Watchtower assaults it’s youth – fear/guilt/baptism and career July 1, 2006

by truthseeker 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Dune

    There isnt a doubt in my mind that the WTBS discourages Higher education simply because it gives a person critical thinking skills, which in turn cause them to question their beliefs.

  • Hondo

    "Imagine that you are planning a long journey that will take you many miles from home. Probably, you would first consult a map to determine the best route. It is similar with planning your future. You have a wide variety of options,” says Michael, a young man who now serves at one of the branch offices of Jehovah’s Witnesses."

    "It is similar with planning your future..." What future? I thought the end was near, right around the corner...??? Why plan for a future?

    If JWs do plan for the future, how far into the future do they plan for? 2 years, 5, many?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    I've known kids as young as 10 start to have pressure put on them by their jw parents, with elder endorsement. Some have gone ahead and done it at that age, and others have only waited a year or so before getting dunked. There must have been 40 or more kids in my kh who got baptised under the age of 16, and over half of them are now either df'd or faded.

    I had no real idea of the type of career I wanted when I was 10 or 11, yet the wts allows, and actively encourages kids of that age to make a lifelong committment, despite writing such bs as this. Calling them hypocrites is almost a compliment.

  • Anitar

    This is revolting. The WT repeats these same articles ever five or ten years. Maybe they should be spending more time eliminating child molesters. Notice how they never publish an article in any of their "literature" about helping abuse victims or stopping the problem in their own organization. This is one hell of a sales pitch for youth. Hey Kids, come to the Watchtower! As a child, you can look forward to rape from your elders, cohersion to "baptism", forget your education and become a full time pioneer! Pathetic. Where in the Bible did Jesus or any of his followers have to answer dozens of questions and spend six weeks preparing to get baptized? As for the R&F, my mother doesn't remember half of the questions they asked, yet she swears her life on the whoreganization.

  • truthsetsonefree

    Children are just too susceptible to deceitful men like the GB. Their own writings tell it best:


    g97 10/22 p. 6 Why Children Make Good Warriors ***

    Children may sometimes see themselves as fighters for social justice, religious beliefs, or cultural identities. In Peru, for example, children who have been forced to join guerrilla bands undergo long periods of political indoctrination. Frequently, however, that is not needed. Said Brian Milne, a social anthropologist who studied child soldiers in Southeast Asia: "Kids don’t have a doctrine or ideology. They are merely sucked up by one side or another and put to work."


    g02 2/22 p. 28 Watching the World ***



    "More than 300,000 children—some as young as 7—are fighting as soldiers in 41 countries around the world," said an Associated Press dispatch. Most are between the ages of 15 and 18. "Besides being used as front-line fighters, children are used to detect land mines and also as spies, porters and sex slaves, according to the Coalition to Stop the Use of Child Soldiers." Drugs are often administered to make children fearless. Those who refuse drugs are killed, said a 14-year-old rebel soldier in Sierra Leone. Regarding his fighting in 1999 when he was 15, a North African youth reported: "They put all the 15- and 16-year-olds in the front line while the army retreated. I was with 40 other kids. I was fighting for 24 hours. When I saw that only three of my friends were alive, I ran back." The Coalition’s report stated that governments recruit children because of "their very qualities as children—they can be cheap, expendable and easier to condition into fearless killing and unthinking obedience."


    g99 4/8 pp. 3-4 Children in Crisis ***

    The following is a sample of the effects of the brainwashing that has been done on thousands of child soldiers in Africa. This chilling conversation took place between a social worker and a boy soldier who was apparently trying to preserve what was left of his innocence:


    you kill? ‘No.’


    you have a gun? ‘Yes.’


    you aim the gun? ‘Yes.’


    you fire it? ‘Yes.’


    happened? ‘They just fell down.’"
  • damselfly
  • rolling rock
    rolling rock

    Sounds like the JW BS never stops...

  • mcsemike

    It seems to me that a person should be 30 before they get baptized. Jesus was. Since the WT is so very fond of comparing everything they do to "types" and "antitypes", then they should be consistent here also. My daughter was raped by a JW around the age of ten. She is now 21. She is in NO way prepared mentally or emotionally to make such a decision. A decision that could cost her any sanity she has left, since ten years of therapy haven't helped as much as I hoped. My wife left me years ago because I quit this slut corporation and took my child. I haven't seen her in ages. I am shunned now by both of them. If my daughter got baptized now and then five years from now decided it was a mistake, or asked too many questions, or whatever, she would be DF'd and shunned. The strain would put her in the psych ward for the rest of her life. The minimum age should be 21, even if I don't compare what Jesus did. In all truth, the best age to get baptized is NEVER. You don't get "baptized", you make a legal contract with unethical businessmen who should be executed for child abuse, tax evasion, and a host of other crimes.

    I brought this point up to an elder once about Jesus being 30 years old. He had no answer. I know why. The elders are just WT stooges who have the emotional need to feel superior to others since their secular jobs/lives are usually at a high school level. I know what I'm saying, I have a degree in Psychology.

    To all you JW's lurking on this site: Wake up and smell the coffee!! You are wasting your lives. The sad irony is that you are too damn ignorant to even realize that you are ignorant. A vicious cycle that you will never break until you use your brains for the FIRST time in your lives.

    End of line. (Yes, I'm also a computer engineer.)

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