difference.

    Yes, I remember one where they made her ugly. I was so disappointed! Some of the studies were so boring, and it was nice to have a hot redhead to daydream about! I'm sure the Watchtower changed her appearance just for guys like me.


  • james_woods

    to quote:

    Like those pictures of paradise where some guy is hoeing his garden in a long sleeved dress shirt and a sweater--someone will always comment "look how nicely we'll be dressed in the New Order."

    New Kingdom Song (by Eddie Albert and Eva Gabor) - - - "Green Acres is the Place For Me!!! Goodbye City Life!!"

    Those "new order" pics reminded me a lot of those Soviet posters showing the happy collective farm peasants working their hearts out in the fields...

    One thing about them that always got to me was how crowded they always seemed - never large useful fields, always something that looked like a quarter of an acre or so with about a dozen picnicers and the family tiger. And of course the way that the pubs would pick every detail apart - what did the house look like, was there an airconditioner, did I see a guy on a tractor, blah as if the art department was doing inspired works just like the writers.

    I guess Seven006 pretty much tore that kind of "indepent but inspired art department" impression to shreds! But subliminal - remember Seven's tale of retouching the guy in jail picture about a dozen times just to get a tortured enough look on his face? Maybe not subliminal - but sure as heck manipulated to project exactly the emotional response that the writing department wanted.


  • freetosee

    Which one would you prefer? (not WT)

  • luna2

    Some of this stuff is hard to look at. I mean, what were we peddling anyway? Comic books? I find it embarrassing.

    Dang it, I can't see your pics, freetosee. Must be my super stupendous Norton antivirus, firewall doohickey. (which I just read has some security problems...great)

  • jgnat

    freetosee posted from his C:// drive, which no-one can see but him. He has to upload his pictures to a web service provider or Simon's paperclip attachment thingy.

  • freetosee

    oh sorry, what do I need to do?

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