Loss of Elders

by metatron 42 Replies latest jw friends

  • dozy
    Beards are not looked upon with such disdain in Europe. Basically, the farther north you go, the more accepted they are.

    And I'm very far north! Brrrrr!

  • grissom6471

    Then stop being so negative and do what the Bible says and reach out and help the brothers and sisters.

  • lawrence


    I'm reaching out, I sent a resume to Brooklyn today. I told them, anytime, any place, I'll be there - send me! I'm ready! BOE meetings will never be the same, nor will meetings, and field circus should be a real blast. Anyone else want to join me?

  • undercover
    Then stop being so negative and do what the Bible says and reach out and help the brothers and sisters.

    I can't. I have a beard.

  • parakeet

    "Am I the only one who has always been creeped out by the term 'deleted?'"........No, Under-believer, I too am creeped out. "Delete" is a common copy editing term to remove unwanted words from text, and since the WTBTS is a printing business, I guess that was the first convenient term that came to their minds. But to me, deleted reminds me of other sinister euphemisms: "collateral damage, wet work, retired, etc."

  • cyberguy



  • nikan8ter

    Thinking from a problem solvers prospective, there is a wealth of people in the KH that could be turned to to share some of the load. You know what would be interesting? If the GB suddenly decided that women were fit for MS duties. :) Imagine! It would totally solve the problem, and they could still keep to the submissiveness issue by not letting them become elders. Since MS take their direction from the elders it would be like spiritual wives serving spirtiual husbands. He he! They could rely on the army of women scriptures, the light keeps getting brighter stuff.

    OMG! If this happens I will laugh so hard!!!

  • OpenFireGlass

    If your right Nikin8ter... you can bet that they will have to install these at the entrance of the KH or "stage right"....

  • smelly onions
    smelly onions

    Hi, I'm back.

  • BluesBrother
    If the GB suddenly decided that women were fit for MS duties.

    When I was a small boy, the Literature Servant was a sister. She may not have had title, I don't remember ,but she did the job very efficiently.

    Where there is a need, like nobody in trousers able and willing, that can still be done.

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