REPOST: For mothers who have lost a child

by Lady Lee 28 Replies latest jw friends

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    On Mother's Day we often forget those who are mother's but never had the chance to hold their child. Some because they chose to give their child up for adoption. Others because of miscarriage or stillbirth. And some because they opted for abortions. And sadly some who lost their child due to sickness or the WTS' blood policy

    You are still mother's. Many people forget your status. Many people don't want to remember. Perhaps some people don't know.

    I am very lucky. I got to watch my children grow up. But I almost lost one by miscarriage. If I had lost her I would not be any less her mother.

    My heart goes out to you all on Mother's Day. I don't know who you are. But please find a way to celebrate this part of you - Motherhood.

  • mrsjones5

    Thank you for posting this. I will be calling my sister who lost her only baby last year. In my mind and I know in her's she will always be a mom.


  • anewme

    Very very insightful Lady Lee!

    And to those of us who have never been pregnant......we too can feel like mothers in our hearts and souls!

    Its true, I view myself as whole and complete, though in this life I have no earthly children.

    More than one person has expressed a belief in the many lives theory and said I was a significant mother in a previous life. Who really knows?

    May I also add that briefly I worked in a cemetery as a saleswoman and while walking through the lovely grounds I viewed many many graves with the heartfelt words "Our Mum" or "Beloved Mother" "Rest With God Mama"

    No where was there a stone that read "She Wore a Size 5" or "Dressed To The Nines" or "Always Drove a Jag"

    Nobody gives a damn after you are dead what your dress size was or how good your taste in Italian shoes was. What was important was how much love you gave to others while you were alive.


  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee

    Josie That is so sad. I'm sure she will appreciate your call

  • Fe2O3Girl

    I had a termination at 20 weeks 18 months ago because our baby had such severe abnormalities he could not have lived beyond birth.

    Now I have a beautiful perfect little boy, six months old. Every time someone asks if he is our first, I just smile and agree. It feels awful to deny my first son, but I really don't think people want to hear the real story. It combines the two big taboos - death and "women's stuff".

    When it happened to us I found out how many of our friends and neighbours had gone through similar heartache, from early miscarriages to losing a newborn to Group B Strep. I'd had no idea.

  • Lady Lee
    Lady Lee


    Only you can decide who you tell and when. Not talking about it is never a denial of that child's existence. YOU know and that is what counts.

    I had a client a few years ago who made a similar decision. It was painful beyond belief for her and her husband. Since she was in her 40's it was a last chance for her. I'm so glad you now have a delightful little fellow to shower with love of two

  • Fe2O3Girl

    Thank you Lee.

  • mrsjones5

    That is so lovely. My sister just send a card marking the death/birth of her child, it included a picture of the baby. It's been a year.


  • yucca

    My sister lost a son when he was 17 from a drunk driver. Even tho she was blessed with a son and a daughter and now 5 grandchildren she said you never get over the one you lose. I went back to Maryland for 6 months and got to know my nephews and niece this was in the 70s and I had so much fun with Jimmy. he died after I came back to Ca. I have always been so grateful that I went there and got to know Jimmy. It hurt even tho I was the aunt and had never lost one of my own but I think of Jimmy and his smile and his laugh. He was such a great kid.

  • lonelysheep
    losing a newborn to Group B Strep

    I was almost in their shoes.

    Good post, LL.

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