When you were a witness, did you ever wonder where the GOOD witnesses were?

by BizzyBee 34 Replies latest jw friends

  • BizzyBee
    Do you remember those families who kept to themselves and you were often told to stay away from them? More often than not those were the good Witnesses. They were the ones who would show up and help you if you needed it without asking for the "permission" of the elders. They were the ones who could be counted on when somthing needed to be done. They were also the brothers who just couldn't seem to get appointed ministerial servant or elder in the congregation but were used in various unofficial ways by the elders because their favorited couldn't be counted on. Those families were often not invited to get togethers of the friends and NEVER were invited to the get togethers of the "in" crowd. They were kind of like our friend Ritchie who helped those in need but was constantly in trouble with the elders.

    You didn't see them because they were considered on the fringes of the congregations and you were not supposed to see them. THAT was what I noticed during my years in the Borg.

    Yes, oh yes.........this kind of breaks my heart - because I do remember these good-hearted ones. These were the "meek who (should) inherit the earth" but were muscled out by the loud, showy, aggressive, dramatic ones............the really decent jw's, who gave sincerely of their time, heart and love, were often not the ones who could give a good showing on the "platform" - and felt inferior and unworthy as a result.....................so, so sad.....................
  • luna2

    Okay, to be fair, I did know of a couple of families who, at least on the surface, appeared to be of the "good dub" class.

    The PO's family at the last KH I attended seemed to be one of those perfecto types. The girls were completely unrebellious, wore loafers, knee socks, calf-length skirts, 50's blouses with Peter Pan collars and long cardigans (can't remember the summer outfit). They appeared to actually enjoy going out in service and attending meetings. I guess everyone in the family played a musical instrument and often invited others over for musical evenings or a rousing game of Bible Trivia or some such puke-age.

    Sometimes I wonder if it was only the people I didn't know well who seemed to be such models of Jdubery goodness. It seems to me that the more you knew about your fellow congo members, the less they were able to stand up in comparison to the WTS ideal....mainly because it's impossibly stilted and completely unnatural.

  • TresHappy

    I remember one family in particular. They were a very attractive family; wife looked like Whitney Houston and the husband looked like Billy Dee Williams...their growing family were beautiful...then they move to California and I never see them again. Well that is until I saw the wife years later at my previous job. We both looked at each other and said almost immediately..."aren't you a JW??" She then told me about how her husband controlled her; was abusive to the kids, used his elder post to humiliate and verbally abuse her all the time; they separated and she eventually divorced him. He then remarried and was promptly disfellowshipped. I couldn't believe what I heard; and then I realized how naive I was to think just because they looked good didn't mean everything was good...

  • Legolas
    When you were a witness, did you ever wonder where the GOOD witnesses were?
    I always kind of figured that to observe the "real" witnesses you had to go somewhere else - third world countries or at least New York, where they drew the pictures.

    LMAO.....Yes I did ....Alot!

  • mrsjones5
    They move in from California, Washington, NY, etc. They sell their house there, move here, can buy a house with cash (no mortgage), and still have tens of $thousands left over (some use this newfound windfall to buy a Mercedes, Acura, Infiniti, etc....so you've got shelf-stockers at Costco driving a $50,000 vehicle...but that's another story)

    Sounds like where I live.


  • KW13

    I dunno...looking now i think, mmm...what a load of lies, everyone in our hall is an idiot or has a leg missing.

    Then we used to just nod our head in appreciation.

  • DannyHaszard

    I was one of the "good ones" and they tried to pin a 'kick me sign' on my back squeezed into their mold as a "dumb geek/nerd/square who is so dumb why,he doesn't have the sense to be cool like us".

    I squandered my youth and my adult life for a ripoff cult and i am pissed about it.--Danny Haszard Bangor Maine

    gossipy, jealous, suspicious, scorekeeping, hierarchical, bored, critical, goofy, presumptuous, and nosy

    Hey you are describing my elder body to a tee.

  • Woofer

    When I was at assemblies and I would hear experiences from young people about how they were witnessing to their teachers or having bible studies with their classmates I would think "how can they not be embarrassed?" I would have died if my classmates knew I was a dub when I was in school. Believe me, I did everything possible to avoid anyone knowing what religion I belonged too.

    Of course, at the time, I would feel guily thinking this.

  • lowden

    Hey Bizzybee

    There were some that tried to be like the archetypal magazine cover family. Thing is they were all human like the rest of us. They swore, got drunk, viewed porn, bitched, you know the score. Nobody can live up to those standards, we all fail form time to time and sometimes quite miserably. In the eyes of the WTS, to be good means to be spiritually active in the cenre of the cong, anything less than that and you're looked down on. The people that were good in my eyes were the ones that tried, but even then when i desparately needed help....nobody really came.



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