My Birthday

by Farkel 49 Replies latest jw friends

  • Double Edge
    Double Edge

    Happy Birthday Farkel !! Do you have any more links to your music? D.E.

  • TresHappy
  • Satanus

    Eh, there is life at 58? Good to know. Actually, my birthday is today, too (don't tell anybody). It's just that i am 6 yrs behind you . So, i have something to look forward to? Musht be the porto talking. Happy birthday, ya key tickling bastard! Glad you drapped in. Tauri unite!


    Ps, i wouldof put in some smiley fists and stuff, but my new puter has a real weakness in the graphics area.

  • luna2

    Happy Birthday to you too, Satanus!

  • FlyingHighNow

    Peace and contentment whilst orbiting the sun again, your 59th time. You can sing the 59th Street Bridge Song.

  • Lady Liberty
    Lady Liberty

    Happy Birthday Farkle!!

    Lady Liberty

  • Poodles

    Happy Birthday Sweetness and may you have many many more just like today!!


  • LittleToe

    Happy Birthday Doug and Satanus!!

    Do youse fancy coming to a Fest in Texas in late July?

  • fullofdoubtnow

    Happy Birthday Farkel, I hope you have a wonderful day.

  • unclebruce

    Happy Birthday Farkel

    We chipped in and bought you something spiritual to remember us by

    Jesus Sport Statuette:

    Swarthy Italian striker meets first century Palestinian fashion victim... This statue boasts the kind of culture clash guaranteed to show good taste the red card.

    Jesus, wearing Holman Hunt-inspired home kit, stands at the door of the opposition defence and knocks in a sweet cross – showing a clean pair of heels to a couple of... girls? ___________________________ My favorite Farkle: "crap is crap is crap, paint it any color you like, it's still crap!"

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