Double Standards?

by OpenFireGlass 34 Replies latest jw experiences

  • itsallgoodnow

    Yes. I was a middle kid. I got to do more than my older siblings and less than my younger ones. Funny, I don't hold it against my younger brothers they got to do way more than me, but my older siblings can't seem to get past what I got to do. As if it was my fault? I'm supposed to apologize or something, as if it still bothers them to this very day? yeah, I bet it does. Just another stupid thing to complain about when they see me, which is getting to be very rare. Now, lets talk about bullying siblings and passive agressive ones that aren't worth our time thinking about?

    Sounds like a good reason to burn one, eh?

    YOU KNOW IT !!!

    Funny (or not so funny) thing is, I turned out to be a compasionate herb smoking fella, and my sister ended up being the straight vodka drinker, only cares about herself...

    Well, I view myself as a compassionate cuba libra drinker.

  • OpenFireGlass
    Well, I view myself as a compassionate cuba libra drinker.

    So, Please Do Tell... do you drink cuba libra's for the flavor? Or do you like the warm fuzzy feeling they give ya?

  • LDH
    Yeah, I understand that the older sibling might have it harder in most families... But what kind of parents don't want to see their child to learn how to play a musical instrument, and what kinda dad doesn't want to see his son play on the high scool football team?... I think it's mostly JW parents...

    nah, it's all the nut job conservatives who run around like Chicken Little waiting for the sky to fall in, they don't want their precious children wasting one minute enjoying this world. Work, work work!

    The phenomenon that I find MUCH more appealing is when a JW family has children separated by many years; the older kids did not go to college but the younger ones did. However the older ones are all in denial as to why they didn't go to college, even though they spent those years pioneering.

    I see it all the time.

    Of course, the Baby Boomer JWs tell their XJW kids, "You didn't go to college because you didn't want to."

    So YES it is possible for children within the same family to have two entirely different childhood experiences. I have seen it for myself.


    OFF check your pm

  • Axelspeed

    I was also the firstborn...with everything that came with it. I was the example, the one with all the expectations, the one cursed with the burden of carrying the family flag. So I do understand and I definitely think there is something to the idea of birth-order. There are definitely double standards, but that's not necessarily just a jw thing.


  • I-follow-the-narrow-path

    You think it would be the other way around for you and your sister. That is mean... why would they do that?

  • mrsjones5

    Oh the stories I could tell. But I never blamed my sister and brother for the favortism shown to them and in turn I can really say that my sister and brother have shown so much love towards me and my family. We had a discussion about my parents last year, how my mother tends to try and turn each of us against each other to try and retain some sort of control over all of us. We decided to be a united front. We are the only siblings we got and we realized that we need each other and that we deeply love each other. We aren't going to let our mother destory that.


  • Angelica

    The best advice you have received is, "just let go". Life goes on and all parents make mistakes. They, no doubt have regrets, too. "Back in the day", JW parents had tremendous pressure to oppress their children and discipline them physically AND harshly. Move on, my friend and don't let the past keep you from enjoying today and tomorrow.

  • serendipity

    Hi Angelica, welcome to the forum!

  • katiekitten
    parents had tremendous pressure to oppress their children and discipline them physically AND harshly

    Welcome Angelica.

    Its true. My mum regrets the 'who can smack the hardest in the meeting' competition. My dad came in second, by the way.

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