How long is Armaggeddon suppose to last? Is it going to last many years?

by booker-t 27 Replies latest watchtower beliefs

  • booker-t

    Is Armaggeddon going to last many, many years or is it going to be quick, fast and over with in a matter of months? I know the bible does not say specifically but If you were to guess what would you guess on the amount of time for Armaggeddon to last? Jehovah and Jesus have enough power to destroy the world in minutes.

  • lawrence

    (pi**2 * 144,000) / (angels_on_head_of pin * 12 apostles / 7 bowls + 10 plagues) = length_of_Har_Maggedon.


  • blondie

    *** w61 11/1 p. 671 Questions from Readers ***

    So, whereas we know that we are rapidly approaching the battle of Armageddon, we do not know when it will begin, neither when it will end, and hence how long it will be

    The WTS teaches that Armagedon begins when the nations turn to destroy the anointed and God steps in and destroys the nations.

    (Great tribulation starts with destruction of Babylon the Great and ends with Armageddon)

  • averyniceguy

    probably one hour of judgement. Just a guess!

  • free2beme

    From sun down to sun up

  • averyniceguy

    what make you say that from sun down to sun up?

  • KW13

    i shouldn't think it will last long

  • free2beme

    Just a guess, always seemed like the photos of the Watchtower showing it was in the dark. So they believe it happens somewhere between sun down and sun up, since nothing they show is right, so it must be the opposite.

  • averyniceguy

    kw13, how long do you think it will be? Take a guess!

  • KW13

    ha er if it was actually gonna happen i'd say 1 day at the most.

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