Do we trade one arrogant "I am right" for another "I am right" attitude?

by free2beme 27 Replies latest jw friends

  • Black Sheep
    Black Sheep

    I am sure that my family considers me 'arrogant' because I no longer share any of their beliefs.

    My JW father is the most arrogant person I have the misfortune to know.

    Like father, like son?



  • mrsjones5
    So, are you arrogant and right in your beliefs?

    I actually feel I am not as rigid in my beliefs as I was taught to be in the org. I'm not always right and am open to being wrong. Amazingly enough when you find out you're wrong about something it's a great opportunity to learn something and expand in knowledge.

    That being said I do know the society to be a den of liars.


  • looking_glass

    There are certain things I will not budge in. However, that being said, I don't care enough to want to argue the point and prove I am right. There is too much of life to catch up with for me to sit around and argue points with people.

  • lovelylil

    One of the most humbling experiences I have had since leaving the Org. is that I was wrong on many subjects and I came to realize that people in mainstream religion had a lot of things right. More than the WT thats for sure. Since then, I have tried really hard to listen to others views. I am much more open now to certain ideas of evolution, such as the earth is millions of years old, than I was as a witness. As a witness I would have blindly said I didn't believe it but have no proof to offer as to why I felt that way.

    I am finding that my hubby though is still as close minded as before. He was a STAUNCH witness and I guess I never really was. Anyway, he rolls his eyes at me if he disagrees. And my daughter had some questions about evolution because she is learning about it in school and my hubby started getting very loud with her to try to prove her wrong and was talking down to her. His way of disagreeing is to call your idea stupid but not tell you why. It really got on my nerves. Is anyone else here dealing with a hubby or wife like this?

    Anyway, I recently purchased a book I am reading and my hubby wants to read it after me. It is called Bad News Religion and was written by a Pastor Greg Albrecht. He has an online ministry and his motto is Christianity without the religion. You can view his site here:

    He is not against attending a church but is against legalistic ones like mormons, JWs, 7th day Adventists, etc.

  • lawrence

    I was very arrogant during the Witness days and after. It has taken me many years to appreciate the many "grey levels" not black and white. Being right is not important, but being harmonious and peaceful is important. "I was so much older then, I'm younger than that now."

  • Undecided

    Some things are easy to prove it's right but most things arn't. Life is mostly just opinions of different people based on what they have experienced and read from what others have experienced.

    Religion is a little different, some can be proven to be full of lies and therefore false but others cannot be proven to be true because it's based on faith, which is imagination in the mind of things we can't prove or disprove.

    I feel I could be wrong or right on many things but don't really care too much, I'm too lazy to check it out because if I did I wouldn't be sure if I was right.

    Ken P.

  • serendipity

    I've come to realize that the more I learn, the less I really KNOW, or am sure of. It's been humbling, and helped me get over the "I'm right" mentality.

  • FlyingHighNow

    I don't think I'm arrogant. I do feel I'm right in that people tend to build God in their images. I don't believe in a harsh, jealous God. People irritate me when they try to scare others with a harsh, jealous, punishing God. I try to be tolerant though.

  • KW13

    No, i am no longer afraid to look at things that people have to show me. If i see something that challenges what i think/believe now i look anyway, and i've yet to be worse off.

    Arrogant? I hope not, i am proud that i got away from that mind controlling cult and happy to help others but i will always make sure that what i say is right (where possible).

  • Finally-Free
    So, are you arrogant and right in your beliefs?

    Of course! We all are! That's why we all hang out here. No one else will put up with us.


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