I'm Engaged!!!!

by misspeaches 56 Replies latest jw friends

  • greendawn

    It's always nice when a man proposes and the woman accepts, congratulations.

  • rekless

    congratulations, May your days be merry and bright while all your children are born naked!

  • luna2

    How wonderful, misspeaches! Congratulations to you both!

  • Es

    Oh babe thats awesome

    Many many congrats to you both.

    So how did he propose details pls


  • Lo-ru-hamah

    Congratulations, I wish you many years of continued happiness.


  • misspeaches

    Okay its kind of a long story... But I have to give you some background so you understand the relevance...

    We used to work for the same company. I knew he who was etc but had never spoken to him. One morning I came into work and found my desk & computer covered in post it notes! I found out that he was the culprit and we began emailing. (read flirting). Anyway randomly he would continue to cover my workstation in post its and hide them in my things.

    Last night we went out to dinner to our favourite restaurant. It was a beautiful meal. After we had finished the restaurant manager put a great big green box on the table. My 'fiance' (he he he) told me to open the box. It was full of post it notes! Like a thousand of them!!! At the bottom was a ring box. Then he got down on his knee and proposed....

    Awww moment.

  • serendipity

    What a cute story! Congrats Ms. Peaches!!

  • poodlehead

    I'm so happy for you. Sounds like he is the romantic type. That is so important in a realationship. Those little act or kindness can mean so much in later years. Especially when he farts and fans the covers. Time to reflect on those magic moments. LOL

    I just got married last month and I couldn't be happier. I waited a long time to find the right man but I finally did. If I can give you any wedding advice let me know. And if you are on a buget I came up with some great money saving idea I can pass on to you.

    But for now enjoy!!! Nothing like being a bride to be!

  • misspeaches

    Poodlehead congratulations!! I'd love to hear any budget saving ideas that you can share!

  • carla


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