Come One Come All Deliverence is near Get your Convention Program here

by Tea4Two 41 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • Tea4Two

    "Deliverance at Hand" is the theme for the Jehovah's Witnesses district convention May 26 to 28 at the Resch Center.

    Serving parts of Wisconsin, Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, the convention opens the season for district meetings throughout the United States. Nearly 11 million people attended the 2,981 district conventions last year.

    The local convention begins each day at 9:30 a.m. The topics and events include:

  • May 26: "Be Attentive to Jehovah's Promises of Deliverance" and "How Jehovah Delivers 'the Poor One Crying for Help'" in the morning. The keynote address will be "Jehovah's Provisions for Our Everlasting Deliverance." The afternoon session's topics are "Jehovah Tenderly Cares for Older Ones," "Deliverance From Painful Distress" and "The Role of Angels in Rendering Public Service." The four-part symposium "Jehovah-Provider of Escape" precedes the session's final discourse "No Opposing Weapon or Tongue Will Succeed."

  • May 27: "Continue in the Ministry Without Letup" opens the morning. Other talks are "Delivered From the Trap of the Birdcatcher" and "Searching Into the Deep Things of God."

    The Saturday morning program concludes with a talk followed by baptism in water for those who qualify.

    The afternoon sessions are "Keep a Scriptural View of Health Care," "What Spirit Dominates Your Life?" "Maintain a Threefold Cord in Marriage," "Young People, Remember, Now, Your Grand Creator" and "Are You Living with Jehovah's Day in Mind?"

  • May 28: The morning symposium is "The Kingdom of the Heavens is Like …" Four talks briefly discuss some of Jesus' parables. The final morning talk will introduce a convention highlight, the full-costume drama based on Chpter 13 of the Bible book of First Kings. The final convention session is "Deliverance by God's Kingdom Is at Hand."

    All sessions are open to the public. There are no admission fees and no collections are taken, according to the organizers.

    The Jehovah's Witnesses religion is based on first-century Christianity, according to James Senger, city overseer in Green Bay. Participants are serious students of the Bible. Unlike some Christian faiths, they do not recognize the Trinity. Instead, Jehovah is the father, so named because that is the name given as God's personal name in the Bible. Jesus is his firstborn son. The Holy Spirit is not a person; it is God's active force. As in other Christian religions, Jesus is central to their future and their worship.

    Stewardship of the land is a vital issue. Members are family-oriented and pro-education. Members do not pledge allegiance to any nation and therefore do not salute the flag. They also don't celebrate most holidays that other Christians observe. The Easter season is very important, but their emphasis is on Good Friday, the day Jesus died. This is because the traditions surrounding Christmas and Easter came into play later than the first century.

    Locally, the international organization has close to 1,000 members in Green Bay and De Pere. They are divided into six congregations, one of which is a Spanish-speaking group, at three Kingdom Halls. Their signature ministry is a door-to-door campaign, where they offer free literature published by Watchtower Bible Society.

  • Satans little helper
    Satans little helper

    is it me or is this just a rehash of every other convention menu that has been in the past?

    the three fold cord in the marriage talk is in EVERY convention along with the remember your grand creator. There truly is nothing new under the sun!

  • KW13

    how long before folks get sick of hearing the same, again and again.

    do people forget this quick? lol

  • carla

    What exactly is 'three fold cord in marriage'? What the hell? it's already too crowed in here with the entire cong, elders, ms's, and NY!

  • Tea4Two

    I know....just so much rhetoric...**yawnnnn*

  • luna2

    Ah, fabulous, another boredom fest for the dubdom. Feeling very bad for those of our friends here who are still compelled to go.

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Same old crap then, nothing new to say.

    May 26: "Be Attentive to Jehovah's Promises of Deliverance" In other words, armageddon is just around the corner, as it has been for years, so keep listening to the wts bullshit.

    "No Opposing Weapon or Tongue Will Succeed." I wonder if the internet might get a passing mention here?

    May 27: "Continue in the Ministry Without Letup" The annual attempt to guilt the less - active ones into the ministry a bit more often.

    This comment cracks me up: The Jehovah's Witnesses religion is based on first-century Christianity, according to James Senger, city overseer in Green Bay. Participants are serious students of the Bible. Who is he trying to kid? A lot of jws I knew didn't pick a bble up from one week to the next, apart from the weekly tms bible reading, and some didn't even bother with that. Most of the more "serious students" rely on wts publications rather than the scriptures themselves.

    As has been already said, nothing new under the sun.....

  • KW13

    what gets me is that they basically mess around with everything to get people to follow the society. the whole point of spreading Jesus' message is gone and it becomes about the Society and what i'd call 'company policy'.

    they have sent instructions to the speakers there on how they should look, sound and make people feel.

    the society use conditioning, name it.

  • uninformed
    "Deliverance at Hand" is the theme for the Jehovah's Witnesses district convention May 26 to 28 at the Resch Center.

    Serving parts of Wisconsin, Michigan and the Upper Peninsula, the convention opens the season for district meetings throughout the United States. Nearly 11 million people attended the 2,981 district conventions last year.

  • The Saturday morning program concludes with a talk followed by baptism in water for those who qualify.

  • You qualify by saying you accept the WT, the GB and the elders as your personal savior.

    All sessions are open to the public. There are no admission fees and no collections are taken, according to the organizers.

  • they are not free, you pay with your life.
  • Jesus is central to their future and their worship.

  • Central, yeah, right after the GB, the WT, and the elders who you can't question about anything. Jesus is not part of their worship.
  • Stewardship of the land is a vital issue. Members are family-oriented and pro-education.

  • Bullshit, bullshit, bullshit. JW's are listed as the least secularly educated religion in the US.
  • Uninformed
  • dmouse

    Actually some of the titles got me curious.

    Keep a Scriptural View of Health Care

    What? How dare you get depressed. Don't you know we are the happiest people on earth? Don't you dare go to a health professional - they are all in Satan's world, go to the elders instead. They'll help by encouraging you to 'do more'.

    Are You Living with Jehovah's Day in Mind?

    Or are you actually getting a life? More brow-beating, I think, because the bros are slowing up on the preaching work, getting decent jobs, education, savings and plans for retirement.

    I wonder what they will actually say.

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